E.D.C. Pasantías


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    Digital platforms for enhancing english eearning: exploring the effectiveness of Canva and TikTok in Improving english oral communication, creativity, and collaborative learning
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-19) Acosta Barrios, Jose Ricardo; Paz Wechek, Martha Elvira; Vergara Sanchez, Elkin David
    Este informe explora la efectividad de las plataformas digitales, específicamente Canva y TikTok, para mejorar el aprendizaje del inglés entre estudiantes en contextos socioeconómicos vulnerables en Colombia. Se enfatiza la importancia del Aprendizaje Basado en Tareas (TBL) como una metodología que fomenta el aprendizaje colaborativo y la creatividad, permitiendo a los estudiantes mejorar sus habilidades de comunicación oral. La iniciativa "Bilingüismo para la Paz," lanzada por la Universidad de Córdoba, busca cerrar la brecha educativa que enfrentan los niños de las escuelas públicas en el aprendizaje del inglés. A través de una experiencia de prácticas en la Institución Educativa Ribera, el autor reflexiona sobre los desafíos y éxitos encontrados al implementar estrategias de enseñanza innovadoras. La narrativa destaca la importancia de la participación estudiantil, la retroalimentación y la creación de un ambiente de aprendizaje de apoyo, mostrando en última instancia el impacto transformador de la educación tanto en los estudiantes como en los educadores.
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    Adressing students´ vocabulary challenges: a description of vocabulary thematic approach and its implementation in the mentorship program at Universidad de Córdoba
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-12) Causil Morales, María Fernanda; Galván De la Ossa, Aura Melissa; Galvan de la Ossa, Aura Melissa; Sánchez Cuello, Jhon Jairo
    This report outlines my internship experience within the Mentoring Program at Universidad de Córdoba, which paves the way for academic and social integration. It is intended to prevent students’ dropout from the first, second, and fifth semesters, who have been identified with academic needs, particularly in English grammar and communication skills. Fourteen learners showed learning needs in grammar, conversation, vocabulary, pronunciation, and listening comprehension areas, which hindered their ability to effectively express themselves during their semester progress. Hence, vocabulary acquisition is the central focus of this mentoring program and within this area, emotional support was conducted. These gaps not only hamper students’ development in language skills but also affect their academic progress and their active participation in class, particularly during speaking activities. This delves into feelings of inferiority compared to their peers, which has significantly inhibited their ability to engage fully in learning activities and significantly impacted their academic progress. To counteract these problems during my internship, the approach applied during the tutoring sessions was Thematic Vocabulary Teaching, which ensures the positive emotional support of L2 learners and provides meaningful linked contexts for learning. This combination fostered trust among the students, encouraged teamwork, and resulted in valuable constructive criticism and feedback to address and transform challenges into success to achieve students' academic goals.
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    Finding their voice: motivating students to speak english through cooperative learning
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-02) Cartagena Buelvas, Gisela; Lordouy Arellano, Danilsa Del Carmen; Paz Wechek, Martha Elvira
    This report describes the benefits of cooperation in improving speaking skills in upper-intermediate and intermediate students aged 10 to 16 as part of the Bilingualism for Peace program at Cristobal Colon, a public school in Monteria, Cordoba. The problem addressed is that the students had different and low English-speaking skills. To face this, the purpose of the internship was to help students improve their English-speaking skills with confidence trying to reduce the differences in levels that existed in the students. This was done using fun cooperative methods that promoted learning and personal growth. It included activities like group discussions, peer feedback, scaffolding, roleplay, and information gaps activities, to keep students motivated. Cooperative learning encourages small group collaboration, active communication, and peer support. This approach creates an environment in which students participate in meaningful conversations, regularly practicing their speaking skills on real-world tasks. The findings show that this method improves speaking skills and increases motivation, self-confidence, and language use in authentic contexts, in line with the program's goal of integrating language learning with peace-building values while promoting creativity and critical thinking.
