Publicación: Acompañamiento y evaluación de labores de campo y su incidencia en la calidad poscosecha del cultivo de banano (Musa AAA Simmonds).
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The business practice was carried out at Group Santamaria S.A. Company dedicated to the production and marketing of export-type bananas, located in the municipality of Apartadó, Antioquia. In which a series of activities were developed, including; supervise the different field tasks, with emphasis on the bagging of the bunches, carry out follow-ups on the topping, planting counts, develop training and carry out waste analysis in the process of cutting and packing banana fruit. The main objective was to supervise and evaluate the cultural work carried out in banana cultivation (Musa AAA. Simmonds). According to the programming of the technical assistance department, the farms to be visited were assigned. Finding in these visits quite important findings since multiple opportunities for improvement in the quality of work were evident, some operators with instructions outside the company instructions and some inconsistencies at the company level. These findings were shared with the technical assistants and the determination was made to make adjustments to the evaluation formats, seeking to be more effective and to modify the periodicity of the field visits. Showing a positive impact on the quality of the field work, such as the removal work, which went from a general average of 94% quality to 98%, also highlighting the bagging and instruction work since the group historically It was presenting latex stain, burning of the bag, mechanical damage and unpacked bunches, all these factors affecting the appearance of the fruit and detracting from its commercial value. Starting to show a better appearance in the processed fruit in the packing plant, showing the great impact on the productivity indicators generated by the constant and correct execution of field work.