Publicación: La huerta, un espacio para el intercambio y aprendizaje de saberes comunitarios y escolares sobre el uso de plantas cotidianas en la comunidad de la Institución Educativa Policarpa Salavarrieta
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The research project was based on the need to value the garden as a space for learning about the use of everyday plants in the community of the Policarpa Salavarrieta Educational Institution from the exchange of community and school knowledge with 10th grade students, in addition led to the promotion of interest in the use of plants and care for the environment. We worked under a qualitative methodology, in which the dialogic nature of hermeneutics was used to obtain each result throughout the process. The population with which we worked in this project was the 10th grade students of said institution who were part of the school technical average, in addition to the participation of 5 parents and 5 teachers. The instruments used to obtain the data for the development of the project were the interview, the photographic record and the checklist. The results were satisfactory, the students had knowledge about the types of plants to plant in the garden, such as medicinal, fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants, in consolidation of teamwork, likewise the collaboration of the teacher was of vital importance in the course of this process. It was concluded that the activities outside the classroom influence the motivation of the students and continue learning about specific topics, this type of activities manages to capture their attention almost completely, which allows the student to become more participatory and obtain an eloquent learning.