D.A.A. Trabajos de Investigación y/o Extensión
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Publicación Embargo Accesibilidad a servicios de salud prenatal en gestantes rurales del municipio de Montelíbano, Córdoba(Universidad de Córdoba, 2025-02-06) Cogollo Contreras, Yulieth Amparo; Martínez Verona, Fredys Alberto; Durán Rojas, Elvira; Petro Falón, Luz Neyla; Maza Padilla Luz Enith; Bula Romero, Javier AlonsoLa accesibilidad al servicio de salud ha mejorado a partir de la implementación de la Ley 100 de 1993, sin embargo, en la zona rural existen barreras de acceso al servicio, tal es el caso de las gestantes del municipio de Montelíbano. El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar los factores que inciden en la accesibilidad a los servicios de salud prenatal de las gestantes residentes en las zonas rurales del municipio de Montelíbano, Córdoba. El tipo de estudio implementado es descriptivo transversal, cuya técnica es una encuesta estructurada con 50 preguntas mixtas dirigida a gestantes de la zona rural del municipio de Montelíbano. El tipo de muestreo es no probabilístico por accesibilidad a 100 gestantes que se domicilian en la zona rural y se encuentren asistiendo a su control médico en la ESE e IPS del municipio. Los datos se organizaron y tabularon mediante estadística descriptiva mediante tablas de frecuencia y tablas cruzadas. La accesibilidad de estas gestantes a los servicios de salud se ve afectada cuando por razones geográficas y económicas no pueden trasladarse hasta el centro urbano ya que, el estado de las vías y los costos de traslado alimentación no pueden ser cubiertos porque en la mayor parte de los casos ellas son amas de casa que dependen económicamente de sus parejas que trabajan en labores del campo. A pesar de sus creencias y el orden público que se ve afectado en esta zona, gran parte de las gestantes realiza sus controles prenatales. Se recomienda crear y/o fortalecer programas de atención primaria en salud comunitaria con el fin de aumentar la utilización de servicios de atención prenatal, así como también la aplicación de conjuntos de intervenciones colectivas que incluyan la movilización hasta los hogares y comunidades de la zona rural, primordial en aquellos que poseen centros médicos de atención y que se encuentran más distantes de la zona urbana todo esto con el acompañamiento de todas las instituciones gubernamentales.Publicación Acceso abierto Análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones sobre mobbing o acoso laboral en Scopus entre los años 1919 al 2019(2020-06-20) Polo Hernández, Cristian David; Serpa Gómez, César DavidIntroducción. El Mobbing o acoso laboral es un fenómeno Mundial que puede llegar a impactar el estado Mental, Social y Económico de las personas, y producir cambios negativos en la productividad de las organizaciones que lo sufren. Justificación. Ante la creciente preocupación a nivel Mundial de esta problemática y sus efectos en la Salud Mental y por ende en la Salud Pública, se han adoptado a nivel Mundial medidas para prevenir, corregir y sancionar el acoso laboral, es así, que teniendo en cuenta las características propias del acoso laboral, su impacto a nivel Individual y Social, las cifras alarmantes, la puesta en marcha de regulaciones legales y entendiendo que los estudios Bibliométricos adquieren cada vez mayor relevancia para la Comunidad Científica por sus valiosos aportes en el conocimiento del estado de un Área o de un tema de investigación se realiza este estudio que tiene por Objetivo. Analizar mediante un ejercicio Bibliométrico la producción científica asociada al Mobbing indexada en la Base de Datos Scopus desde el año 1919 hasta 2019. Metodología. Investigación descriptiva, retrospectiva con enfoque cuantitativo, cuya unidad de análisis fueron las publicaciones seleccionadas con las palabras clave mobbing OR acoso laboral y cuyos resultados se procesaron a través de Excel. Teniendo en cuenta indicadores como el número total de artículos publicados, número de citas recibidas, principales revistas citantes, promedio de Citas por año, Nombre, País y afiliación Institucional de los autores más citados. Resultados. El análisis Bibliométrico con los indicadores descritos es de utilidad para la Comunidad Académica al realizar una revisión exhaustiva de este fenómeno que permitirá evidenciar su evolución en el tiempo. Además, se encontraron 1325 documentos entre los años 1919 hasta 2019, el periodo de mayor producción científica sobre el tema fue del 2009 hasta 2018, siendo el 2009 el año de mayor número de registros de documentos relacionados al Mobbing. La ecuación de búsqueda reflejó que el 80,8% del total de documentos asociados al tema son artículos, en su mayoría publicados en revistas Universitarias; mientras que para las citas no se evidenciaron registros de estas en años anteriores a 1970. Conclusiones. El Mobbing también llamado acoso laboral, acoso psicológico y acoso moral por diferentes autores, ha llevado a que varios Países avancen en normas que intenten disminuir o acabar con este fenómeno siendo los trastornos de estrés y ansiedad los de mayor repercusión sobre esto. En el Ámbito Social de los trabajadores, sus relaciones familiares e interpersonales en ocasiones también se ven afectadas por los distintos trastornos generados por el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión producidos por el hostigamiento de sus compañeros o superiores en la organización, la revisión Bibliográfica permitió resaltar el impacto negativo del