The present research refers to the subject of children's and young people's behaviors and how we can support their monitoring and control with the help of technology. With the support of the educational institution La Ribera, an information system was designed that integrated the Monitoring Model, which was the tool that the psychoanalyst used to monitor students, consisting of the management of tables in Excel, and also gave the facility to generate reports with local standards based on the information that the system had. This monitoring system was implemented in a web site, in order to guarantee its easy access from any device with an-internet connection. All those roles that are influential and that are part of the life of young people were taken into account, such as parents, teachers and of course the psychologist. In the information system it will be possible to schedule activities in order to follow up on those bad behaviors that were evident at a given time. The main objective of this tool is to provide a support, in the follow-up and monitoring of students, to the psycho-counsellors