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    Addressing vocabulary acquisition in primary students through a gamification approach: a national internship at Santa Clara de Asís
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-18) Tovar Becerra, Elias David; Diaz España, Itala; Causil, Maria Fernanda; Herrera Naranjo, Sol Jashmed
    This report describes my national internship carried out at Santa Clara de Asís School, in Ana Rodríguez de Vidal campus a rural primary school in Monteria, Colombia. The internship aimed to enhance vocabulary learning among twenty learners from fourth grade through gamification. Recognizing their learning needs and challenges in language learning, the internship explored how factors such as motivation, interest, and interactive games and tasks combined with a gamification and task-based learning approach influence their ability to acquire English vocabulary. Gamification was implemented as the main approach to enhance vocabulary learning, making it more contextualized, and enjoyable. This strategy resulted in increased student participation, and the promotion of collaborative learning. Furthermore, incorporating task-based learning, scaffolding methods, and learner-centered strategies, along with a greater emphasis on problem-solving activities, ensured that lessons aligned with students' needs and preferences. These methods collectively demonstrated significant progress in fostering a more dynamic and supportive learning environment, tailored to encourage active student involvement and practical skill development. Employing gamification and task-based learning strategies significantly enhanced students' ability to retain vocabulary while also boosting their enthusiasm for learning English. This internship report is organized into different parts such as outcomes and accomplishments regarding my students' learning process, personal progress, and professional growth.
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    The impact of listening on motivating english language learners
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-12) Torres Arroyo, Reydi Rubiel; Barboza Diaz, Alex Gabriel; González Lara, Delia Rosa
    This internship report on the topic of listening and motivation could address how learning listening comprehension was developed and applied in a practical setting. Below is an example of how this report could be structured. During my internship at Colegio Madre Bernarda, I had the opportunity to apply my listening and motivation skills specifically in the area of ​​listening. Motivation can be presented as the driving force behind the desire to improve these skills, as well as the reason behind the importance of honing them for professional performance. The motivation to improve listening skills during this internship was driven by the need to develop professionally in a globalized and multicultural environment. In today's working world, effective communication, especially in a second language such as English, is an indispensable requirement, and listening comprehension is one of the key skills to succeed in meetings, negotiations, and presentations.
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    Bilingualism for peace: fostering language and values in the classroom
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-12-09) Ealo Pérez, Luz Daniela; Paz Wechek, Martha Elvira; Paz Wechek, Martha; Gabriela, Plugliese
    Este informe presenta mi experiencia durante la pasantía que realicé en el marco del programa bilingüe de paz en el colegio Camilo Torres. El colegio está ubicado en un barrio económicamente desfavorecido de la ciudad de Montería. El objetivo era enseñar inglés a dos grupos diferentes de estudiantes entre las edades de 10 y 17 años, mientras se trabajaba en el respeto y se desarrollaban habilidades comunicativas. Esto debido a que los estudiantes se comportaban de manera irrespetuosa con sus compañeros. Para ello, se utilizaron diferentes tipos de métodos de enseñanza: aprendizaje basado en juegos, aprendizaje basado en tareas, aprendizaje cooperativo junto con el método audiovisual. Además, se establecieron normas básicas con directrices para la clase. Tuve que hacer frente a varios problemas, como la escasa asistencia y algunos comportamientos perturbadores. No obstante, estos métodos mejoraron el ambiente en el aula y la actitud de los alumnos, con el objetivo común de ayudarles a desarrollar sus competencias lingüísticas y prepararlos para las distintas destrezas a las que tendrán que enfrentarse en el futuro.
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    The english language teaching through a project-based approach to increase the intercultural sense in 8th graders from a bilingual school
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-11) Soto Narváez, José Enrique; Pugliese, Gabriella; Barboza Díaz, Alex Gabriel
    English teaching has evolved throughout the years and nowadays covers a variety of aspects of our daily life, regarding that, bilingual schools have understood the importance of creating a globalized education by applying well-known approaches in their curricula and understanding that English makes the teaching/learning process more reliable. This internship report focuses on how project-based approaches and culture are intertwined to create globalized and student-centered classrooms. Interculturality fosters making students more human, and respectful while they discover their abilities and learn to appreciate the cultural elements that define their personalities and identities. The application of interactive and modern lesson plans derived in more engaging classes, where resources were used appropriately and students gave enough value to the teaching practices. Summarizing, applying English from different perspectives allows students to navigate on what they know, and figures as a door to get what they want to know since the cultural appropriation.
