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Publicación Restringido Análisis de la implementación del decreto 1290 en la Institución Educativa La Ribera(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-02-01) Morales Cordero, Ana María; Guzmán Murillo, Hernán JavierEl presente trabajo investigativo se centra en la revisión de la metodología evaluativa aplicada a los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa La Ribera, ubicada en la ciudad de Montería en el departamento de Córdoba. El objetivo principal es analizar los elementos y criterios del proceso de formulación e implementación del sistema de evaluación de la IE la Ribera en relación con el Sistema de Evaluación Institucional contenido en el Decreto 1290 de 2009. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo investigativo se utilizó el diseño metodológico cualitativo, el cual se centra en captar la realidad social del individuo (estudiante) en su propio contexto (académico). Se obtuvo con esta investigación que la Institución sí conoce este lineamiento y que lo llevan a cabo según sus condiciones contextuales; es decir, teniendo en cuenta cómo los estudiantes han aprendido con metodologías creadas por los docentes relacionándolas con lo requerido por Mineducación. Se concluye que la evaluación cumplió y sigue cumpliendo un papel importante en la institución educativa objeto de estudio y, además, los mismos estudiantes comprenden que se necesita evaluar para conocer las habilidades, capacidades, avances o retrocesos dentro del proceso académico.Publicación Acceso abierto Auditoría de gestión de la información de los estudiantes de los establecimientos educativos oficiales en el sistema integrado de matrícula (SIMAT) en el municipio de Santa Cruz de Lorica año 2022(2022-08-09) Ballesteros de los Reyes, Tomás Iván; Valencia Burgos, Luis CarlosEn este trabajo de grado se encuentra la descripción de los resultados obtenidos en la auditoria de gestión aplicada a la información de los estudiantes de los establecimientos educativos oficiales de Santa cruz de Lorica, por medio del sistema integrado de matricula -SIMAT- para verificar el grado de veracidad con los que cuentan los estudiantes en cuanto a la información personal y de matricula, la auditoria se ejecutó para brindar a una matricula transparente y real en el municipio de Lorica, para así contribuir a la toma de decisiones a nivel nacional, departamental y municipal en todo lo relacionado con la educación prescolar, básica y media académica del sector estatal.Publicación Acceso abierto La Biblia y la literatura, caras de una misma moneda(-, 2023-08-17) Suárez Herrera, Jesús Daniel; -; Burgos Altamiranda, Mauricio; Mauricio Burgos AltamirandaLa Biblia es uno de los libros más antiguos que puede existir. Está conformada por un total de 66 libros los cuales fueron escritos por 40 autores cada uno con un pensamiento diferente. El pastor Dante Degel afirma que " la Biblia está llena de cosas locas y descabelladas" es decir, es un libro que está abierto a las diferentes interpretaciones siendo ricas metáforas y significados, por su parte Joseph Pierce en su artículo leer la Biblia como literatura nos plantea que debemos leer la Biblia literalmente para poder leerla literariamente. En el libro teoría literaria de René Wellek y Agustín Warren en el primer capítulo titulado titulado "la literatura y los estudios literarios" ellos toman la literatura como arte aquella expresión artística donde el autor puede expresar de manera libre sus ideologías. Por su parte Terry Eagleton en su libro una introducción aleatoria literaria afirma que "la literatura transforma e identifica el lenguaje ordinario", es decir, la literatura nos ayuda a mejorar la manera de hablar y escribir. Ahora bien algunos escritores destacados de la de la Biblia por su manera de narrar sus sentimientos son David y Salomón siendo poeta que transmitían sus sentimientos a través de la lira o el arpa, la Biblia al ser una serie de libros dentro de un solo libro tiene muchas opciones en donde elegir temas para escoger analizar o interpretar, la Biblia al ser un texto es rico en lenguaje y vocabulario no se puede aprender nuevas palabras expresiones las cuales nos puede ayudar a la formación integral. Con este ensayo no se pretenden estar en debates espirituales, religiosos, ni en temas los cuales pueden causar discusiones o discordias, ya que solo se busca analizar de manera subjetiva como la Biblia puede considerar literatura.Publicación Acceso abierto La codificación moral en estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Lorenzo María Lleras de Montería(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-08-23) Bohórquez