D.A.A. Trabajos de Investigación y/o Extensión


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  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Oportunidad y rendimiento médico en urgencias de la clínica zayma en Montería segundo trimestre 2023
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2023-12-14) Puerta Sáez, Johan Esteban; Santana Lobo, Francisco; Petro Falon, Luz Neyla; Lazaro Arroyo, Carlos Fernan
    Los estudios sobre la oportunidad y rendimiento médico en el área de urgencias son importantes para identificar problemas en la realización de las labores, y verificar las causas que promueven la prolongación de los tiempos de espera, y de estancias innecesarias dentro del área, cuyos resultados pueden contribuir en el mejoramiento de los procesos y la organización del personal para brindar un soporte más eficiente y eficaz a favor de los pacientes. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el comportamiento de la oportunidad y el rendimiento médico en el servicio de urgencias de la Clínica ZAYMA de la ciudad de Montería en el segundo trimestre de 2023, mediante un estudio descriptivo con enfoque mixto. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 80 pacientes de la clínica que usaron el servicio de urgencias, más un profesional de la salud del área. Para la recolección de la información se aplicó un formato suministrado por la clínica y una entrevista al profesional. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó la estadística descriptiva.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Diseño de un manual ilustrativo de atención al usuario con enfoque preferencial y diferencial para la IPS Otorrinolaringólogos Asociados de Córdoba (Otoc) S.A.S.
    (2023-09-12) Alvarado Moreno, Laura Nicolle; Durán Rojas, Elvira
    La salud en Colombia es un derecho fundamental sin distinción alguna para lo cual la atención al cliente es fundamental para su adherencia y bienestar. La Institución Prestadora de Servicios de Salud Otorrinolaringólogos Asociados de Córdoba (OTOC S.A.S) actualmente cuente con el procedimiento de atención al usuario preferencial pero falta de un documento que describa e ilustre mejor éste para apoyar el atendimiento de enfoque preferencial y diferencial y a su vez generar empoderamiento al personal para la calidad del servicio. El objetivo de la presente práctica empresarial fue diseñar un manual ilustrativo de atención al usuario con enfoque preferencial y diferencial para la IPS OTOC S.A.S de Montería. La metodología es de tipo intervención y descriptiva, cuyas técnicas son la observación y la entrevista que fue aplicada a una funcionaria una profesional en salud de la IPS, cuyas respuestas se les hizo análisis narrativo. Se requirió de equipo de cómputo, internet y papelería. Se hizo búsqueda de protocolos y manuales en la web de atención preferencial y diferencial para analizar su contenido e ilustraciones. Las imágenes utilizadas fueron de acceso libre y otras se diseñaron en programas abiertos. Según las respuestas de la entrevista, existe receptividad por parte de la profesional en salud del manual es como herramienta para la atención de sus pacientes. De acuerdo con el análisis realizado a los manuales de atención al usuario estudiados, estos poseen similar estructura: introducción, alcance y definiciones, la mayoría carece de ilustraciones; por tanto, para el diseño del manual se tuvo en cuenta adaptar del protocolo del Ministerio de Justicia y del Derecho el cual se consideró más completo en ilustraciones y explicaciones. Este manual ilustrativo de atención con enfoque preferencial y diferencial permitirá facilitar el proceso de atención al usuario con equidad y trato humanizado para garantizar un mejor experiencia y satisfacción del servicio
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Plan de capacitación con respecto a la aplicación del decreto 2644 de 2022 en los procedimientos del área de admisión en una institución prestadora de salud de especialistas, Montería 2023
    (2023-08-01) Berna Berrío, Jannio; Espitia Cabrález, Enalbis Esther
    Introduction: the Admissions area is responsible for receiving users when they require attention; They are in charge of identifying the users and the entity to which they belong or responsible for the payment of the services provided. There are three procedures for this, which are: emergency admissions, scheduled surgery admissions, and private care admissions. Justification. In the Clinic of Traumas and Fractures Associated Specialists S.A. The need to create a training plan was evidenced that would allow its workers to strengthen their knowledge about the regulations applicable to processes and procedures, such as Decree 2644 of 2022, in order to reduce errors when making the admission of a patient, complying with the guidelines established by the institution to determine the needs of the users. The low level of knowledge of said regulations delays and prevents this process from being carried out in an efficient and timely manner. Aim. A training plan was designed regarding the application of decree 2644 of 2022 in the admissions procedures at the Trauma and Fracture Clinic Associate Specialists S.A. Methodology. All under an intervention practice. Results. That allowed to obtain a change in terms of knowledge through the execution of different stages. Conclusion. Through a situational diagnosis, training activities and impact evaluation, all the objectives proposed in this project were met.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Estrés laboral percibido en profesionales y auxiliares de enfermería de la Empresa Social del Estado Hospital Sandiego de Cereté, 2023
