E.D.C. Pasantías


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    Promotion of values through english learning: internship experience implementing tbl and cooperative learning
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-08) Madera Berrocal, Catalina; Vega Calao, Yina; Aguas Castillo, Pedro; Amorocho García, Najesda
    ENG: This document is an internship report, which delves into the implementation of Task-Based Learning (TBL) and Cooperative Learning strategies to promote values through English learning. Throughout the internship, I engaged in designing and delivering lessons that emphasized planning, creativity, and adaptation in the classroom. The experience facilitated the development of essential teaching skills such as lesson planning, delivery, evaluation, and effective classroom management. By integrating TBL and Cooperative Learning, I fostered collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving among students, ultimately preparing them to be informed global citizens. The report reflects on the transformative potential of innovative pedagogies in enhancing the educational experience and nurturing essential skills for future generations.
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    Implementation of team-based learning to promote a healthy coexistence at Bilingualism for Peace Program
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-15) Díaz Lora, Erick Jonay; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
    The following report shows the internship experiences that took place in the Bilingualism for Peace Program at the moment of teaching 28 students from Pre-intermediate level aging 11 to 13 years old in a public school in Monteria, Cordoba. The goal of this internship was to implement collaborative learning work as well as strategies for English classes in order to promote a positive and inclusive classroom environment. This was done integrating Problem-Based-Learning (PBL) and Team-Based-Learning (TBL) as pedagogical strategies. The results showed improvements in student’s attitude towards collaborative work, leading into a more active and participative classroom space where all students’ voices were heard and accepted.
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    Fostering collaborative learning in the technology era through project-based learning in a multilevel classroom
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-08) Lambis Guerra, María Isabel; Lordouy Arellano, Danilsa Del Carmen; Sagre Barboza, Ana Maria
    This degree work reports my internship experience with Upper intermediate and Conversation levels students of the Bilingualism for Peace program, carried out at the educational institution La Ribera. I highlight the importance of the Collaborative Learning and Project Based Learning approaches that I used in the design of lesson plans, activities, materials, and strategies, considering the Multilevel Classroom that I had. These approaches allowed me to foster speaking skill in students as well as the practice of the develop of critical thinking and teamwork. During this internship, I was able to demonstrate my pedagogical style and effort by using my skills and prior knowledge to promote meaningful and recreational learning environments. In this paper, I address a variety of aspects, including the professional, students, and personal gains I achieved during the internship. I also share the conclusions I came to, the challenging situations I faced, and the recommendations I have for students of the foreign language program with emphasis on English who are considering an internship as a degree option.
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    Addressing personal challenges faced by mentees in their academic journey through the mentoring program at Universidad de Córdoba
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-09) Ruiz Polo, Yulia Zuria; Galván Garcés, Olga Lucia; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo
    This report presents my internship experience in the Mentoring Program at the Universidad de Córdoba, designed to facilitate the academic and social integration of transitioning students. This program supports the entry and permanence of students from the first to fifth semester whose academic needs are identified in English grammar and communication skills. Thirteen first-semester learners showed a lack in the areas of grammar, conversation, and listening during their first semester. These gaps stifled their growth, inhibiting their active class participation coupled with the presence of competitiveness, avoidance of routine behaviors, and low-status comparison among the mentored students and their classmates, leading to negative feelings toward peers and themselves, affecting their academic process as well. This frustration manifested in some mentees by imposing self-expectations and academic overload to reach the same communicative level as their benchmarked classmates, exacerbating personal issues that further impeded their academic progress during mentoring sessions. To address these challenges, the methodologies and strategies implemented included Motivational Strategies, Consideration of Learning Styles, and an Effective Feedback Approach. The combination of these techniques created a collaborative and engaging environment, allowing mentees to effectively address learning barriers while working towards a common academic goal with their mentor, which granted largely positive outcomes during the process. This environment fostered open communication channels for constructive feedback, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the mentorship.
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    Improving oral communication and listening skills under the national internship program at George’s Noble School
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-07-08) Jiménez Royo, Eduardo José; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Lordouy Arellano, Danilsa Del Carmen
    This report describes my internship experience at George’s Noble School, which I carried out with preschool students in grade Green. The main objective of this internship was to improve oral communication and listening skills through different strategies where I tried to implement each one of them in the lesson plan I designed, and performed at school. In addition, this report shows the pedagogies, and methodologies that were used to complete my internship and gain the results, conclusions, limitations, and recommendations I wanted to share with future teachers.