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    Enhancing grammar and collaboration: an internship experience at Universidad de Córdoba
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-11) Argel Osorio, Maria Angélica; Diaz España, Itala; Galván de la Ossa, Aura Melissa
    This internship report explores a mentoring program conducted at the Universidad de Córdoba, aimed at enhancing the grammatical and communicative skills of fourth-semester English degree students. The program addresses students' difficulties with grammar, such as verb tenses and conditionals, through the implementation of pedagogical approaches like Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and Task-Based Learning (TBL). These methods emphasize real-world applications of grammar via activities such as role-playing, debates, and collaborative tasks. The report highlights the use of scaffolding, formative assessment, and cooperative learning to foster student engagement and progress. Despite challenges such as limited resources and inadequate learning spaces, the mentoring sessions achieved notable improvements in students’ grammar proficiency and confidence. Recommendations are provided to optimize future programs by enhancing learning environments and integrating practical, low-tech strategies. This experience underscores the importance of adaptive teaching practices in fostering meaningful learning and professional growth.
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    Promoting second language learning through a peaceful education: an internship journey applying gamification and task-based learning
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-11) Cabrales Rojas, Yaireth; Paz Wechek, Martha Elvira; Lordouy Arellano, Danilsa Del Carmen
    This paper details my internship experience through the Bilingualism for peace program at La Rivera school. Specifically, with students from 8 to 13 years old belonging to Beginners and pre-intermediate levels. The main purpose of this academic journey was to apply gamification and task-based learning to enhance student’s communicative skill, as well as promoting a peaceful environment through the language. Regarding gamification, it was a powerful tool that supported the process of improving student’s communicative skill, and the task-based learning approach helped provide meaningful tasks focused on students’ needs and context. Additionally, through this internship, students were able to experience a diverse and enjoyable educational space.
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    Enhancing communicative skills through the mentorship program: an internship report of first-semester student's progress at the University of Cordoba
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-10) Cabrales Saez, Daniela; Sánchez Cuello, Jhon Jairo; Galván de la Ossa, Aura Melissa
    Este informe analiza cómo la mentoría personalizada ayudó a estudiantes motivados de primer semestre inscritos en el programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Córdoba en Montería a mejorar su fluidez, confianza y desempeño académico durante el segundo semestre del año académico 2024. El programa de mentoría benefició a 15 estudiantes, en su mayoría provenientes de familias de bajos ingresos, quienes enfrentaban dificultades para hablar inglés debido a la falta de exposición previa al idioma. Durante la pasantía, se emplearon diversas técnicas pedagógicas, como juegos de roles, gamificación, trabajo colaborativo y retroalimentación correctiva, adaptadas a las necesidades individuales y preferencias de aprendizaje de cada estudiante. Al fomentar la competencia lingüística, aumentar la autoestima y promover la participación activa, estos métodos ayudaron a los alumnos a superar obstáculos como las lagunas de vocabulario y la escasa exposición al idioma. El estudio describe el marco metodológico y las teorías subyacentes del proceso de mentoría, destaca sus logros, señala las dificultades encontradas y ofrece recomendaciones para futuras implementaciones de este modelo de pasantía.