    (2023-07-14) Guzmán Galarcio, Cinthya Inés; Petro Falón, Luz Neyla
    The objective of this research was to evaluate the level of work stress perceived by nursing professionals and auxiliaries of the E.S.E. Hospital Sandiego de Cereté, Córdoba in 2023. The data collection technique used was the survey, likewise the instrument was the questionnaire for the evaluation of stress included in the battery of instruments for the evaluation of psychosocial risk factors which has been designed to evaluate symptoms of stress, distributed in four categories: physiological, social behavior, psychoemotional and intellectual and work. The type of study is descriptive, cross-sectional with a quantitative approach, likewise the type of sampling is non-probabilistic at convenience, the sample was made up of 45 professionals and nursing assistants active in the study scenario who voluntarily were part of the research, where 88.9% of the population are women and 11.1% men. The findings indicate that nursing professionals, as well as auxiliaries, are at a medium risk level of stress by obtaining a transformed score of 16.3, with a difference of 2.2 points above the 14.1 of auxiliaries. Keywords: Work stress, job satisfaction
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Intentos de suicidio en el Municipio de Montería, Córdoba en el periodo comprendido de 2017 al 2021
    (2023-02-01) Muñoz Salgado, Marolin Inés; De La Cruz Arrieta, Milton Antonio; Burgos Rodríguez, Ledys Edith
    La salud mental es un tema fundamental y de precedencia crónica a lo largo de los años y desde la antigüedad, debido a esto se hace necesario hacer un seguimiento periódico de este evento mediante el comportamiento de los intentos de suicidio, con relación al deterioro de la salud mental mediante en un análisis comparativo entre los años 2017 a 2021 en el marco de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 en el municipio de Montería departamento de Córdoba, mediante la realización de un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con enfoque cuantitativo, a través de la consulta de fuentes secundarias (Sistemas de Información en salud ) en la población objeto de estudio correspondiente a la población del municipio de Montería, que durante los años 2017 al 2021 incurrieron en intentos de suicidio. Dicha población según el análisis de datos presentó un punto más crítico de casos de intento de suicidio en el año 2019, ya que, durante el periodo de los 5 años estudiados y del número total de casos de cada año, la cifra más alta es de 388 casos correspondientes al año 2019, además, que el mayor número de casos de intentos de suicidio en el municipio de Montería se da en el grupo etario de 15 a 19 años de edad y la mayoría es frecuente en el género femenino.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Diseño del manual de procedimientos de facturación en la IPS Somid SAS Costa de Coveñas, Sucre
    (2023-01-27) González España, Heilen Lorena; Montoya Vega, Martha Elena
    Every entity that provides health services in Colombia must follow the guidelines established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia and, in order to be more competitive, they must aim to obtain health accreditation, seeking excellence in the services provided and committing their human resource in compliance with one of the standards established by the National Government in the Ambulatory and Hospital Health Accreditation Manual of Colombia according to resolution 5095 of. Therefore, it is necessary to design procedures that comply with the standards established by the Ministry, especially in the area of billing, which is the financial backbone of any entity that provides health services; procedures that guarantee timely communication with the entities that generate the payments for the services offered. Therefore, this study presents the design of the Billing Procedures Manual of the IPS SOMID SAS COSTA of Coveñas-Sucre, which is considered a necessary tool for the continuous improvement of the IPS processes, directing it towards accreditation in compliance. of Standard 142 of the Ambulatory and Hospital Accreditation Manual in Colombia.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Evaluación del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud del Alto Sinú Córdoba, 2022
    (2022-08-08) Tordecilla Díaz, Ana Mercedes; Alcalá Medrano, Isabel; Montoya Vega, Martha Elena
    With decree 1072 of 2015, companies at the national level are obliged to comply with multiple legislations on safety and health at work. The health sector is one of the sectors that must have full compliance in terms of occupational health, which is why this research is aimed at determining the percentage of compliance with the minimum standards of the occupational health and safety management system of the companies. providers of health services public institutions of the department's Alto Sinú. The information will be collected through the technical annex of resolution 0312 of 2019, the compliance of each item that makes up the numerals of the minimum standards will be qualified according to the table of values of the resolution and the percentage of compliance will be determined. The aim is to produce relevant information in the health sector in terms of occupational health in social enterprises in the state of the department of Córdoba, to sensitize workers and beneficiaries of the health sector about the scope and value of a well-integrated and fully functioning management system. only in the field of occupational health but also in economic activity, that is, in the provision of health services to the community.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Comportamiento del uso de servicios en salud mental en el municipio de Montería período 2011 a 2020
