Publicación: Proyecto RECISO: Modelo didáctico con enfoque educomunicativo para el reaprendizaje y resignificación de las Ciencias Sociales
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This paper analyzes the contribution of a didactic model with an Educommunicative approach in the relearning and resignification of the social sciences by students of the secondary school of educational institutions of Montería. It embraces a perspective of qualitative research in which an initial stage that involves ethnographic elements is applied, and later mediations come from phenomenology emerge, to influence the analysis with a perspective that integrates hermeneutics, between ethnography and phenomenology based on micro-stories on the experiences that students had in their learning of the social sciences, and the testimonies of teachers and parents as a sample within the summary, with whose testimonies they manage to stage the perceptions regarding communicational dialogue in the teaching process and learning of social sciences in the basic secondary of Montería. The RECISO Project is itself an educommunicative exercise that evidences an intertextual relationship between communication and education, where an express intention and concerned about sharing information is contemplated from an instance led by an educommunicating individual from a teleological action so that the desired state of affairs, choosing within the indicated context the most congruent means for its application, in a communicative act that can be carried out in a face-to-face or de-face-to-face space; virtual, synchronous or asynchronous, in which the host community will focus its experience, without coercion, on overcoming the initial subjectivity and reconfiguring or resignifying its perception of the objective world, with knowledge, to later show it and apply it in their life, on the stage let it unfold. 14 KEYWORDS: Educomm