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    Enhancing vocabulary and oral skills through gamification in 4th grade students at Santa María Goretti school under the national internship program
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-09) Caballero Moreno, Laura Vanesa; Lozano Hoyos, Levis Leonardo; Barboza Diaz, Alex Gabriel
    The following report describes my internship experience at Santa Maria Goretti Educational Institution. It consisted of teaching in-person lessons to 4th-grade primary students between the ages of 9-12. The goal of this internship was to implement a meaningful strategy to get children involved in English learning. In this way, gamification as an educational strategy was applied to enhance vocabulary and oral skills. The lessons were designed and planned based on dynamic and mechanical techniques to provide a playful and accessible learning experience. In addition, this document discusses the underlying theories, methodology, gains, conclusions, limitations, and recommendations of the process in which I was immersed.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Improving vocabulary acquisition in 6th grade students from George’s noble school through gamification strategies
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-10) Espitia Palencia, Jesús Daniel; Pugliese, Gabriella; Lozano Hoyos, Levis Leonardo
    El uso del inglés como idioma global es innegable hoy en día, es parte esencial del comercio cultural y económico del mundo, es por esto que países como Colombia se han propuesto promover el aprendizaje de este idioma en sus ciudadanos. Como parte de este objetivo han surgido algunos colegios bilingües que facilitan el aprendizaje de esta lengua extranjera. A lo largo de este reporte describiré mi experiencia de pasantía dentro del colegio George's Noble, una institución bilingüe, abordando el tema de la adquisición de vocabulario a través de diferentes teorías, metodología y herramientas como el constructivismo, la gamificación y la evaluación formativa. Con el objetivo de mejorar las habilidades comunicativas de los alumnos, la comprensión de los tiempos gramaticales y la preparación para un evento escolar. Durante esta experiencia, me di cuenta de que el vocabulario es fundamental para hablar inglés de una manera más fluida y utilizando juegos con el enfoque del constructivismo, este proceso es más fácil y eficiente.
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    Internship at the educational institution ‘Gimnasio Cristiano Faro de Luz – The Lighthouse School’
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-09) Echeverry Hernández, Daniel Felipe; Herrera Naranjo, Sol Jashmed; Díaz España, Itala Susana
    This internship report details the teaching experience at Gimnasio Cristiano Faro de Luz. This internship aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practice, form teaching identity, build confidence, and foster language learning in students. The activities conducted in this internship included teaching English to students between 11 and 17 years old through methodologies such as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), and Task-Based Learning. The gains of this internship were significant: 1) students developed language proficiency, confidence, and critical thinking skills; 2) professional development involved classroom management improvements, teaching adaptability, and leadership experience; and 3) contribution to the school by introducing new views and supporting a collaborative environment. In the final section of the report, reflections on the internship and its limitations and areas of improvement are discussed. Lastly, it provides recommendations for future internships and underlines the need for reflective practices, professional development, and teacher collaboration to enhance the education system.
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    Promotion of values through english learning: internship experience implementing tbl and cooperative learning
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-08) Madera Berrocal, Catalina; Vega Calao, Yina; Aguas Castillo, Pedro; Amorocho García, Najesda
    ENG: This document is an internship report, which delves into the implementation of Task-Based Learning (TBL) and Cooperative Learning strategies to promote values through English learning. Throughout the internship, I engaged in designing and delivering lessons that emphasized planning, creativity, and adaptation in the classroom. The experience facilitated the development of essential teaching skills such as lesson planning, delivery, evaluation, and effective classroom management. By integrating TBL and Cooperative Learning, I fostered collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving among students, ultimately preparing them to be informed global citizens. The report reflects on the transformative potential of innovative pedagogies in enhancing the educational experience and nurturing essential skills for future generations.
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    Implementation of team-based learning to promote a healthy coexistence at Bilingualism for Peace Program
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-15) Díaz Lora, Erick Jonay; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    The following report shows the internship experiences that took place in the Bilingualism for Peace Program at the moment of teaching 28 students from Pre-intermediate level aging 11 to 13 years old in a public school in Monteria, Cordoba. The goal of this internship was to implement collaborative learning work as well as strategies for English classes in order to promote a positive and inclusive classroom environment. This was done integrating Problem-Based-Learning (PBL) and Team-Based-Learning (TBL) as pedagogical strategies. The results showed improvements in student’s attitude towards collaborative work, leading into a more active and participative classroom space where all students’ voices were heard and accepted.
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    Fostering collaborative learning in the technology era through project-based learning in a multilevel classroom
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-08) Lambis Guerra, María Isabel; Lordouy Arellano, Danilsa Del Carmen; Sagre Barboza, Ana Maria
    This degree work reports my internship experience with Upper intermediate and Conversation levels students of the Bilingualism for Peace program, carried out at the educational institution La Ribera. I highlight the importance of the Collaborative Learning and Project Based Learning approaches that I used in the design of lesson plans, activities, materials, and strategies, considering the Multilevel Classroom that I had. These approaches allowed me to foster speaking skill in students as well as the practice of the develop of critical thinking and teamwork. During this internship, I was able to demonstrate my pedagogical style and effort by using my skills and prior knowledge to promote meaningful and recreational learning environments. In this paper, I address a variety of aspects, including the professional, students, and personal gains I achieved during the internship. I also share the conclusions I came to, the challenging situations I faced, and the recommendations I have for students of the foreign language program with emphasis on English who are considering an internship as a degree option.