    (2022-07-27) Rojas Vargas, Cristina; Durán Rojas, Elvira
    The growing prevalence of mental disorders has led to serious implications for public health, impacting the figures for disability, morbidity and premature mortality; In addition to this is added the health crisis unleashed by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, where nearly 24,000 mental health remote guidance interactions were carried out that accounted for the use of services and in which it was found between The main problems addressed were anxiety, symptoms of depression and exacerbation of symptoms of previous mental disorders. Given this, the objective of this study was to establish the behavior of the use of mental health services through information registered in the Integrated Information System of Social Protection (SISPRO) in the municipality of Montería during the period 2011 to 2020. The type of study is retrospective descriptive with a quantitative approach, according to recorded information on the number of events of people who used mental health services. For the collection of the data, record sheets were designed in the Excel office tool where a descriptive statistical analysis was made with the information collected. It was possible to establish regarding the diagnosis that care for mental and behavioral disorders presented the highest average use of services among all diagnoses, in terms of sex, women reached a significant average of 55% higher use than men and by age the use was given in early ages and adults. In addition, it was shown that the use of services decreased with respect to these variables in 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, where the priority was to attend to those infected by the virus. However, given the negative effects of the pandemic on mental health, it is likely that use will increase in the coming years when the provision of services stabilizes throughout the population. These results are expected to be input for the actors in charge to take pertinent actions in order to improve care, promote mental health and prevent mental disorders in the municipality.
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    Estrategias gerenciales de promoción del clima laboral en una dirección departamental de salud en Colombia durante pandemia por COVID-19, 2021
    (2022-07-26) Argel Torres, María Alejandra; Correa de Hoyos, Pamela; Santamaría Berrio, Javier Enrique; Espitia Cabralez, Enalbis Esther
    Departmental health Organization (DDS by its acronym in Spanish) are facing a changing and competitive environment accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Human resources and the organizational climate are essential for planning management strategies to achieve institutional objectives. Objective. Design management strategies that promote a good working climate in a DDS during the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia in 2021. Materials and Methods. Crosssectional descriptive study with quantitative approach. Sample made up of 21 workers of the DDS of the Department of Córdoba to whom a survey was applied to measure the working climate and the influence of COVID-19. Results. Workers comply with health protocols for the management of the pandemic by covid-19, 95% know the mission, vision and objectives of the DDS, 23% do not have the necessary resources for their work, 47% do not feel encouraged to achieve their objectives, while more than half of the staff believe that the pandemic affected the workload and communication; For this reason, management strategies were proposed to strengthen the labor climate, such as reviewing work tools and better implementation of training, recognition, leisure and communication activities. Conclusions. Respondents have a good organizational orientation and are trained to do their job, offering their skills to cope the COVID-19 that has affected the mental health of staff due to insufficient work well-being activities and deficiencies in the institutional physical environment.
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    Cultura de seguridad del paciente en una IPS de baja complejidad, Cereté 2022
    (2022-07-26) Dilso Mosquera, Andrés Felipe; Benítez Espitia, Carlos Aníbal; Llorente Pérez, Yolima
    Introduction: Patient safety becomes the focus of researchers worldwide, in view of the magnitude of the problem, and assumes an essential dimension for the quality of health in the most diverse areas. Objective: The main objective of the following work is to evaluate the level of patient safety culture in a low complexity IPS, Cereté - 2022. Materials and methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative correlational approach was carried out among health professionals assigned to the low complexity IPS of the municipality of Cereté, located in the urban area. Results: In this study, it is evident that the degree of patient safety within the chosen institution is excellent based on the results obtained through the application of the instrument, constituting one of the strong areas of the institution and of the study. It is important to highlight this point since it speaks well of the institution and its plan for the implementation of a solid and lasting patient safety culture within the institution. Conclusion: Management should prioritize workload studies to measure objectively, is the opinion found in the survey. If the findings are confirmed during the investigation, the competent authority should initiate corrective actions, e.g., reassignment of shifts, reassignment of tasks and hiring more employees.
