E.D.A. Trabajos de Investigación y/o Extensión


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    Lived experiences of anxiety while participating in an english communication class: a phenomenological study
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-11) Machado Pineda, Nikolas Rafael; Monterroza Medina, Aura Cristina; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Herazo Rivera, José David; García Montes, Paula Andrea
    This study aimed to describe the lived experiences of two fourth-semester students struggling with FLA during speaking activities in a communication IV class. This study applies Giorgi's five-step method for conducting phenomenological analysis. Data collection methods included in-depth interviews and the use of a researcher’s diary. The analysis revealed four prominent themes from the data: The Outwardness of a speaking experience, Perceptions of the unknown of anxiety, The presence of a teacher as a figure of support, and Awareness of a latent experience. The results indicated that some university students of the English program are affected by FLA, specifically, during the development of speaking activities. Showing the different manifestations, causations, statements, reflections, and emotions of the participants that portrayed the phenomenon in essence. The research underscores the significance of awareness and sympathy for students struggling with FLA that affects their development and performance of a foreign language.
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    Leadership statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-12) Rodriguez Figueroa, Natalia Gisela; Suárez Coavas, Hernán Gabriel; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    El desarrollo del liderazgo como medio para promover la calidad de la educación, fomentar un entorno de aprendizaje enriquecedor e inspirar a los alumnos a alcanzar su máximo potencial se ha convertido en un objetivo fundamental en el entorno educativo. Este artículo profundiza en la perspectiva del liderazgo docente, destacando el papel vital de los educadores en el fomento de una cultura de aprendizaje, influyendo en cambios significativos y remodelando las prácticas educativas que impactarán la educación en el futuro. En esta declaración de liderazgo personal se reflejan diferentes perspectivas y conceptos de lo que significa ser un buen líder, así como suposiciones, empoderamiento e implicaciones para el futuro. El plan es involucrar a los docentes en estrategias de liderazgo innovadoras donde tengan la posibilidad de desarrollar un trabajo colaborativo a través de una comunicación efectiva con propósitos claros, en beneficio de las escuelas y su entorno, lo que repercutirá en los estándares de calidad.
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    Affective engagement concerning belonging and investment in 6th graders in reading in the efl class
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-09) Hernández Montalvo, Andrea del Carmen; Sánchez Romero, Andrea Carolina; García Montes, Paula Andrea; Jerez Rodríguez, Sonia María; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    Reading in English is a fundamental element for the academic and professional development of students as it allows for the acquisition of linguistic skills and opens doors to job opportunities. Therefore, engagement in reading in English is crucial to fostering a sense of belonging and investment in reading. This study described the sense of belonging and investment of sixth-grade students from a public school in Monteria through the analysis of their experiences with reading from primary to secondary school. This study used a narrative inquiry method to collect the students' stories related to reading and employed various data techniques such as students' written narratives that were collected during one writing session to research about students’ personal stories, nine interviews, and five observations, which allowed us to characterize the students' sense of belonging and investment in the English class. The findings of this research showed students’ sense of belonging and investment is very low concerning English reading. In turn, when reading in Spanish it drastically changes positively. For example, students' preferences in reading are not connected with their reading activities in classes. Results delved into a need for planning reading materials and strategies that are aligned with students’ reading narratives or experiences as well as the creation of an environment that provides diverse and interesting reading materials for them.
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    Leadership Statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-12) Padilla Altamiranda, Valentina; Pérez Conde, Ubaldo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    Con el paso de los años, el liderazgo se ha convertido en un objetivo primordial para lograr un alto desempeño y mejorar la calidad de la educación en Colombia. El presente trabajo se centra en el liderazgo transformacional como elemento crucial para que los futuros docentes líderes alcancen altos estándares educativos. En esta declaración personal de liderazgo, exploramos conceptos y suposiciones sobre el liderazgo, enfatizando la importancia del empoderamiento del liderazgo y sus implicaciones para el futuro. El objetivo es sensibilizar sobre las capacidades de los alumnos, fomentando una cultura de toma de decisiones, aprendizaje continuo y un enfoque carismático de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, que garantice un cambio significativo y duradero en el contexto educativo.
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    A Personal Leadership Statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-12) Rivero Méndez, Sergio Andrés; Vellojín Ramos, Juan Pablo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    El documento enfatiza la importancia del desarrollo profesional continuo para empoderar a los profesores de lenguas extranjeras, destacando la necesidad de integridad y comportamiento ético en entornos educativos como base del liderazgo efectivo. Identifica suposiciones esenciales para un liderazgo exitoso, incluyendo la demostración de integridad, la promoción de la diversidad y la creación de entornos inclusivos. Se destaca el papel del liderazgo colaborativo y el desarrollo profesional continuo para fomentar entornos propicios para el comportamiento ético, la innovación y la toma de decisiones compartida. Además, examina el empoderamiento del liderazgo, subrayando la importancia de la confianza, la responsabilidad y la autonomía para crear un ambiente educativo colaborativo e inclusivo. El objetivo es mejorar el desempeño y la satisfacción de profesores y estudiantes, contribuyendo a un entorno educativo más ético e inclusivo​.