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    Enhancing listening skills through technology for fll
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-07-03) Ramos Galvan Dilson Santiago; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Arango, Andres
    During my internship at Colegio Santa Teresita in San Pelayo, I focused on enhancing listening skills among secondary education students. Situated in an urban area catering primarily to socio-economically disadvantaged students, the school adopts a holistic approach to English language learning, integrating diverse pedagogies and educational technologies. As overseer of four ninth-grade groups, each comprising approximately 40 students, I tailored teaching practices to meet the unique needs of each group while fostering an inclusive and participatory learning atmosphere. This report sheds light on the challenges and strategies involved in adapting teaching methods within diverse educational contexts, emphasizing the importance of flexibility and creativity in educational practices.
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    Fostering Students' Success in their Academic Performance through the use of T-Grow Model in the TBL in The Accompaniment and The Mentoring Internship
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-07-07) Gomez Mejia Hernando; Vega Calao, Yina Margarita; Racero Diz, Jose Maria
    The following paper reports the process of the “The Academic Accompaniment and Mentoring Internship,” at the Universidad de Córdoba, Monteria (Colombia), from the bachelor’s degree in foreign Languages with an Emphasis in English. This process was conducted with 12 students from the third, fourth to fifth semester of Communication and Grammar courses to provide students with strategies that help them improve their English skills and get better performance in specific subjects, allowing them not to be retention targets or possible cases of dropouts in the future. In this internship, many professionals provide mentors with essential guidance and training throughout the internship, ensuring they are well-prepared to serve as impactful role models and offer a rewarding experience for their mentees. This approach focuses on students as the central element of the internship, with all other participants adjusting to their needs. The Pedagogical Strategies, Methodologies, Gains and Results of this internship are presented in this report along with the conclusions, reflections observed in the mentoring, its limitations and some recommendations for the program and future interns.
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    Motivation In The Gamified Classroom: Insights From An Efl Education Context
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-11-28) Rodiño Coronado, Brayan Fernando; Pastrana Muñoz, Juan Carlos; Pugliese, Gabriella
    Este informe tiene como objetivo informar sobre la pasantía realizada en la institución General Santander en Montería a través de clases presenciales las cuales tuvieron como propósito mejorar la motivación de los estudiantes de 6to a 8vo grado como aporte a mejorar el aprendizaje del inglés antes mencionado. contexto
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    Using multisensory teaching strategies to improve students reading difficulties and their socio-emotional health
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-29) Arroyo Durango, Ashley; Romero, Yanilis; Arango, Andres
    This report describes my internship experience in the Bilingualism for Peace program carried out at the Cristobal Colon School, located in the southern area of the city of Monteria. This process was conducted at the beginners’ level. The objective of these practices was to help students with reading skills problems through planned lessons based on multisensory strategies and social-emotional learning. Providing students with different types of ways to learn comfortably and effectively by being exposed to activities where the different human senses are used. This allows for an enriching environment to learn more easily. Finally, this report describes the methodologies, results, conclusions, recommendations, and limitations of the whole internship process.
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    Bilingualism for peace internship: my first approach to a second language, english
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-29) Madera González, Kevin de Jesús; Arango Arteaga, Andrés Felipe; Vega Calao, Yina Margarita
    In Colombia, teaching English is promoted on a mandatory basis, even though it is not taught correctly due to the lack of resources in public schools. As a consequence, there is a gap in the teaching-learning of the second language from the beginning of schooling. However, the internship process carried out in the Bilingualism for Peace program at the El Sabanal School consisted of teaching in-person and online classes to the students of the program with the aim of giving them the possibility of immersing themselves in their first contact with the language. English dynamically and provide them with the necessary support throughout the process. Therefore, this report describes my experience during my internship as an English teacher. To achieve this, I applied Task-Based learning to expand the students' vocabulary. Additionally, this document illustrates the findings and achievements related to the growth, personal improvements, and career advancement of my students.
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    Implementing tiktok as an updated and useful tool to enhance oral production skills among upper-level students in language learning
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-01-23) Solis Guillen, Lelys Tatian,a; Pugliese de Gonzalez, Gabriella; Pastrana Muñoz, Juan Carlos
    This report paper describes the experience of an internship in the Bilingualism for Peace Program at La Ribera school, carried out at level #6, the upper intermediate level, which was held every Saturday. The main objective of this internship was the implementation of TikTok as a useful tool for oral production, since students through a diagnostic evaluation were inclined to use the technology. Therefore, I took advantage of that affinity, in order to improve their ability to use the language. Besides, this paper reports the different pedagogies used for the proper development of the experience and achieving the objective which were: oral production, ICTs in education, Social Media in education, TikTok, Authentic Learning and Collaborative learning. Finally, this report explains the methodologies and strategies used, the results obtained at the end and gives recommendations taking into account the professional development of the teacher and the student.
