Publicación: Evaluación de las estrategias de participación de los usuarios en Fundación Casalud
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The User Information and Service System (SIAU) is a tool that allows measuring and evaluating the satisfaction of the external and internal users of the Casalud Foundation through: reception and processing of complaints, claims, suggestions and congratulations, for the taking actions to improve interpersonal relationships and processes to provide a better service. In other words, the implementation and development of SIAU in the Foundation serves as an instrument to verify and promote compliance with the Duties and Rights of users, and identify opportunities for improvement during the service process; and based on this, establish corrective actions that allow the objectives set to be achieved. The purpose of this project is to evaluate strategies that promote the participation of the users in Casalud Foundation. In order to achieve this objective, adequate information and socialization must be provided to the users about the health participation to which they are entitled, where they can express their needs and expectations about the health services offered in the Foundation. Based on the above, an analysis was made of the information collected in the forms filled out in the opening of the suggestion box (weekly) and satisfaction surveys conducted to users (monthly), followed by the monitoring and timely processing of requests, complaints, claims, suggestions and compliments (PQRSF) focused on the evaluation of the user satisfaction index and subsequently generate improvement plans to ensure excellent service delivery in compliance with the achievement of the established goals.