Mobbing sobre las personas, las organizaciones y la Sociedad.Publicación Acceso abierto Análisis de las PQRS en empresa social del estado Hospital San Nicolás de Planeta Rica, Córdoba(2022-03-25) Montes Guerra, Keila Paola; Montes Petro, Emerson DavidThe state social enterprise Hospital San Nicolás located in the Municipality of Planeta Rica Córdoba, has the SIAU area, a specific area to provide care and information to users and measure the quality of care by opening mailboxes, receiving , reconciliation and response of the PQRS presented by the users. Through a process of analysis of the PQRS received at the E.S.E Hospital San Nicolás during the year 2021, the need to establish improvement plans is studied and which plan is the most relevant to the point that it leads to optimizing the provision of services. Taking into account the above, this research work's main objective is to analyze the PQRS in the social enterprise of the state Hospital San Nicolás in order to establish improvement plans that lead to optimizing the provision of the service. Establishing improvement plans favors the ESE Hospital San Nicolás so that the attention to users is carried out in a humanized, timely and pertinent manner, so that in this way the perception of quality improves and thus the ESE Hospital San Nicolás will maintain a high degree of customer loyalty and satisfaction.Publicación Embargo Análisis del proceso de compras de la Clínica Central O.H.L. Ltda. del municipio de Montería, Córdoba(2020-11-17) Peña González, Julio Manuel; Brunal Altamiranda, Felipe AndrésThe present work consists in carrying out an improvement plan in the purchasing area for the O.H.L Ltda. Central clinic so that it can reduce its operational and administrative risks. The purpose of the work has been to improve the findings found in the study of the clinic's purchasing area, which are in which improvement is required, and to guarantee the supply of supplies or general stationery for the operation of the entire organization. With the study that was carried out in the purchase process, the importance of good management of purchases within any organization was analyzed and emphasized, allowing the development of a correct implementation of all its procedures and instructions to solve the problems presented within of the organization, so it is required that the relationship between the efficiency of each of the processes involved generate a positive impact on the supply chain. Having all this information and understanding it gives us the opportunity to have a reliable and efficient area at the time of making decisions allowing in the same way to minimize nonconformities and detect the real causes of each eventuality. The activities developed to achieve the objective are, the analysis and study of requirements of each department of the organization preventing the request of inefficient products or articles that generate cost overruns and little utility, manage an inventory of each of the articles or elements stored in the Organization implementation of calculation tools that allow to reduce the times. Using a method of non-experimental observation research where some flaws could be found, such as the misuse of the inputs in the processes, which can be 12 corroborated with a survey that cost 10 questions where the heads of 16 functional areas were applied , where only 10 answered the survey, which are: hospitalization, 6th, 5th, and 4th floors, Emergency, Adult ICU, Neonatal ICU, Surgery, Imaging, Comprehensive hospital management and cleaning, Food, Document Management, infrastructure, billing , information system, pharmaceutical service, These are the functional areas that were taken to make the study purchasing process with this staff will take the sample. With the study that was done, an improvement was made in the process where it was possible to see results in the functional areas where all that you are part of the processes gave proper use to all the inputs of these and not to misuse them.Publicación Acceso abierto Buenas prácticas para la seguridad del paciente en la empresa social del estado Camu del Prado, de Cereté Córdoba- 2019(2020-06-12) Díaz Morelo, Michael de Jesús; Vasconez Mestra, Yoseli PatriciaIntroducción: Respecto a lo que puede ser un conjunto de buenas prácticas en seguridad del paciente, el programa de seguridad del paciente para Colombia es un buen referente. Este fue establecido en el país, como la primera práctica segura obligatoria que deben implementar las Instituciones prestadoras de salud (IPS) para mejorar continuamente la calidad de la atención, a través de estrategias dirigidas a reducir y en lo posible eliminar la presencia de eventos adversos. La E.S.E Camu del Prado cuenta con este programa, y en respuesta al ajuste realizado por el ministerio de salud y protección social, según los estándares que hacen parte de los componentes del sistema único de habilitación del sistema obligatorio de garantía de Calidad de la Atención de Salud, es una prioridad institucional. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con enfoque mixto, en siete de las doce sedes de la ESE, utilizando la herramienta “lista de chequeo para las buenas prácticas de seguridad de pacientes obligatorias” del ministerio de salud y protección social, que permitió determinar el cumplimiento de aspectos relacionados con la existencia de un programa de seguridad del paciente, aspectos del monitoreo de eventos adversos, acciones de detección, prevención y reducción de riesgos de infecciones asociadas a la atención en salud (IAAS); seguridad en la utilización de medicamentos, identificación de pacientes asistenciales, procedimientos quirúrgicos, prevención de caídas y seguridad para el binomio madre hijo. Resultados: Existe una política y un Programa de Seguridad del Paciente que garantiza su aplicabilidad e implementación con participación de todo el personal de la E.S.E. asistencial, administrativo y usuarios, liderado por un equipo referente institucional conformado por personal de la alta dirección, que organiza los recursos necesarios para gestionar, hacer el seguimiento correspondiente, y articular acciones con el comité de seguridad del paciente, con el propósito de brindar una atención segura a los usuarios de los servicios que la E.S.E ofrece. Se identificaron oportunidades de mejora que la institución deberá priorizar para dar cumplimiento al marco legal vigente.Publicación Acceso abierto Comportamiento del uso de servicios en salud mental en el municipio de Montería período 2011 a 2020(2022-07-27) Rojas Vargas, Cristina; Durán Rojas, ElviraThe growing prevalence of mental disorders has led to serious implications for public health, impacting the figures for disability, morbidity and premature mortality; In addition to this is added the health crisis unleashed by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, where nearly 24,000 mental health remote guidance interactions were carried out that accounted for the use of services and in which it was found between The main problems addressed were anxiety, symptoms of depression and exacerbation of symptoms of previous mental disorders. Given this, the objective of this study was to establish the behavior of the use of mental health services through information registered in the Integrated Information System of Social Protection (SISPRO) in the municipality of Montería during the period 2011 to 2020. The type of study is retrospective descriptive with a quantitative approach, according to recorded information on the number of events of people who used mental health services. For the collection of the data, record sheets were designed in the Excel office tool where a descriptive statistical analysis was made with the information collected. It was possible to establish regarding the diagnosis that care for mental and behavioral disorders presented the highest average use of services among all diagnoses, in terms of sex, women reached a significant average of 55% higher use than men and by age the use was given in early ages and adults. In addition, it was shown that the use of services decreased with respect to these variables in 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, where the priority was to attend to those infected by the virus. However, given the negative effects of the pandemic on mental health, it is likely that use will increase in the coming years when the provision of services stabilizes throughout the population. These results are expected to be input for the actors in charge to take pertinent actions in order to improve care, promote mental health and prevent mental disorders in the municipality.Publicación Acceso abierto Cultura de la seguridad del paciente en una institución prestadora de servicios de alta complejidad, Montería, Córdoba(2020-10-23) Henao Gutiérrez, Karla Lucía; Durán Rojas, ElviraAssuming a culture of patient safety in the Institutions that Provide Health Services [IPS] influences the well-being and health of patients, in their financial situation and the quality of the service offered. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the dimensions of the patient's safety culture from the perception of the officials of the Institution Provider of the Health Services, Montería, Córdoba. This type of study was a cross-sectional descriptive research; this research studied a population that was composed by 274 officials with a probabilistic sampling where the majority were from the care area with a sample of 229 officials. The type of method that was used, it was the inductive method and as a technique for data collection, the AHRQ Patient Safety Culture Hospital Survey, which contains four dimensions: sociodemographic, safety culture in the area of user care, safety culture in the institution, the result of the perception of the culture of patient safety and reported / communicated events grouped in 17 variables and 52 statements with a Likert scale of 5 points. The information was organized according to the positive and negative responses, coded and tabulated in the Excel software, analyzed using descriptive statistics with relative frequencies. The variables with the highest positive assessment was the way in which the institution develops and improve patient safety and the analysis of errors to make positive changes, both with 93%, which correspond to dimension 2, this being a strength; However, on the variable areas of the institution are not coordinated with each other, it obtained a score of 75%, so it is considered as a weakness, due to only 5% said yes. Considering these results, the IPS in agreement with the protocols or established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection [Minsalud] may take actions to promote and enhance the culture of patient safety.Publicación Acceso abierto Cultura de seguridad del paciente en una IPS de baja complejidad, Cereté 2022(2022-07-26) Dilso Mosquera, Andrés Felipe; Benítez Espitia, Carlos Aníbal; Llorente Pérez, YolimaIntroduction: Patient safety becomes the focus of researchers