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    Fostering students communicative skills and self-confidence through emotional support In the mentoring program
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-22) Padilla Romero, José Daniel; Vega Calao, Yina Margarita
    This paper focuses on reporting the process of “Fostering Students Communicative Skills and Self-confidence Through Emotional Support in the Mentoring Program” at Universidad de Córdoba in Montería. This process was conducted with 10 students attending their first semester in Communication I and Grammar I courses, with the goal of helping them accomplish their desired results and boosting their confidence. Having very insightful and holistic sessions each time was key in order to help them to reinforce the content learned in their subjects. In this specific internship, there are a lot of professionals providing the guidance and training that mentors need along the process to fully equip them so that they can be effective role models and provide the best experience for their mentees. This is a student-centered approach where the mentees are the main focus of the program and all the other participants adapt to their needs, but the mentees have also to adapt to the strategies proposed in order to fulfill the expected outcomes. The up-learning and collaborative spaces are pertinent to carry out successfully the mentoring program.
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    CBI to promote conversation level students reading comprehension
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-17) Flórez Ubarnes, Laurent Yasmin; Paz Wechek, Martha Elvira; Galvan Garces, Olga Lucia
    Esta pasantía se realizó en la Institución Educativa Camilo Torres a través del programa Bilingüismo para la Paz. Esta pasantía tuvo como objetivo mejorar la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes del Nivel Conversacional, teniendo en cuenta que algunos de ellos están próximos a cursar el grado 11 y presentar su examen ICFES. Además, esta pasantía me ayudó a explorar y mejorar mis métodos de enseñanza y a darme cuenta que como docente no solo enseño gramática inglesa, sino que también puedo enseñar otras materias dentro de ella. Este trabajo describe el programa donde se realizó la pasantía, las pedagogías implementadas, la metodología, los resultados, conclusiones, recomendaciones y limitaciones de este significativo proceso en el cual tuve un crecimiento no solo profesional sino personal.
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    Internship At institución educativa el Carmen de Cotorra (Instecar), educational internship
    (2023-08-15) Viloria Bernal, Iván josé; Arango Arteaga, Andrés Felipe; Asesor pedagogico
    This report describes my experience during the "educational" internship at the I.E. El Carmen de Cotorra (INSTECAR). The main focus of this type of internship is to accompany the English teacher in his teaching process in order to give the students (and at the same time, the teacher) a second teaching strategy, an alternative method of introduction to the lesson. that the teacher is working on the students. It consisted of, through a request and agreement between the University of Cordoba and the Institution, developing and exercising the role of teacher in the classroom next to the local teacher (mentor) and being supervised and guided throughout this process by a Professor (advisor) previously assigned by the internship program of the University of Cordoba, belonging to the same (UNICORDOBA).
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    Internship at la Ribera School: Bilingualism for peace program
    (2023-07-28) Urbiñez Lozano, Angie Melissa; Tordecilla Zumaqué, Yurisan; Tordecilla Zumaqué, Yurisan
    This paper aims to present my internship experience in the Bilingualism for Peace Program, which was carried out through face-to-face classes at La Ribera High School in Monteria, Córdoba. I dedicated complete teaching English to 3 groups such as: Elementary, Intermediate, and Conversation level with students belonging to, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 grades. One of the major challenges encountered during this internship was the difficulty among students to achieve one of the program's objectives, which aimed to promote a peaceful environment and global social competences through the target language. It was clear that strong pedagogical strategies were needed to address these barriers, encourage active student participation, and promote oral interaction within the classroom, as well as intercultural awareness. This is why I considered the importance of integrating cultural elements, using innovative methods, and providing resources that stimulate their interest and motivation. Nevertheless, my principal purpose was focused on the implementation of role play as a didactic strategy through platforms such as TikTok to promote active learning where students found it easier to learn difficult concepts by simulating a scenario where they had to apply these concepts, all this through lesson plans based on Task-Based Language Teaching. Each of these classes had the main objective of encouraging more motivation by the student's part to question themselves but above all to respectfully address controversial issues, such as Racism, Diversity, Culture, Gender, Bullying, Inclusion, Diversity, and not least the fact of how to be a good human being in our society. All this accompanied by essential factors of the program such as Interculturality and all the values that go hand in hand with peace.
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    Collaborative learning to promote values at El Sabanal School
    (2023-08-06) Ruiz Guerra, Orianis; Paz Wechek, Martha Elvira
    This report describes the internship process conducted in the program Bilingualism for peace at El Sabanal school. This process was conducted in low elementary, second level belonging to the program and consisted of face-to-face and virtual classes. The principal purpose of this internship was to develop the importance of teamwork through games and didactic activities, provide them with the necessary accompaniment through the process and establish good relationships between classmates. In addition, it explains the essential pedagogical perspectives on which this paper is based, which are Collaborative learning (CL) and the role of play and games in child development. Finally, this internship reports discusses the methodologies, results, conclusions, recommendations, and limitations of this meaningful process for personal and professional growth.