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    A personal leadership statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-12) Flórez Pretel, Brayan José; Hernández González, Andrea Carolina; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    Today's education is facing a new generation of students who require a system that is innovative, but that also helps them enhance basic values, such as teamwork, which may not be as evident today. In addition, schools recognize the importance of instilling a communicative environment, so priority is sought to be given to speaking and communication skills in a foreign language such as English. This document addresses the importance of team leadership and in the educational field and how its integration into the teaching/learning process can be a significant point of improvement. It also describes how empowerment is key to developing and achieving goals so that teacher leaders and students can meet their higher needs. In this way, a plan is proposed that allows the team leadership process to be carried out and provides students with what they need to improve. This plan aims to foster students' curiosity, critical thinking and teamwork, as well as promote inclusion and diversity in a context where communication is prioritized. Finally, this paper includes our assumptions about this leadership process and the implications for the future of being properly empowered to support quality improvement and the constant evolution of education.
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    A Personal Leadership Statement
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-07-13) Villegas Romero, Iscel; Noriega Osorio, Jorge Nicolas; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    Schools recognize the need to integrate transformational leadership principles to foster effective leadership development among teachers. This paper describes a short-term transformational leadership development plan rooted in Daft's (2014) principles. This personal leadership statement outlines our approach, qualities, and future practices as teacher leaders. The plan includes developing a shared vision and mission, modeling ethical behavior, setting high expectations, and inspiring the school community. Encouraging continuous learning and providing personalized support fosters intellectual stimulation. Building a collaborative culture through open communication and teamwork, empowering staff and students, and maintaining strong community relationships are essential components. Regular evaluation and adjustments ensure the plan's effectiveness. This plan is the culminating task of a transformational leadership and innovation course, preparing educational leaders to implement transformational leadership principles effectively in their academic contexts.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    A personal leadership statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07) Rubio Fuentes, Lina Fernanda; Doria Doria, Yovhaana; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    The concept of leadership can vary depending on the point of view from which it is viewed and the type of leadership being discussed. In this paper we will explore the concept of moral leadership and its implications for future teacher leaders. The objective is to examine how moral leadership, which involves making decisions based on ethical principles and prioritizing the common good, can be applied in educational settings. A particular focus is placed on moral leadership in foreign language classrooms, where diverse perspectives and backgrounds are common. This paper elaborates on the importance of leadership empowerment in creating a positive learning environment. It suggests strategies such as providing regular training, coaching, and opportunities for teachers to take on leadership roles. and conclude that effective moral leadership in schools requires setting clear goals, fostering collaboration, and enabling ongoing professional development of teachers.
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    Critical content tasks to de-center sexist discourses
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-30) Galeano Villadiego, Mayra Alejandra; Acosta Espitia, Ana Camila; Sagre Barboza, Ana María; Herrera Naranjo, Sol Jashmed
    This research aims to explore the effectiveness of critical content tasks in fostering awareness and challenging sexist discourses among students in a public institution in Berástegui. The central question guiding this study is, "How can critical content tasks help students decenter sexist discourses?" The investigation focuses on promoting awareness of diverse sexist behaviors towards both men and women. Employing critical content tasks involves presenting students with authentic materials addressing specific topics, thereby encouraging them to question, reflect upon, and criticize instances of sexism. By incorporating valuable content that contributes to students' development as informed citizens, this study seeks to facilitate a deeper understanding and reflection on issues related to sexism within the educational context.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    A personal leadership statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-26) Palacios Cogollo, Andrea Carolina; Galeano Argel, Lorena Esther; Ossa Macea, Marian Orfelina de la; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    In response to the changing landscape of higher education, the University of Córdoba recognizes the importance of fostering leadership development within its educational programs. This article proposes a strategic approach for leadership empowerment in the context of the Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Languages with an emphasis on English. By emphasizing people-centered leadership, collaboration, and continuous learning, the program aims to cultivate future leaders who are adept at leveraging their team's strengths and supporting areas of improvement. Based on the principles of empowerment and collaborative work, the program seeks to empower people to contribute significantly to the achievement of organizational objectives. Additionally, the article highlights the importance of incorporating diverse perspectives into the learning process, ultimately enriching the strategic leadership development experience. Through a comprehensive action plan, the program aims to equip students with the skills and abilities necessary to drive significant change and innovation within their academic and professional endeavors.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    A Personal leadership statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-22) Díaz Mejía, Jason Jair; Montes Márquez, Ingrid Paola; Sarmiento Barón, Sergio Adrián; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    Rooted in a historical exploration of leadership concepts and their pivotal role in human progress and organizational success, this paper delves into the critical distinction between effective leadership and mere management, echoing the insights of various authors. Shifting focus to adaptive leadership, particularly within Educational Leadership, the narrative underscores the imperative for leaders to remain receptive to change and perpetual transformation. The overarching purpose of this paper is to present an original response, articulating current leadership understanding on concepts, assumptions, collaborative work, empowerment, and implications for potential practices. A specific emphasis is placed on identifying the learning task as the final assignment/learning of a course of study, serving as a foundational point for community building and professional goal setting at the undergraduate level.