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    Análisis de las PQRS en empresa social del estado Hospital San Nicolás de Planeta Rica, Córdoba
    (2022-03-25) Montes Guerra, Keila Paola; Montes Petro, Emerson David
    The state social enterprise Hospital San Nicolás located in the Municipality of Planeta Rica Córdoba, has the SIAU area, a specific area to provide care and information to users and measure the quality of care by opening mailboxes, receiving , reconciliation and response of the PQRS presented by the users. Through a process of analysis of the PQRS received at the E.S.E Hospital San Nicolás during the year 2021, the need to establish improvement plans is studied and which plan is the most relevant to the point that it leads to optimizing the provision of services. Taking into account the above, this research work's main objective is to analyze the PQRS in the social enterprise of the state Hospital San Nicolás in order to establish improvement plans that lead to optimizing the provision of the service. Establishing improvement plans favors the ESE Hospital San Nicolás so that the attention to users is carried out in a humanized, timely and pertinent manner, so that in this way the perception of quality improves and thus the ESE Hospital San Nicolás will maintain a high degree of customer loyalty and satisfaction.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Impacto social y laboral de los graduados en administración en salud de la Universidad de Córdoba
    (2022-03-24) Contreras Salgado, Enna Beatriz; Madera Moreno, Leidy Luz; Petro Falón, Luz Neyla
    Introduction: The evaluation of the impact of a professional university training program, through the performance, satisfaction and perception of its graduates and those who interact with them in the workplace, is a technique that allows higher education institutions to take the necessary corrective measures to improve the quality of academic training and project a better professional performance, aimed at continuing to favor the development of the environment for which the program was created. The Health Administration program, created in 2008 and whose first cohorts entered the market in 2013, continues to provide society with professionals capable of making decisions in health, until 2021 it has graduated 1,942 people with a professional profile to perform in processes of planning, organization, execution, and evaluation of activities or administrative procedures in health. The transformation of the health system in 1993 requires sufficient competent personnel to carry out and direct the processes and procedures inherent to its reason for being. Objective: To describe the social and labor impact generated by the Health Administration program of the University of Córdoba on graduates and in the health sector between 2013 and 2021-1. Methodology: The target population was the 1,942 graduates registered in the institutional databases of whom contact information is available and who were approached by phone, email and an electronic survey structured in eight components that included social, demographic, academic aspects, labor, remuneration, achievements, satisfaction and future plans. Information on graduates was consolidated by location, socioeconomic level, age, sex, employment relationship with the sector or other sectors, salary levels, complementary and postgraduate training, positions held according to their training, levels of satisfaction according to academic training and job performance achieved. The results indicate that more than 50% are working with an acceptable remuneration and according to the country's economy.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Plan de mejoramiento para mitigar sindrome del edificio enfermo en el Área de auditoría de cuentas de una Institución prestadora de Salud en Córdoba, 2021
    (2022-03-08) Severiche Garavito, Viki; Espitia Cabrales, Enalbis Esther
    El presente informe tiene por objetivo realizar un plan de mejoramiento para mitigar síndrome del edificio enfermo en el área de auditoría de cuentas de una institución prestadora de salud en córdoba, 2021. Se hizo un diagnóstico en el área de Auditoría de Cuentas Médicas de la clínica de Traumas y fracturas ya que se evidenció que los funcionarios del área están la mayor parte del tiempo sentados. Una vez se obtuvo el diagnóstico de la Práctica Institucional en la que se evidenció que no se había desarrollado este tipo de estudios, se observaron las condiciones locativas previas en la que se observan espacios reducidos y algunos síntomas osteomusculares, se procedió al diseño y ejecución de un estudio descriptivo, transversal, observacional. Se pudo determinar la presencia del SEE en la salud de los funcionarios del área de auditoría de cuentas médicas de la clínica de Traumas y Fracturas, en el cual se evidenciaron factores físicos en el ambiente locativo como los propios de las oficinas cerradas, factores sicosociales como la percepción de excesiva carga laboral y sintomatología propia del SEE como los oculares, dermatológicos, respiratorios y osteomusculares.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Seguridad y protección en la unidad de imagenología para usuarios y trabajadores de la Clínica Central. Montería- Córdoba
    (2022-03-07) Madera Mieles, María Marcela; Rojas González, Eduin
    This internship report was developed at the Central Clinic of the municipality of Monteria. The objective was to establish the elements of safety and protection in the imaging unit for patients and workers of the Central clinic. The methodology that was applied to said project was divided into four phases; the first was a diagnostic analysis, in phase 2 the information obtained in a 5W1H technique was systematized, in phase 3 the analysis of the documents that make up the radiological risk management manual was carried out in accordance with current regulations and they were socialized risks with internal and external stakeholders. In phase 4, an evaluation of the documents was made and a structure of the recommendations made was generated. From the results it was observed that the current regulations were not complied with and there was no relationship between what was planned and what was executed. Due to this, the risk manual was updated in its entirety and was entitled radiology protection manual. Divided into two parts: radiological surveillance and radiological protection. In conclusion, the risk manuals of the aforementioned clinic should be kept updated to improve the quality of the service offered.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Impacto del cambio de enseñanza presencial a virtual en la salud mental de estudiantes de Administración en Salud de la Universidad de Córdoba durante la pandemia COVID-19