worldwide, in view of the magnitude of the problem, and assumes an essential dimension for the quality of health in the most diverse areas. Objective: The main objective of the following work is to evaluate the level of patient safety culture in a low complexity IPS, Cereté - 2022. Materials and methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative correlational approach was carried out among health professionals assigned to the low complexity IPS of the municipality of Cereté, located in the urban area. Results: In this study, it is evident that the degree of patient safety within the chosen institution is excellent based on the results obtained through the application of the instrument, constituting one of the strong areas of the institution and of the study. It is important to highlight this point since it speaks well of the institution and its plan for the implementation of a solid and lasting patient safety culture within the institution. Conclusion: Management should prioritize workload studies to measure objectively, is the opinion found in the survey. If the findings are confirmed during the investigation, the competent authority should initiate corrective actions, e.g., reassignment of shifts, reassignment of tasks and hiring more employees.Publicación Acceso abierto Diseño de un manual ilustrativo de atención al usuario con enfoque preferencial y diferencial para la IPS Otorrinolaringólogos Asociados de Córdoba (Otoc) S.A.S.(2023-09-12) Alvarado Moreno, Laura Nicolle; Durán Rojas, ElviraLa salud en Colombia es un derecho fundamental sin distinción alguna para lo cual la atención al cliente es fundamental para su adherencia y bienestar. La Institución Prestadora de Servicios de Salud Otorrinolaringólogos Asociados de Córdoba (OTOC S.A.S) actualmente cuente con el procedimiento de atención al usuario preferencial pero falta de un documento que describa e ilustre mejor éste para apoyar el atendimiento de enfoque preferencial y diferencial y a su vez generar empoderamiento al personal para la calidad del servicio. El objetivo de la presente práctica empresarial fue diseñar un manual ilustrativo de atención al usuario con enfoque preferencial y diferencial para la IPS OTOC S.A.S de Montería. La metodología es de tipo intervención y descriptiva, cuyas técnicas son la observación y la entrevista que fue aplicada a una funcionaria una profesional en salud de la IPS, cuyas respuestas se les hizo análisis narrativo. Se requirió de equipo de cómputo, internet y papelería. Se hizo búsqueda de protocolos y manuales en la web de atención preferencial y diferencial para analizar su contenido e ilustraciones. Las imágenes utilizadas fueron de acceso libre y otras se diseñaron en programas abiertos. Según las respuestas de la entrevista, existe receptividad por parte de la profesional en salud del manual es como herramienta para la atención de sus pacientes. De acuerdo con el análisis realizado a los manuales de atención al usuario estudiados, estos poseen similar estructura: introducción, alcance y definiciones, la mayoría carece de ilustraciones; por tanto, para el diseño del manual se tuvo en cuenta adaptar del protocolo del Ministerio de Justicia y del Derecho el cual se consideró más completo en ilustraciones y explicaciones. Este manual ilustrativo de atención con enfoque preferencial y diferencial permitirá facilitar el proceso de atención al usuario con equidad y trato humanizado para garantizar un mejor experiencia y satisfacción del servicioPublicación Acceso abierto Diseño del manual de procedimientos de facturación en la IPS Somid SAS Costa de Coveñas, Sucre(2023-01-27) González España, Heilen Lorena; Montoya Vega, Martha ElenaEvery entity that provides health services in Colombia must follow the guidelines established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia and, in order to be more competitive, they must aim to obtain health accreditation, seeking excellence in the services provided and committing their human resource in compliance with one of the standards established by the National Government in the Ambulatory and Hospital Health Accreditation Manual of Colombia according to resolution 5095 of. Therefore, it is necessary to design procedures that comply with the standards established by the Ministry, especially in the area of billing, which is the financial backbone of any entity that provides health services; procedures that guarantee timely communication with the entities that generate the payments for the services offered. Therefore, this study presents the design of the Billing Procedures Manual of the IPS SOMID SAS COSTA of Coveñas-Sucre, which is considered a necessary tool for the continuous improvement of the IPS processes, directing it towards accreditation in compliance. of Standard 142 of the Ambulatory and Hospital Accreditation Manual in Colombia.Publicación Acceso abierto Estrategias gerenciales de promoción del clima laboral en una dirección departamental de salud en Colombia durante pandemia por COVID-19, 2021(2022-07-26) Argel Torres, María Alejandra; Correa de Hoyos, Pamela; Santamaría Berrio, Javier Enrique; Espitia Cabralez, Enalbis EstherDepartmental health Organization (DDS by its acronym in Spanish) are facing a changing and competitive environment accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Human resources and the organizational climate are essential for planning management strategies to achieve institutional objectives. Objective. Design management strategies that promote a good working