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    Understanding seventh grade students’ fear of speaking in EFL classroom
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-12-12) Ramos Hernández, Daniela Andrea; Saez Martínez, Marielen; Herrera Naranjo, Sol Jashmed; Hernández Álvarez, Danilza; González Lara, Delia Rosa
    This study explores in depth the factors that produce fear of speaking in English in 7th grade students, preventing them from participating orally in the classroom. It is a qualitative study in which five students and a teacher participated, who contributed significantly to the development of the research. Data collection was carried out through observations, semi-structured interviews with the English teacher, and through a focus group formed by the students, thus providing the necessary basis for the research. The results obtained reveal different factors identified in the classroom, among which stand out the emotional repercussions generated by the teasing of classmates, the inadequate interaction among students, as well as the fear of making mistakes or pronouncing words incorrectly. This analysis contributes to shed light on the underlying complexities that affect oral participation in the specific context of the English classroom.
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    A personal leadership statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-16) Vega Calle, Jader Jesús; Luna Luna, David Ernesto; Barrios Esquivel, Taylor Andrés; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    This paper explores the crucial role of leadership within educational contexts, advocating for inclusive strategies that promote equity and empowerment. It investigates how educational leaders can implement inclusive and empowering models valuing diversity and fostering collaboration among teams, redistributing authority, and motivating subgroups within educational systems to advance equitable learning. Drawing from Lambert’s (2003) perspective on reflective leadership and its impact on student learning, the study emphasizes collaborative efforts to integrate diverse viewpoints in pursuit of shared educational goals. It also examines the significance of fostering shared visions and responsibility for learning outcomes in cultivating cohesive, high-performing educational teams. Overall, this research underscores the importance of inclusive leadership practices in advancing collective growth, emphasizing the need to empower both students and educators for comprehensive development within educational environments.
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    A Personal leadership statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-12-21) Pestana Castro, Gissel Daniela; Julio Barboza, Kiara Vanessa; López Doria, Vanessa Maria; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    Leadership, an enduring concept since ancient times, enables individuals to guide social groups in evolution and empowerment within social causes. However, because of the diversity of definitions from various authors, confusion has emerged, especially in education, where leadership may be erroneously linked to authority or management. This personal leadership statement will guide us to develop our future teaching practices as transformational leaders. Therefore, it contains our assumptions, beliefs, approach, and aspirations for the future. This paper is the learning product of the diploma course in Lifelong Professional Development: Empowering Foreign Language Teachers. Consequently, this statement aims to lead the educational field with innovative and transformational ideas by shaping the overall success and development of schools through empowerment. Then, it is expected to have a profound impact on effective plans and build values in education within the role of empowered teacher-leaders.
