Publicación: Una mirada al cambio de la educación colombiana en tiempos de pandemia
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In the midst of an unprecedented pandemic caused by COVID-19, which attacked large industries, the economy, people's health and especially education (Talavera & Junior, 2020) this education that was imparted in a traditional way throughout human life. This immediately forced the use of technology in education. “Today, technological progress allows us to process, store, retrieve and communicate information in any of its forms (oral or written), regardless of distance, time and volume (2004)", This is how these technologies are available to the human being to replicate school pedagogies through the use of digital tools that allow the fulfillment of curricular objectives and the development of educational processes while reducing the mortality rate in the society. This writing documents different conceptions of how Colombian education is affected by the social crisis caused by COVID-19, while exposing the concepts and characteristic elements of education, as well as the different roles that all the actors that make up the education.