Sierra, Juan David; Vilchez Pirela, Rafael; Buelvas Bruno, José David; Florez Llorente, EdinsonLa codificación moral en estudiantes hace referencia a la construcción de aquellas normas, valores o principios que guían o determinan los comportamientos que permiten tomar decisiones con responsabilidad. La metodología que se utilizó fue de enfoque cualitativo, empleando la técnica de entrevista a traces del instrumento de la guía de entrevista. Este proyecto de investigación se enfocó en analizar la codificación moral en estudiantes de la institución educativa Lorenzo María Lleras (INEM) de la ciudad de Montería. La investigación buscó comprender el autoconocimiento moral, conocer las habilidades sociales, identificar la autorregulación, evaluar el bienestar moral y examinar los hábitos con el fin de comprender como es la codificación moral en estudiantes, teniendo en cuenta las acciones, conductas y comportamientos.Publicación Restringido Conocimientos y actitudes ante la violencia de género, en estudiantes de enfermería de una institución de educación superior(2022-09-02) Arrieta Flórez, Daniela Vanessa; Garcés Arismendi, Maria Fernanda; Maza Padilla, Luz Enith (dir)According to the world health organization, gender violence is a public health problem, and requires joint participation from the educational, social and assistance spheres; This research was based on the theory of interpersonal relationships of Hildegard E. Peplau, who believes that the nurse's knowledge and attitude can help others determine their own problems. Objective: to analyze the knowledge and attitudes towards gender violence in nursing students of a higher education institution. Methodology: descriptive, cross-sectional study with quantitative approach. The population consisted of 376 nursing students, distributed in semesters from first to eighth, in the period 2022-I. Participants were selected by stratified probabilistic sampling technique. Results: 77% of the students were female, 50%, with an average age of 15 to 20 years, 83% come from the urban area. Female students showed greater knowledge about gender violence than male students; 79% had an average level of knowledge about this phenomenon, identifying lack of training on the subject. 96%, 98% and 100% of the participants showed an unfavorable attitude towards some cases of violence, evidencing their disagreement with statements referring to acts of aggression and mistreatment of women. Conclusion: the knowledge and attitudes of nursing students are fundamental aspects for addressing gender violence, as it is a problem that affects not only women, but society in general.Publicación Acceso abierto Desarrollo de plataforma web para seguimiento de prácticas empresariales de estudiantes de Ingeniería de Sistemas de la Universidad de Córdoba(2020-11-23) Espinosa Soto, Yeinis del Carmen; Lopéz Lázaro, Santiago Enoc; Gómez Gómez, JorgeIn every higher education institution (IES), various types of initiatives are offered to obtain the professional title, this is the case of the University of Córdoba, which contains in its portfolio of options, the opportunity to relate to its students in a work environment, such experience is called business practices. This modality has been implemented for many years from manual processes, for this reason; there are multiple difficulties in the course of each activity associated with this process. For this reason, this project originated, to improve the management and monitoring of these practices from a web platform. With the development of the software, the automation of the business practice process of the systems engineering students was achieved, the communication between the users was greatly improved, building a dynamic and reliable task flow not only for the university, but also for companies, who will have the opportunity to generate agreements with the institution if they so wish.Publicación Acceso abierto Desarrollo de una aplicación web para apoyar la selección de carreras universitarias usando redes neuronales(2023-07-13) Blanco Gutiérrez, Danilo Andrés; Ortiz Hernández, José Miguel; Bula Herazo, Harold DionisioAplicacion desarrollada para facilitar la eleccion de carreras para estudiantes recien graduados de las instituciones educativas. Se basa en la eleccion de carreras mediante redes neuronales tomando como dato los gustos personales de los estudiantes y relacionandolos con las diferentes carreras que hay en las universidades. al realizar encuentas, se le mostrara el precio y el puntaje necesarios para ejercer dicha carrera.Publicación Acceso abierto Desarrollo de una plataforma web para el seguimiento de las prácticas pedagógicas