climate in a DDS during the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia in 2021. Materials and Methods. Crosssectional descriptive study with quantitative approach. Sample made up of 21 workers of the DDS of the Department of Córdoba to whom a survey was applied to measure the working climate and the influence of COVID-19. Results. Workers comply with health protocols for the management of the pandemic by covid-19, 95% know the mission, vision and objectives of the DDS, 23% do not have the necessary resources for their work, 47% do not feel encouraged to achieve their objectives, while more than half of the staff believe that the pandemic affected the workload and communication; For this reason, management strategies were proposed to strengthen the labor climate, such as reviewing work tools and better implementation of training, recognition, leisure and communication activities. Conclusions. Respondents have a good organizational orientation and are trained to do their job, offering their skills to cope the COVID-19 that has affected the mental health of staff due to insufficient work well-being activities and deficiencies in the institutional physical environment.Publicación Acceso abierto Estrategias para la administración de riesgo de fraude por accidentes de tránsito en una institución prestadora de salud en Córdoba, 2020.(2020-06-16) Cogollo Fuentes, Xilena del Carmen; Mendez Berrocal, Pascual David; Espitia Cabralez, EnalbisLa administración del riesgo es la posibilidad de que un evento determinado se presente en el futuro, ocasionando un daño o detrimento que afecte negativamente un objetivo específico y los procesos de prevención y control desde una perspectiva financiera. Objetivo. Determinar las estrategias para la administración de riesgo de fraude por accidentes de tránsito en una Institución Prestadora de Salud, con el propósito de mostrar de manera clara el análisis de las glosas generadas durante el periodo estudiado en la institución, el fraude más común ocasionado por los usuarios atendidos, y así proponer acciones preventivas y de control. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, cuantitativo. Como población se usaron las bases de datos de los años 2017 a 2019, con las variables edad, sexo, causal del siniestro, tipo de fraude, de las cuales se calculó una muestra de 500 casos. El procesamiento de la información se realizó a través del programa Excel, versión 2013. Los datos se analizaron a través de la estadística descriptiva; y se presentaron en tablas y gráficas en el orden de los objetivos específicos. Resultados. Se determinó que la accidentalidad relacionada con los medios de transporte continúa siendo un importante problema de salud pública, sigue siendo alto el número de afectados tanto de manera fatal, como de lesionados no fatales por esta causa. La atención en salud es costosa, y aunque el Sistema Obligatorio de Accidentes de Tránsito (SOAT), garantiza recursos para la atención ambulatoria y hospitalaria de los afectados, gran número de afectados deben recibir tratamientos costosos y en buen número, con terapias de rehabilitación prolongadas que sobrepasan la cobertura de este seguro, generando gastos adicionales al sistema de salud.Publicación Acceso abierto Estrés laboral percibido en profesionales y auxiliares de enfermería de la Empresa Social del Estado Hospital Sandiego de Cereté, 2023(2023-07-14) Guzmán Galarcio, Cinthya Inés; Petro Falón, Luz NeylaThe objective of this research was to evaluate the level of work stress perceived by nursing professionals and auxiliaries of the E.S.E. Hospital Sandiego de Cereté, Córdoba in 2023. The data collection technique used was the survey, likewise the instrument was the questionnaire for the evaluation of stress included in the battery of instruments for the evaluation of psychosocial risk factors which has been designed to evaluate symptoms of stress, distributed in four categories: physiological, social behavior, psychoemotional and intellectual and work. The type of study is descriptive, cross-sectional with a quantitative approach, likewise the type of sampling is non-probabilistic at convenience, the sample was made up of 45 professionals and nursing assistants active in the study scenario who voluntarily were part of the research, where 88.9% of the population are women and 11.1% men. The findings indicate that nursing professionals, as well as auxiliaries, are at a medium risk level of stress by obtaining a transformed score of 16.3, with a difference of 2.2 points above the 14.1 of auxiliaries. Keywords: Work stress, job satisfactionPublicación Acceso abierto Estudio de clima organizacional en la ESE CAMU Santa Teresita del municipio de Lorica- Córdoba, segundo semestre 2020(2020-11-29) Meléndez Bravo, Karen; Morelo Bravo, Aychel; Herazo Hoyos, CésarThis research refers to the factors that in one way or another affect the organizational climate of the ESE CAMU Santa Teresita de Lorica Córdoba during the second half of 2020. It is necessary to take into account that, if an entity, organization or company aims to function more efficiently and achieve optimal development, it is essential that its internal intellectual resource, be it human capital, human resource or human talent, maintains a conducive environment where the values and principles of the entity govern. Within the health systems, everything related to the employee is treated very thoroughly, taking into account the different dimensions and specializations, their way of acting or behaving in