    (2022) Archila Ruidiaz, Luisa Fernanda; Madarriaga Burgos, Daniela; Durán Rojas, Elvira
    The SARS-CoV-2 virus, known as Covid-19, caused people to make changes in the way they carried out their activities for their precaution and to mitigate their contagion according to the biosecurity protocols established in the pandemic. One of these changes was the teaching process in educational institutions, where e-learning was adopted. Despite the resilience to this, the perception of the students of the Health Administration Program (PAS) to the change from synchronous face-to-face to virtual meetings and how it impacted their mental health and academic performance was unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the change from face-to-face to virtual teaching on the mental health of the students of the Health Administration program at the University of Córdoba during the Covid19 pandemic. The type of study was descriptive transversal with a quantitative approach, the population consisted of 341 students from V to X semester. The technique used was the structured survey, whose questionnaire was composed of 32 closed questions. For the analysis of the information, descriptive statistics with absolute and relative frequencies and crossed tables in Microsoft Excel software were used. As results, it was found that 79% of the students are between 19 and 25 years old, belong to stratum 1 (86%) and almost half of them study and work (48%). The most used platform for the teaching-learning process was Google Meet (30%), followed by Whatsapp, which was also used for communication with classmates (97%) and teachers (87%). More than half managed to adapt to the virtual classes and 75% perceived that they did not present alterations to their mental health during the virtual teaching-learning process; however, they expressed feeling stress in situations such as not understanding the topics in classes, lack of social interaction with classmates and low academic performance. It is believed that it has a good handling in the use of TIC, promotes better experience in the virtual classes as a teaching methodology, whereby it is recommended that this means be encouraged 15 as a strategy for improving the constraints in the management of digital tools, without knowing the possible levels of stress that can cause them in the students if not moderately used, In addition, for future studies, it is suggested to involve teachers to understand this situation from their perspective.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Factores geográficos, económicos y administrativos que afectan la accesibilidad a la atención en salud de mediana complejidad en el departamento de Córdoba - 2021
    (2021-10-04) Benítez Urango, Jaime; Correa Burgos, Anderson; Petro Falón, Luz Neyla
    By the year 2021, the department of Córdoba will have a population of 1,844,076 inhabitants distributed in 30 municipalities, 49% living in rural and dispersed areas and 51% in urban areas. 49.7% are men and the rest are women. It is the second poorest department in Colombia and has a health services network of more than 1,000 institutions at all levels of complexity. These aspects directly or indirectly affect the access to medium complexity health services, since out of the 30 municipalities only seven offer this type of services, the rest must refer their patients to institutions that are more than two hours away by car, with access roads in regular conditions, subject to the regulation opportunity of the EPS, availability of beds of the receiving entity, among others. Objective: To describe the geographical, economic and administrative characteristics that affect access to medium complexity health services, from the basic level of care in the department of Córdoba during the year 2021. Methodology: A mixed retrospective descriptive retrospective study was carried out. The target population were public institutions of low and medium complexity of the department. A non-probabilistic sample was taken from EPS, ESE and nursing homes, as well as from patients' relatives for interviews. The information collection instruments are a data collection form for geographic and economic data, available resources and production of services where distances and time for geographic access and availability of ambulance type vehicle from one institution to another were recorded. Likewise, the number of referrals generated from the low complexity classified by services and type of services. To collect information from patients' relatives, a questionnaire was prepared with 10 questions aimed at obtaining information on indirect costs for transportation, lodging and meals. Administrative accessibility was evaluated on the basis of the fractionation of contracting and the estimated average regulation time. Results: were consolidated in contingency tables with absolute and relative values, using descriptive statistics for qualitative and quantitative variables. This 13 information was represented in maps, figures and graphs to identify the variables analyzed. Positive aspects were identified and those that need to be improved by departmental and health authorities in order to contribute to reduce the risks of complications and indirect expenses that patients must pay when they are referred outside their municipality. The results will be published in a scientific journal in the form of a scientific article.