en el departamento de Ciencias Naturales(2020-06-04) Cuadrado González, María Fernanda; Hoyos Olaya, Luis Fernando; Salas Álvarez, Daniel JoséEl proceso de las prácticas pedagógicas diseñadas por el programa de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Córdoba, es un elemento fundamental en el desarrollo de sus estudiantes durante su carrera universitaria. Sin embargo, este proceso se ve afectado debido a la carencia de un sistema de información que permita automatizar las tareas que se realizan internamente. Es por eso que en esta investigación se implementó una aplicación web que permitió automatizar el proceso en las prácticas pedagógicas desarrolladas por los estudiantes y al mismo tiempo brindó un mejor acompañamiento e intervención por parte del docente en todo el proceso del desarrollo del trabajo del estudiante.Publicación Acceso abierto Diseño e implementación de un sistema de información de datos integrados a los procesos de las pruebas saber pro para los estudiantes de derecho en la Universidad de Córdoba(2022-03-25) Leguía Cabrera, Nayle de Jesús; Doria Sierra, CarlosIn the present work we will talk about an information system related to the Saber Pro tests for the students of the Law career of the University of Córdoba, which will have the function of being a means of information for the students with the Colombian Institute of Information Higher Level. Education (icfes) through the registration and advice of the processes related to the preparation of the Saber Pro tests. When considering a series of problems that limits and hinders the activities that must be carried out, from misspelled names to misinformation on the part of the student when registering at Icfes, which generates discord between students and coordinators. For this, an improvement plan was proposed that analyzes the current situation of the Saber Pro test area in law students of the University of Córdoba and carry out the pertinent research that allows gathering information for the formulation of the practical guide. proposal of an integrated data information system that is suggested to be taken into account in the contribution of the process of obtaining data from students that can be well organized, truthful and updated since the student enters the career until the end of their professional training and establish the importance of these tools within their academic training.Publicación Acceso abierto Elaboración de materiales didácticos inclusivos en el nivel preescolar de la Institución Educativa Santa Fe zona rural de la ciudad de Montería(2023-02-05) Márquez Sánchez, Camila Andrea; Hoyos Rodríguez, Yessica Loana; Pacheco Vellojín, Shirley Cristina; Buelvas Parra, Mónica del CarmenGreat changes are constantly taking place in the educational field since the traditional teaching methods have been left behind to adopt new methodologies adjusted to the current context, the educational institutions nowadays manage a system where the teacher takes into account the capabilities of each student to know what strategies, methodologies and resources are necessary to achieve an inclusive education. According to the above, the objective of this research work was to develop a proposal for the elaboration of Inclusive Didactic Materials in the Preschool Level of the Santa Fe Educational Institution in the rural area of the city of Monteria. To achieve this purpose, it was necessary to implement a method with a socio-critical and action-participation paradigm among the family, teachers and children of the Educational Institution. The results show that 7 of the 15 students of the aforementioned educational institution have obtained a score in the range of 21 to 24 in logical-mathematical intelligence, while 6 of these have managed to obtain a score between 16 and 20 points and only 2 students obtained a low score in this intelligence; It can be observed that the Interpersonal intelligence was one of the highest that students develop in their daily life, obtaining 9 of 15 students in a score of 16 to 20 points and 6 students located in the range of 21 to 24 points and the elaboration of these materials responded to the need found in the Multiple Intelligences Test where it shows us that the lowest intelligences were the Musical and the intrapersonal where 40% of the students are in the lowest score in musical intelligence and 60% located in the low range of intrapersonal intelligence. With the above, it is concluded that in the classrooms of the XXI century teachers are faced with a reality and that is that students are more active, participatory and dynamic, but also present difficulties in the way of learning, which requires that