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    Addressing personal challenges faced by mentees in their academic journey through the mentoring program at Universidad de Córdoba
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-09) Ruiz Polo, Yulia Zuria; Galván Garcés, Olga Lucia; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo
    This report presents my internship experience in the Mentoring Program at the Universidad de Córdoba, designed to facilitate the academic and social integration of transitioning students. This program supports the entry and permanence of students from the first to fifth semester whose academic needs are identified in English grammar and communication skills. Thirteen first-semester learners showed a lack in the areas of grammar, conversation, and listening during their first semester. These gaps stifled their growth, inhibiting their active class participation coupled with the presence of competitiveness, avoidance of routine behaviors, and low-status comparison among the mentored students and their classmates, leading to negative feelings toward peers and themselves, affecting their academic process as well. This frustration manifested in some mentees by imposing self-expectations and academic overload to reach the same communicative level as their benchmarked classmates, exacerbating personal issues that further impeded their academic progress during mentoring sessions. To address these challenges, the methodologies and strategies implemented included Motivational Strategies, Consideration of Learning Styles, and an Effective Feedback Approach. The combination of these techniques created a collaborative and engaging environment, allowing mentees to effectively address learning barriers while working towards a common academic goal with their mentor, which granted largely positive outcomes during the process. This environment fostered open communication channels for constructive feedback, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the mentorship.
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    Improving oral communication and listening skills under the national internship program at George’s Noble School
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-07-08) Jiménez Royo, Eduardo José; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Lordouy Arellano, Danilsa Del Carmen
    This report describes my internship experience at George’s Noble School, which I carried out with preschool students in grade Green. The main objective of this internship was to improve oral communication and listening skills through different strategies where I tried to implement each one of them in the lesson plan I designed, and performed at school. In addition, this report shows the pedagogies, and methodologies that were used to complete my internship and gain the results, conclusions, limitations, and recommendations I wanted to share with future teachers.
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    Enhancing listening skills through technology for fll
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-07-03) Ramos Galvan Dilson Santiago; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Arango, Andres
    During my internship at Colegio Santa Teresita in San Pelayo, I focused on enhancing listening skills among secondary education students. Situated in an urban area catering primarily to socio-economically disadvantaged students, the school adopts a holistic approach to English language learning, integrating diverse pedagogies and educational technologies. As overseer of four ninth-grade groups, each comprising approximately 40 students, I tailored teaching practices to meet the unique needs of each group while fostering an inclusive and participatory learning atmosphere. This report sheds light on the challenges and strategies involved in adapting teaching methods within diverse educational contexts, emphasizing the importance of flexibility and creativity in educational practices.
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    Fostering Students' Success in their Academic Performance through the use of T-Grow Model in the TBL in The Accompaniment and The Mentoring Internship
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-07-07) Gomez Mejia Hernando; Vega Calao, Yina Margarita; Racero Diz, Jose Maria
    The following paper reports the process of the “The Academic Accompaniment and Mentoring Internship,” at the Universidad de Córdoba, Monteria (Colombia), from the bachelor’s degree in foreign Languages with an Emphasis in English. This process was conducted with 12 students from the third, fourth to fifth semester of Communication and Grammar courses to provide students with strategies that help them improve their English skills and get better performance in specific subjects, allowing them not to be retention targets or possible cases of dropouts in the future. In this internship, many professionals provide mentors with essential guidance and training throughout the internship, ensuring they are well-prepared to serve as impactful role models and offer a rewarding experience for their mentees. This approach focuses on students as the central element of the internship, with all other participants adjusting to their needs. The Pedagogical Strategies, Methodologies, Gains and Results of this internship are presented in this report along with the conclusions, reflections observed in the mentoring, its limitations and some recommendations for the program and future interns.