Publicación: Internship at bilingualism for peace of the University of Córdoba at Institución Educativa Cristóbal Colón
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This internship was conducted at Institución Educativa Cristóbal Colón within the scope of the Bilingualism for Peace program. This internship had the purpose of giving me a real experience in teaching English to children as well improve students’ communicative skills and values. Furthermore, this internship helped me to reflect about my methodologies while teaching as well as to understand that teaching English helps to promote values and citizenship. A set of pedagogical theories are shown in this report for making the teaching process more structured. These pedagogies are the core elements for the unit and lesson planning process and were implemented in the development of the class. To highlight, these pedagogies are closely related to the program alignments which are the promotion of values and citizenship. Additionally, a unit and a lesson plan are deeply described. Finally. The conclusions, the recommendation and limitations are portrayed.