Publicación: Desarrollo de un aplicativo web app progresivo para la divulgación de contenidos institucionales, académicos y culturales de la Universidad de Córdoba
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As a digital media to improve and promote the communicatives and participatives processes at the university of Córdoba, a progressive web-app application was developed for the diffusion of institucional, academic and culture information. The research development of the application is base on a typology of scientific research,specifically to the experimental development mode since the aim is to improve an information system based on the information needs of the university an students, the application is also supported by on the SCRUM methodology for the development of the software in an agile way, using modern web technologies such as: javascript and its framework vue.js, based on the component programming. Therefore through the investigative analysis it was indentified the different media the university uses to report, in addition was achieved the design and buliding of a contained generation system in consideration of the topics institucional, academic and culture . With this in mind, it is recommended to generate content diffusion strategies to have a greater impact on the university campus ,it was also concluded that it is essential to promote development in order to strengthen the knowledge acquired in the different areas of computer science and generate communities in virtual spaces.