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    Evaluación a las medidas implementadas para el seguimiento y control de los eventos adversos presentados desde el año 2011 hasta el año 2013 en el área asistencial del Camú Santa Teresita de Lorica
    (2021-10-02) Bedoya Arteaga, Yasmín Vanesa; López Oyola, Keila Vanesa; Montoya Vega, Martha
    La expresión seguridad del paciente en las instituciones prestadoras de servicios en salud, es un tema de mucha envergadura, que trae inmerso en sí, diversos procesos y estrategias que van en pro de garantizar a los usuarios una optimización de la calidad de los servicios. Factores como el seguimiento, análisis y evaluación de riesgos o eventos adversos se constituyen en procedimientos trascendentales en dichas instituciones de salud que tienen como fin único registrar los diferentes motivos que dan origen a las situaciones que ponen en riesgo la salud y vida de los pacientes, para posteriormente analizarlos y establecer variables de prevención que disminuyan parcial o totalmente estos sucesos. La seguridad del paciente busca prevenir a tiempo los eventos desfavorables y adversos en el paciente como resultado de los procesos asistenciales, como la atención de urgencias, consulta externa, sala de parto, entre otras. En Colombia, laPolítica de Seguridad del Paciente es liderada por elSistema Obligatorio de Garantía de Calidad de la Atención en Salud, cuyo objetivo es “prevenir la ocurrencia de situaciones que afecten la seguridad del paciente, reducir y eliminar la ocurrencia de Eventos adversos para contar con instituciones seguras y competitivas internacionalmente”. Dado esto, garantizar seguridad a los pacientes en las instituciones prestadoras de servicios en salud, es cumplir con los propósitos de la Política Nacional de Prestación de Servicios de salud, es garantizar el acceso, optimizar el uso de los recursos y mejorar cada día la calidad de los servicios que se presta a la población. Por consiguiente, el control de los eventos adversos se establece como un factor ligado a la seguridad y por ende a la calidad de los servicios de salud. En consecuencia se desligan de él, diversas normas, requisitos, mecanismos y procesos deliberados y sistemáticos que desarrolla el sector salud, para generar, mantener y mejorar la calidad de los servicios. Esto en un proceso de mejoramiento continuo, el cual debe llevar a la búsqueda de niveles superiores de calidad. La calidad se convierte en una necesidad en las empresas, y constituye la parte más importante de todo el sector de las compañías de salud por la competencia, orientándose en unas características del sistema que brinda la disponibilidad de una normatividad y unos niveles y estándares desarrollados para un sistema de gestión de la calidad. Esto permite que las entidades puedan tomar decisiones basadas en unos objetivos que son: orientar, monitorear, referenciar y estimular toda la gestión de calidad basada en hechos y datos. En este sentido, el presente documento hace una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema de los eventos adversos, su importancia a nivel nacional y mundial enfatizando la situación en el departamento de Córdoba, específicamente en el área asistencial dela E.S.E CAMU Santa Teresita De Lorica, en donde se realizó una evaluación, a los procesos y medidas implementadas por la ESE, para el seguimiento y control de los eventos adversos presentados desde el año 2011 hasta el año 2013.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Manifestación del síndrome de burnout en el personal del servicio de urgencias de la Clínica de Traumas y Fracturas de Montería en el año 2021
    (2021-09-18) Barrera Rebollo, Greys Adriana; Solano Cogollo, Yulisa Andrea; Nieves Julio, Yesenia Patricia
    Today's world has been presenting a multiple transformation in the labor and public health context, causing workers to have new demands on their activities and causing the manifestation of the Burnout syndrome. This has been defined as a result due to chronic work stress, made up of negative attitudes and feelings towards people in their work environment, their own professional role, among others. At the Traumas y Fracturas Clinic, workers can develop chronic stress that generates certain health alterations such as: physical, psychological, social and work disturbances, which leads to exhaustion. Burnout syndrome has become a psychosocial problem and therefore it is necessary to know widely how we can help health personnel to avoid damage associated with the syndrome since they are the front-line warriors in this battle against COVID-19. This study will allow a better understanding of the emotional state, experience and risks to which they are exposed during the pandemic and thus the protection of personnel through an improvement plan that helps minimize the manifestation of the syndrome in human talent of the Clinic, determining