any situation, the entity's reason for being, its purpose, its culture, its values and its principles. With the launch of this research work, it is sought to determine how culture, behavior, values, education, leadership and external factors can influence or affect the organizational climate; identifying that the discrepancy when making decisions, can generate certain conflicts that can affect the good work environment, since it generates tension, disagreement and discomfort when carrying out the tasks on the part of some collaborators; The causes will be prioritized, which not only affect the institution's staff, but each and every one of the people who may receive the service provided. When detecting this problem, through a questionnaire carried out by Google drive to the members of the institution, it will seek to determine a solution to such an incident, in which the experiences that the collaborators have are not affected, and what better way to determine it that by means of the identification of the origins that promote a bad work climate in the ESE Camú Santa Teresita, in order to propose solution strategies that are aimed at improving the organizational efficiency represented in the satisfaction to the end user; in turn, the entity is expected to 11 implement the strategies proposed at the end of the investigation, which are focused on improving the employment situation.Publicación Acceso abierto Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un centro clínico de simulación en Montería – Córdoba.(Universidad de Córdoba, 2019-12-22) Álvarez Causil, Rebeca Yuneth; Hernández Lucas , Yina Marcela; Coronado Tuiran, Juan JoséThe Centro Clínico De Simulación S.A.S, will be a company in the academic sector, which will offer clinical simulation services, where quality and efficiency are the fundamental pillars in the provision of the services to be offered. Ceclìs will start operations in the city of Montería, with a suitable and qualified work team to guide clients in the most appropriate way. The competitive advantage of this company in front of the others is the opportunity that the students and professionals of the medical programs have to acquire the services offered by Ceclìs. Bearing in mind that in Montería there is a clinical simulation laboratory, which is part of the facilities of the University of Sinu, with cutting-edge technology to improve the skills and abilities of its students. Therefore, the differential focus of the services offered by Ceclìs, lies in the portfolio of services it will offer and in the accessibility of these for students and already qualified professionals.Publicación Acceso abierto Estudio del usuario potencial para ofrecer los servicios de rehabilitación del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA) en Montería, Córdoba(2020-11-19) Díaz Díaz, Daniela; Durán Rojas, ElviraThe consumption of psychoactive substances (SPA) generates negative effects on society such as insecurity, crimes, increased addiction, among others, which leads to alterations in their health and the well-being of the community. This study intends to know the needs of the unsatisfied demands of the services for the rehabilitation of SPA consumers and how this offer is supplied by one of the Service Provider Institutions (IPS). Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the perception of SPA consumers about the rehabilitation services required in the city of Montería, Córdoba. The study is descriptive with a quantitative approach; where the qualitative technique of semi-structured interview with the administrative head of a IPS and a structured survey of SPA consumers and former consumers was used; Information organized, tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics, which was represented in figures and that of the interview was organized through narrative analysis. Among the results, it was found in SPA consumers that the male sex predominated (71%), they are young people between 14 and 29 years old (92%) and single marital status (75%), they have accessed secondary education (91%), technical and university, 37% work and 29% study; they live in socioeconomic stratum 1 (69%). The SPA that consume the most is alcohol (41%), followed by marijuana or cannabis (38%) and cigarettes (10%) among other substances. It was also possible to establish that 82% have not received rehabilitation services in an IPS and of those who received the service, 69% are aware that they require such treatment and among the most valued aspects when accessing the service is their good care (43%) and the quality of the service (31%). On the other hand, of the people who have not received rehabilitation services in an IPS, 70% stated that they did not know how to access it and 70% were not aware of the existence of IPS that offer such services; On the contrary, SPA consumers who have had a treatment, 55% indicated having accessed in a particular way, the rest did so through the EAPB and 55% maintain that they return to the same IPS that attended them in case of needing such service. On the other hand, in the interview obtained, the head of 15 administration stated that in most of the institutions that provide services to drug addicts they do so in a hospital manner and that in montería there is only one care center for drug addicts, which is Visalud IPS. Based on these factors, it could be said that in the city of Montería there is part of the population belonging to consumers of psychoactive substances with insufficient rehabilitation centers, thus