Publicación: Evaluación de anuncios promovidos por la OMS, OPS, MINISALUD y Gobernación de Córdoba para la prevención y mitigación de la pandemia COVID-19
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Faced with the current COVID-19 pandemic, governments implemented biosecurity protocols and prevention actions to mitigate its spread, the number of infected and deaths. One of these measures is the dissemination through advertisements promoted by the control bodies and the health sector to promote a culture towards its prevention; However, the characteristics that these ads have as part of the marketing strategy to generate better behavior in Colombians is unknown at the national level. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the advertisements promoted for the prevention and mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Ministry of Health and Social Protection (Minsalud) and Government of Córdoba for the health well-being of Colombians. The type of study is exploratory, descriptive and documentary with a qualitative approach to the ads published on virtual platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, official web pages and Google images; of which a total of 100 advertisements issued by agencies and entities were taken. The messages and pictographic characteristics presented by these advertisements were analyzed. As a result, it was found that the studied advertisements have similar characteristics to promote self-care against COVID-19, use drawings, photographs and illustrations together with their messages to capture the viewer's attention more and influence, in a certain way, the behavior change in the community ; in addition to using its logo and blue tones that are part of the organizations and entities studied as corporate identity. It is recommended to continue publishing ads on your web pages and social networks where there is a greater influx of viewers for the promotion of prevention and control.