what strategies and tools should be applied specifically to improve prevention plans for this phenomenon, analyzing the prevalence of factors associated with Burnout Syndrome in health professionals in the emergency department, in the period of March to June 2021 of the Trauma and Fracture Clinic. An evaluation instrument called Maslash Burnout Inventory was used, the objective of which is to identify which individual has the necessary characteristics to suffer from this phenomenon, through 3 items which are high emotional exhaustion, high depersonalization and low personal fulfillment. The results shown show that 7.1%, which is equivalent to 3 workers, have this syndrome and 92.9%, which is equivalent to 39 workers, do not. In conclusion, the institution must consider the importance of promoting prevention programs that avoid the deterioration of health, helping not only to improve the organizational climate but also to the management of self-care measures in the 10 personnel, creating security and confidence in them, to that their productivity and charisms are intact even in extreme conditions such as a pandemic, ensuring that they provide effective performance in accordance with the objectives of the organization.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Revisión integradora sobre gestión de residuos hospitalarios entre los años 2015-2020
    (2023-01-01) Díaz Guzmán, Neydis; López Ávila, Carlos Mario; Montoya Vega, Martha Elena
    Hospital waste and the like are those products generated from health activities, with the characteristic of being potentially contaminating as they have been used in clinical treatments, making them risky for both healthcare, administrative and general services staff as well as patients and visitors; hence the need to carry out a literary review in the Scopus, ScienceDirect and Embase databases of the scientific production (articles) associated with this topic during the period between 2015 - 2020; taking into account indicators such as the total number of articles published per year, number of citations received, main journals, average number of citations per year, name, country and institutional affiliation of the most cited authors; The foregoing will be useful for the academic community when conducting an exhaustive review of the subject that will allow evidence of its evolution and management over time. This qualitative systematic review has as its unit of analysis the publications (articles) identified with the descriptors Medical AND Waste; Health AND Care AND Waste; AND Waste Hospital. In addition, the Excel tool was used for data processing. The analysis of the literary review carried out concludes the important role of health institutions, hospitals, clinics, laboratories and the like in the management of their hospital waste, as well as the relevance of continuous training in these organizations for all collaborators in order to create social and environmental awareness. This study aims to contribute to the field of environmental management from the Health Administration of the University of Córdoba, and serve as a consultation for students and teachers and in the same way promote research.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Evaluación del clima e identificación de buenas prácticas de seguridad del paciente en una IPS de tercer nivel, Montería, 2021
    (2021-09-14) Durango Martínez, Luis Alfredo; González Tuirán, Sany Sofía; Espitia Cabrales, Enalbis
    The objective was to evaluate the organizational climate for patient safety in a thirdlevel IPS in the municipality of Montería, 2021. The methodology used was a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, which was developed with a population of 81 people where it was applied the checklist for good patient safety practices to the Patient Safety committee and an organizational climate survey for patient safety to the healthcare staff of a Health Service Provider Institution located in the city of Montería. The information was evaluated digitally, through a matrix in Excel 2013, which recorded the fulfillment of each of the items on the checklist and the registration of the results of the survey. From the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that the strengthening, deployment and adherence to the cause analysis system, as well as the identification and characterization of risks, and the improvement of quality indicators. They should be improved through promotion, monitoring improvement actions and monthly monitoring of the regulated quality indicators. In the same way, continuous improvement, teamwork between the areas of the I.P.S, general perceptions of security; therefore, collaborative work is presented as a weakness, therefore, it is proposed to improve both horizontal and vertical communication conditions as well as the participation of staff in the decisive processes of the entity.