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    Interpretive tasks Based on e-posters to help ninth graders learn english vocabulary
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2023-12-12) Burgos Carrascal, Kevin Rafael; Castro Julio, Jesús Daniel; Naranjo, José Luis; Martinez Diaz, Luis Alfredo; Racero Diz, José María
    Vocabulary, comprising words used in a language, varies across languages and evolves with cultural and situational influences. It serves as a social skill, fostering interaction, meaning making, and communication between individuals, with its primary aim being effective communication. Acquiring vocabulary in a second language poses a significant challenge for students, who often ponder how to learn and retain numerous words. In a public school in Monteria, students faced difficulties memorising new words, analysing authentic texts, interpreting images. Moreover, English teachers in this context seldom utilise engaging and authentic materials for teaching this skill, despite having valuable technological resources at their disposal. Consequently, this study sought to explore interpretive tasks based on e-posters to help ninth graders learn English vocabulary. Specifically, we aimed to elucidate potential changes in students' vocabulary learning and image interpretation abilities, while also understanding the challenges and limitations faced by EFL students following the integration of these pedagogical models. To achieve this, our action research utilised data sources including video-recorded observations, a teacher's journal, interpretive task activities, e-poster creations, semi-structured interviews, and a focus group. Subsequently, upon analysing the data, conclusive results emerged regarding changes in students' vocabulary learning, authentic materials' interpretation, and e-poster creation abilities. Students demonstrated an improved grasp of the main idea and notable enhancement in comprehending specific information based on the applied methodology.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    A Personal leadership statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-22) Guerra Rosales, Angela Patricia; Monterrosa Avilez, Ariel José; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    In exploring contemporary educational challenges, embracing transformational leadership is essential. Educators must respond to evolving technology and diverse classrooms with flexibility and creativity. This document delves into the significance of transformational leadership within the context of education, specifically spotlighting the experiences of foreign language teachers. It addresses challenges in the contemporary educational landscape, advocating for a dynamic approach that nurtures the integral development of the educational community and empowers students to take charge of their learning. The authors underscore the positive impacts of transformational leadership, such as heightened job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and improved performance. Essential skills for effective global leaders in this paradigm include self-awareness, humility, collaboration, and interdependence. The paper concludes by emphasizing the implications of leadership empowerment for the future of education, stressing the need for autonomy, professional development, and a culture of collaboration to foster innovation and personal growth, urging a shift in educational leadership perspectives.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    A personal leadership statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-19) Manjarrés Martínez, Saray; Morales Flórez, Cristina Isabel; Novoa Padilla, Juan Pablo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    The importance of developing leadership skills, both adaptive and leadership, in order to guide quality education and stimulate students towards exceptional performance. This paper focuses on adaptive leadership, and to achieve great achievements, it is essential to conduct leadership in academia, specifically as adaptive leaders. In this personal leadership statement, we reflected on various concepts and perceptions of what it means to be a good leader, as well as assumptions, empowerment, and implications for the future. The plan is to incorporate student participation in adaptive leadership, considering strategies and empowerment in structured programs, inclusive decision making and an innovative approach to foreign language education, ensuring practical and impactful implementation in schools.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    A personal leadership statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-19) Ospino Trujillo, Michel Ivan; Ramos Varrilla, Carolina Andrea; Carrascal Cuello, Edwin David; Aguas Castillo, Pedro
    Primarily, teacher leadership is based on extending and teaching beyond educational settings, highlighting the importance and influence of educators assuming leadership roles in their own schools and communities. In this context, adaptive leadership stands out as a key dimension of decision making, emphasizing the inevitable, strategic changes and challenges that teachers bring to their leadership roles. This paper explores the general concept of teacher leadership with a specific focus on adaptive leadership. This personal leadership statement will determine our major focus, qualities and also future practices as teacher leaders or future professionals, as well as describe a short-term adaptive leadership development plan rooted in the professional educational setting that examines the characteristics and impact of this perspective in the context of teacher leadership. Throughout the paper, we will provide a response that reflects an articulation of our current understanding of leadership in relation to the various concepts of what leadership is, our assumptions about it, empowerment, collaborative work, and also the implications for our educational practices. The plan is a culminating learning assignment of a course primarily in Leadership, Empowerment and Innovation. Finally, this statement infers and represents a breakthrough with major leadership changes through the process, full of professional goals at the university level.
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    Eleventh-grade students’ struggle with reading comprehension activities in the EFL classroom: a phenomenological study
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2023-12-22) Almanza Pestana, Luis Daniel; Hernández Narváez, Frandy Luis; Herazo Rivera, José David; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Sagre Barboza, Ana Maria
    Reading is one of the most important skills, but some students have difficulties comprehending written texts, which affects their overall language skills and critical thinking ability. This study aims to explore the lived experiences of 11th-grade students who have had difficulties with reading comprehension activities in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom. Through a phenomenological approach, this study aims to answer the following questions: What are the lived experiences of 11th-grade students who struggle with reading comprehension activities in the EFL classroom? Research data resources were collected through in-depth interviews. The expected outcome of this study is to describe the aspects that provide life to the phenomenon faced by these students in terms of reading comprehension, and going deeper may also reveal the impact of these difficulties on students’ general language skills and critical thinking.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    A Personal Leadership Statement
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-12-22) Camargo Pitalua, Carlos Augusto; Doria Dimas, Dilan Ali; Cudris Velez, Isabella; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    This paper explores the crucial role of teacher leadership in the dynamic landscape of education. Drawing on insights from scholars such as Daft, Bennis, Townsend, and others, it delves into the different dimensions of leadership, emphasizing its systemic competency and the transformative impact on teaching and learning practices. The narrative unfolds with a focus on assumptions, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between collaborative work and educational progress. The discussion further delves into leadership empowerment, elucidating its significance in fostering an engaged and productive educational environment. Aspiring teacher leaders are encouraged to explore the evolving educational field, clear of conventional approaches and embracing collaborative, innovative strategies. The abstract concludes by underlining the necessity of integrating teacher leadership initiatives for ongoing improvement and innovation in foreign language education, emphasizing the important role of empowering leadership styles and collaborative efforts between educators and managers.