Publicación: Impacto de una estrategia metacognitiva en la competencia de lectura de los estudiantes de grado sexto de la Institución Educativa Aguas Negras
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The general objective of this research was to "Analyze the impact of a Metacognitive strategy on the reading competence of sixth grade students of the Aguas Negras Educational Institution". The methodology used in this investigative process was carried out under the parameters of the qualitative approach with a descriptive statistical analysis. The population under study was made up of 78 students, the participants were made up of the GET. For the collection of information, the didactic sequence was designed and validated, elaborated through guides of 6 sessions, taking into account the competences according to the levels of Critical Reading in which the students were, making evident and helping to identify in the students the level of reading competence, before applying the metacognitive strategy and if they advanced in the following levels after the application. It began with the diagnostic test, then the sequence for data collection and finally, the closing test, to validate the effectiveness of the strategy on the development of Critical Reading with the metacognitive approach. According to the analysis of the information, it is accepted that the impact of the metacognitive strategy on the critical reading competence was satisfactory and that the pertinent results were achieved in the sixth grade students of the I.E Aguas Negras.