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    Cooperativa learning as a teaching method to improve oral production in the english class At Institucion Educativa Los Garzones
    (2023-08-02) Pardo Cavadia, Juan; Pugliese De González, Gabriella
    In the teaching of English process, there are modalities to create efficient and dynamic classes for students who are learning English as a Foreign Language, that allow the proper understanding and acquisition of knowledge. The teaching of English in Colombia, mostly in public schools, has not been an easy and dynamic task. The problem of teaching English is that it is individual in most cases and for this reason it is necessary to implement new ways of teaching English in a complete and clear way, so cooperative learning is shown as an effective way. Implementing cooperative learning involves careful planning and structuring of group activities. Teachers must create a supportive classroom environment and establish clear expectations for participation, accountability, and mutual respect. Group formation should be strategic, considering factors such as students' abilities, diversity, and social dynamics. Moreover, instructors play a crucial role in facilitating discussions, providing guidance, and monitoring group dynamics to ensure an equitable and inclusive learning experience for all students. Cooperative learning not only works as a group dynamic because it is demonstrated throughout this experience that it is considered a necessary tool to foster oral production in students.
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    Developing efl learners’ study habits to improve communicative skills under the “Mentoring” program at Universidad de Córdoba
    (2023-07-26) Gil Vergara, Kamila Susana; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Olga Lucía Galván Garcés
    This report describes the internship accomplished at the University of Cordoba in the Foreign Language Teaching Program under the Student Academic Accompaniment and Mentoring Program. It is intended to prevent student dropout and to bring down the level of desertion to maintain and stimulate the permanency of the students in the program. 15 learners who were studying Grammar and Communication from novice to upper intermediate level enrolled from first to fifth semester, were identified and presented academic needs mainly regarding study habits which affected their academic performance; they lacked a plan to study appropriately to improve their communicative skills, they also had some difficulties concerning the use of grammar in writing and listening tasks. Add to this, students had personal problems which caused them to stop paying attention in class or to attend classes. As many of them worked sometimes they did not have time to get home to study and they simply could not concentrate in class due to external problems. The methodology applied was principally founded on professional development to measure the different needs teachers encounter at different stages of their career; collaborative and cooperative learning which let the mentor and the mentee work together to achieve a common goal; also, the development of study habits which lead the learners to create and domain a set of behaviors to study more proficiently, and the implementation of adapting methodologies. The results confirmed that mentees could not only improve their communicative skills, but also their academic records in some way, likewise they realized the importance of having a plan to track progress and set goals.
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    Promoting empathy and teamwork through the awareness of the sustainable development goals in conversation level learners
    (2023-07-18) Triviño Arango, Andrea Camila; Mendoza Bohorquez, Francisco Miguel
    This paper describes my internship experience carried out at the Cristobal Colon Educational Institution. This internship was focused on the context of the Conversation course, which is the 7th and last level of the Bilingualism for Peace program. The main objective during my internship was to foster emotional competencies such as empathy and teamwork. To achieve this, I implemented three sustainable development goals during the classes, which were Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities and Climate Action. I also took into account the objectives of the Bilingualism for Peace program and the collaborative learning approach in the planning of the classes and the design of the activities. On the other hand, in this paper I will be addressing some aspects about this internship experience, such as the work methodology I put into practice during the classes and my teaching style based on the student centered, capable of interacting with peers to achieve personal and collaborative goals. Likewise, I will present the positive results I obtained during this internship both as a professional and as a person, as well as the gains of my students regarding their learning processes. Finally, I will share some conclusions about the internship journey, some limitations I experienced and how I overcame them, and also some recommendations for those students who are considering to opt for an internship.
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    Final internship report at the Language Center located in Universidad de Córdoba
    (2023-07-10) Bustamante, Vanesa; Bohórquez Rodríguez, Deimer David; Arango Arteaga, Andrés Felipe; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo
    This report aims to investigate the effectiveness and impact of Project-Based Learning (PBL) on the holistic development of children from ages 7 to 8. PBL is an innovative educational approach that engages students in authentic, hands-on projects to develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills, collaboration, and creativity. The report examines various dimensions of children's growth, including cognitive, social, emotional, and physical aspects. Key findings highlight that PBL positively influences children's cognitive abilities by fostering curiosity, self-directed learning, and knowledge application in real-world scenarios. The collaborative nature of PBL enhances social skills, including communication, teamwork, and leadership. Additionally, emotional intelligence and self-confidence are bolstered as children face challenges, receive constructive feedback, and experience the satisfaction of project completion.