creating opportunities to formulate action for future entrepreneurs.Publicación Acceso abierto Evaluación a las medidas implementadas para el seguimiento y control de los eventos adversos presentados desde el año 2011 hasta el año 2013 en el área asistencial del Camú Santa Teresita de Lorica(2021-10-02) Bedoya Arteaga, Yasmín Vanesa; López Oyola, Keila Vanesa; Montoya Vega, MarthaLa expresión seguridad del paciente en las instituciones prestadoras de servicios en salud, es un tema de mucha envergadura, que trae inmerso en sí, diversos procesos y estrategias que van en pro de garantizar a los usuarios una optimización de la calidad de los servicios. Factores como el seguimiento, análisis y evaluación de riesgos o eventos adversos se constituyen en procedimientos trascendentales en dichas instituciones de salud que tienen como fin único registrar los diferentes motivos que dan origen a las situaciones que ponen en riesgo la salud y vida de los pacientes, para posteriormente analizarlos y establecer variables de prevención que disminuyan parcial o totalmente estos sucesos. La seguridad del paciente busca prevenir a tiempo los eventos desfavorables y adversos en el paciente como resultado de los procesos asistenciales, como la atención de urgencias, consulta externa, sala de parto, entre otras. En Colombia, laPolítica de Seguridad del Paciente es liderada por elSistema Obligatorio de Garantía de Calidad de la Atención en Salud, cuyo objetivo es “prevenir la ocurrencia de situaciones que afecten la seguridad del paciente, reducir y eliminar la ocurrencia de Eventos adversos para contar con instituciones seguras y competitivas internacionalmente”. Dado esto, garantizar seguridad a los pacientes en las instituciones prestadoras de servicios en salud, es cumplir con los propósitos de la Política Nacional de Prestación de Servicios de salud, es garantizar el acceso, optimizar el uso de los recursos y mejorar cada día la calidad de los servicios que se presta a la población. Por consiguiente, el control de los eventos adversos se establece como un factor ligado a la seguridad y por ende a la calidad de los servicios de salud. En consecuencia se desligan de él, diversas normas, requisitos, mecanismos y procesos deliberados y sistemáticos que desarrolla el sector salud, para generar, mantener y mejorar la calidad de los servicios. Esto en un proceso de mejoramiento continuo, el cual debe llevar a la búsqueda de niveles superiores de calidad. La calidad se convierte en una necesidad en las empresas, y constituye la parte más importante de todo el sector de las compañías de salud por la competencia, orientándose en unas características del sistema que brinda la disponibilidad de una normatividad y unos niveles y estándares desarrollados para un sistema de gestión de la calidad. Esto permite que las entidades puedan tomar decisiones basadas en unos objetivos que son: orientar, monitorear, referenciar y estimular toda la gestión de calidad basada en hechos y datos. En este sentido, el presente documento hace una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema de los eventos adversos, su importancia a nivel nacional y mundial enfatizando la situación en el departamento de Córdoba, específicamente en el área asistencial dela E.S.E CAMU Santa Teresita De Lorica, en donde se realizó una evaluación, a los procesos y medidas implementadas por la ESE, para el seguimiento y control de los eventos adversos presentados desde el año 2011 hasta el año 2013.Publicación Embargo Evaluación de anuncios promovidos por la OMS, OPS, MINISALUD y Gobernación de Córdoba para la prevención y mitigación de la pandemia COVID-19(2020-12-23) González Bedoya, Juan David; Durán Rojas, ElviraFaced with the current COVID-19 pandemic, governments implemented biosecurity protocols and prevention actions to mitigate its spread, the number of infected and deaths. One of these measures is the dissemination through advertisements promoted by the control bodies and the health sector to promote a culture towards its prevention; However, the characteristics that these ads have as part of the marketing strategy to generate better behavior in Colombians is unknown at the national level. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the advertisements promoted for the prevention and mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Ministry of Health and Social Protection (Minsalud) and Government of Córdoba for the health well-being of Colombians. The type of study is exploratory, descriptive and documentary with a qualitative approach to the ads published on virtual platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, official web pages and Google images; of which a total of 100 advertisements issued by agencies and entities were taken. The messages and pictographic characteristics presented by these advertisements were analyzed. As a result, it was found that the studied advertisements have similar characteristics to promote self-care against COVID-19, use drawings, photographs and illustrations together with their messages to capture the viewer's attention more and influence, in a certain way, the behavior change in the community ; in addition to using its logo and blue tones that are part of the organizations and entities studied as corporate identity. It is recommended to continue publishing ads on your web pages and social networks where there is a greater influx of viewers for the promotion of prevention and control.Publicación Acceso abierto Evaluación del clima e identificación