each teacher perform activities to motivate and encourage students to learn and work from the capabilities and / or skills that children present as it is an effective tool that will allow optimal integral development and meaningful learningPublicación Acceso abierto Evaluación de hábitos y estilos de vida en estudiantes de la Universidad de Córdoba(2023-06-30) Fernández Mazea, Vicente; MSc. Santana, Félix Benjamín; MSc. Terán Martínez, Miguel ÁngelEl objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los hábitos y estilos de vida en estudiantes de la Universidad de Córdoba, específicamente de la facultad de Salud y del programa de Lic. Educación Física, Recreación y Deportes, se realizó un trabajo cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal y no experimental; la muestra está constituida por 241 estudiantes en selección probabilística, de métodos de selección aleatoria, incluyendo 94 participantes de sexo femenino y 147 de sexo masculino; se realizaron 300 encuestas; de las cuales 241 cumplieron los datos requeridos. El análisis de variables fue expresado como frecuencia y porcentaje, utilizando el software IBM SPSS Statistics. Se encontró múltiples afectaciones en estudiantes de la Universidad de Córdoba, hallando en más de 6 horas al día con comportamientos o conductas sedentarias, 74,5% en femeninas y 85.8% en masculinos respectivamente. En conductas como familias y amigos (dimensiones como: tipo de personalidad, alcohol y drogas), otras conductas y trabajo; se evidenció mayor afectación, y resultados desfavorables enfocándose en rasgos de ECT.Publicación Acceso abierto Evaluación sobre los ambientes de aprendizaje percibidos por los estudiantes de Enfermería de la Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia.(2023-02-16) Barrios Sepulveda, Andrea Paola; Hernández Olascoaga, Rubi Esther; Santana Gómez, Steffany Cecilia; Amador Ahumada, Concepción Elena; Ocampo Rivero, Monica MabelTo evaluate the perception that Nursing students of the University of Córdoba have about learning environments for the fulfillment of training achievements. Methodology. A descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach was carried out. The type of sampling was random probabilistic, based on a population (N=272), the sample consisted of 141 nursing students of six semesters at the University of Córdoba with active enrollment in the 2022-II academic period. For the collection of information, the following instruments were used, in the first and second semester the instrument called: Evaluation Questionnaire for laboratory practices was applied, in the third and fourth semester the instrument called: Questionnaire of quality and satisfaction with clinical simulation. For the fifth and sixth semester, the instrument was applied: Clinical teachinglearning process evaluation questionnaire. Results. Most of the participants are female, between the ages of 18 and 22, live in sectors located in socioeconomic stratum 1, single marital status (91.6%) from urban areas (77.2%), affiliated with the subsidized regime (57.4%). Conclusions. The perception that students have regarding the biology and chemistry laboratories, the vast majority of the dimensions were evaluated with medium compliance, except for equipment and supplies that obtained a low score. In the perception of the use of clinical simulation as a learning environment, low compliance was found in each of the items and dimensions evaluated. The measurement of perception regarding the teaching strategies used for learning in clinical practice, obtained low compliance in all its dimensionsPublicación Acceso abierto Factores que influyen en la repitencia académica en estudiantes de Enfermería de la Universidad de Córdoba. Montería, 2019(2020-08-31) Acevedo Naranjo, Daniela Andrea; Mendoza Triana, Viany Sofía; Maza Padilla, Luz Enith; Villadiego Chamorro, MarilynUpon entering university, students seek to graduate in the time established by the university, but many of them experience the phenomenon of academic repetition, which is considered a multifactorial problem, influenced by many family, academic and social factors that are in constant contact with students, which may cause modifications or changes in their behavior. The present investigation was based on the theory of Vincent Tinto, who exposes that there must be an integration between the intrinsic factors of the students and the university environment, for there to be an adequate academic performance. Objective: To determine the factors that influence academic repetition in nursing students at the University of Córdoba, in order to provide information that contributes to decision-making, for the implementation of improvements in academic processes, to mitigate the factors involved and decrease repetition rates. Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. The population was made up of 221 students enrolled in the Nursing Program, in the period 2020-I, distributed in the first to eighth semesters. Participants were selected using the non-probability sampling technique, stratified by convenience. Results: 74% of the students are female, the ages with the highest percentage were between 18 and 28 years old, as academic factors it was identified that 42% dedicate daily between 30 and 90 minutes to their independent studies, the techniques of The most used studies are the abstract (67%) and the underline (34%), the subjects with the highest repetition were: Basic Clinic (48%), Biochemistry (30%) and Morphophysiology I (22%) and 80% of the participants considers that the program's study plan should be developed over a period longer than 8 semesters. The following social factors were identified: 19.01% of the students’ work, likewise 59% consider that the salary they receive is not sufficient to meet their basic needs. The identified family factors were, 11% of the participants have children, and they also live with them and must dedicate part of their time to caring for them, considerably reducing the time you give to your studies, affecting their academic performance. 73% of students live with their parents, that is, they have the support of these. Conclusion: Among the factors that can influence the repetition of subjects, a significant percentage was identified, corresponds to academic factors and in a lower percentage to social and family factors.Publicación Acceso abierto El gobierno escolar como estrategia de formación y participación ciudadana en estudiantes de 10° y 11° de la Institución Educativa San Mateo(Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-11-15) Gaviria Hernández, Libia Esther; Carrascal Torres, Socorro Nohemy; Uribe Agámez, Juan Gabriel; Noroño Sánchez, José; Villadiego Lorduy, Jorge RafaelEl presente informe de investigación cualitativa tiene como objetivo analizar la incidencia de las prácticas democráticas de elección popular de representantes a los cuerpos colegiados del nivel local en las formas de participación y elección estudiantil del gobierno escolar de la institución educativa San Mateo, en el marco de la formación ciudadana contemplada a nivel curricular. La investigación se enfocó en estudiantes de 10° y 11° de la jornada tarde sede principal de la institución educativa. Se utilizó la entrevista a profundidad y el cuestionario como técnicas de recolección de información. Metodológicamente se optó por los aportes epistemológicos del paradigma de investigación cualitativo, a través de las indicaciones del interaccionismo simbólico. Los resultados muestran que el gobierno escolar es una estrategia efectiva para la formación y participación ciudadana en los estudiantes de la institución educativa. Sin embargo, también se identificaron algunas debilidades en el proceso de elección del gobierno escolar y en la formación en democracia y competencias ciudadanas que reciben los estudiantes.Publicación Acceso abierto Lifelong Professional Development: Empowering Foreign Language Teachers(2021-07-12) Hoyos Paternina, Karen Paola; Petro Hernández, Marylin; Lozano Bravo, Shekina; Aguas Castillo, PedroAs future teacher leaders we want to encourage and inspire others to be better and surpass themselves to become greater human beings. Using leadership in different areas of our lives gave us a wider vision about the meaning of working as a team, how to guide others and provide them with the necessary tools to accomplish a common goal with positive results. It is important to highlight that motivation is one of our biggest strengths, we all have leading roles in the team and we encourage each other to work hard, do our best and be self-assure of our capacities because a successful leader always remains confident in challenging situations. Likewise, we learnt about integrity and proper communication among others, creating good interpersonal relations based on respect and understanding to work effectively.Publicación Acceso abierto Materiales multimediales inclusivos para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de temáticas asociadas a números y colores en estudiantes de básica primaria con discapacidad auditiva(2023-07-12) Ochoa Ochoa, Paula Andrea; Morales Polo, Sandra Milena; Meza Fernández, Johana Milena; Rangel Vellojín, Julio José; Meza Fernández, Johana MilenaThis research was carried out through action research and under a qualitative approach, the project