de buenas prácticas de seguridad del paciente en una IPS de tercer nivel, Montería, 2021(2021-09-14) Durango Martínez, Luis Alfredo; González Tuirán, Sany Sofía; Espitia Cabrales, EnalbisThe objective was to evaluate the organizational climate for patient safety in a thirdlevel IPS in the municipality of Montería, 2021. The methodology used was a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, which was developed with a population of 81 people where it was applied the checklist for good patient safety practices to the Patient Safety committee and an organizational climate survey for patient safety to the healthcare staff of a Health Service Provider Institution located in the city of Montería. The information was evaluated digitally, through a matrix in Excel 2013, which recorded the fulfillment of each of the items on the checklist and the registration of the results of the survey. From the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that the strengthening, deployment and adherence to the cause analysis system, as well as the identification and characterization of risks, and the improvement of quality indicators. They should be improved through promotion, monitoring improvement actions and monthly monitoring of the regulated quality indicators. In the same way, continuous improvement, teamwork between the areas of the I.P.S, general perceptions of security; therefore, collaborative work is presented as a weakness, therefore, it is proposed to improve both horizontal and vertical communication conditions as well as the participation of staff in the decisive processes of the entity.Publicación Restringido Evaluación del cumplimiento de las buenas prácticas para la seguridad del paciente en la ESE CAMU Santa Teresita – Lorica, 2020(2020-11-24) Burgos Hernández, Carolina; Hernández Argel, Elizeth; Nieves Julio, Yesenia PatriciaIn Colombia, patient safety is one of the five characteristics that the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MINPRO) incorporates in the Mandatory System for the Quality Assurance of Health Care (SOGCS), which seeks to reduce and eliminating the risk of suffering unnecessary harm caused by health care and / or system failures and mitigating their consequences (Ministry of Health and Social Protection [MINPRO], 2006). However, today receiving health care involves potential risks, even though millions of people are cared for safely every day. Therefore, when an IPS implements safe practices, it promotes causal analysis that allows identifying the reasons for which the adverse event, incident and / or death occurred, so that the system can be continuously improved; define measurement methods that determine and inform strategies or actions that improve the patient care system and reduce the risk of recurrence. Likewise, the damages or deaths in the patient are born as a result of medical errors, which also imply failures in the health systems. These adverse events generate the creation of standards that help minimize errors and their consequences in health systems and therefore in patients. Consequently, the different IPS must comply with good practices for patient safety, which allows minimizing failures in the security levels in the provision of the service and innovative strategies are carried out that protect the patient from avoidable risks derived from health care. For this reason, and in order to continuously verify good practices for patient safety and minimize the occurrence of adverse events, the present research work was drawn up, which has as its main objective to evaluate compliance with good practices for patient safety at the ESE Camú Santa Teresita de Lorica - Córdoba. In addition, recommendations will be made so that the ESE remains focused on continuous improvement, through the implementation of different strategies that help reduce the occurrence of adverse events and ensure the health of people, thus minimizing the risk of suffering adverse events, or mitigating its consequences. This research work comprises a cross-sectional descriptive study, with a quantitative approach to compliance with good practices for patient safety in the ESE Camu Santa Teresita - Lorica, 2020. Its scope ranges from carrying out a diagnostic process that allows knowing the situation current topic of safe care and evaluate it through a checklist of "Good practices for patient safety in health care", of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, as applicable to the complexity of the ESE Camu Santa Teresita; until results are obtained that guide the prioritization of specific health care processes according to the opportunity for improvement that they show. The results obtained show that the tasks carried out by health personnel are not focused on providing safe care to patients, the issue of the perception of the safety culture is evidenced with little encouraging results in each of the components of the safety of the patient, since the ESE complies in 87% with the guide of good practices for patient safety. In addition, the practice with the lowest compliance is to prevent pressure ulcers since it only complies in 63.6%, indicating that its quality level is poor. Therefore, senior management must focus sufficiently on the implementation and development of patient safety, providing equipment and supplies to the staff and the ESE in general, implement protocols and evidence their progress; further train healthcare personnel, and that if there is no greater control of it, it can cause a risk in health care.