focuses on the development of inclusive multimedia materials for teaching and learning topics related to numbers and colors in first grade primary school students who have hearing impairment, according to recent statistics, approximately 2% of the child population has hearing impairment in the educational context. However, these students often face barriers in accessing inclusive education and inclusive educational resources. The main objective is to provide inclusive educational resources that promote the participation and effective learning of students in the classroom, it also seeks to address the specific needs of students with hearing impairment and those who do not have the disability; This was achieved by designing a didactic guide that uses strategies of a didactic sequence to represent concepts related to numbers and colors that support inclusive multimedia materials. Empirical data was collected through methods such as interviews, observations, diagnostic tests, field journal and anecdotal record to obtain a detailed analysis of the field study. These materials were developed taking into account accessibility and usability in the Santa Rosa De Lima educational institution so that they are understandable and used by teachers and applied in the educational context. The results obtained allowed evaluating the effectiveness of multimedia materials in the process. of teaching and learning of students with and without hearing disabilities, established solid 7 strategies for learning the topics presented, managed to improve the educational environment in addition to implementing inclusive interactive tools.Publicación Acceso abierto Una mirada al cambio de la educación colombiana en tiempos de pandemia(2020) Galeano Torres, Adomaity; Reyes Lora, LorenaIn the midst of an unprecedented pandemic caused by COVID-19, which attacked large industries, the economy, people's health and especially education (Talavera & Junior, 2020) this education that was imparted in a traditional way throughout human life. This immediately forced the use of technology in education. “Today, technological progress allows us to process, store, retrieve and communicate information in any of its forms (oral or written), regardless of distance, time and volume (2004)", This is how these technologies are available to the human being to replicate school pedagogies through the use of digital tools that allow the fulfillment of curricular objectives and the development of educational processes while reducing the mortality rate in the society. This writing documents different conceptions of how Colombian education is affected by the social crisis caused by COVID-19, while exposing the concepts and characteristic elements of education, as well as the different roles that all the actors that make up the education.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2020-06-13) Fabra Lozano, Juan Manuel; Portillo Banquet, Estevenson JoséIn education, most times is easy to denote the lack of leadership behavior by either teachers or school administrators at the moment of handling with many issues that are faced on the daily basis, this aspect is an important factor at the moment of teaching-learning values and attitudes for life, that initiative needs to be fostered by teachers in charge in the classroom setting, schools and its surroundings and not only by the school's administrators. Teachers need to be in the front line of the educational section because they are the only ones who know what a student exactly needs. So teachers are the ones who provide ideas to benefit students, the school, and the surroundings. This proposal attempts to provide significant insight into leadership, interpreted as persuading a group for the accomplishment of goals. In addition, it aims to show a very personal vision of the concept of leadership within schools and from the viewpoint of leading teachers.Publicación Acceso abierto Propuesta de un plan de mejoramiento en el programa de extensión del área de prácticas empresariales en la Universidad de Córdoba que permita afianzar y conseguir nuevos convenios(2022-08-20) Rangel Muñoz, Natalia María; Anaya Yancez, FreddyPublicación Acceso abierto Riesgo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en estudiantes de Enfermería. Montería, 2022(2023-02-02) Lara Castillo, Isleny Paola; Rodríguez Solano, María Camila; Baquero Humanez, Wilmer De Jesús; Pérez Villalba, Wilson Antonio; Herrera Guerra, Eugenia Del PilarEl ambiente universitario representa una sucesión de cambios para la vida de los estudiantes, lo cual favorece a la vulnerabilidad para adquirir conductas alimentarias de riesgo que pueden desarrollar un TCA.