E.H.A. Trabajos de Investigación y/o Extensión
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Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2013-07-14) Montes Ochoa, Saray Esther; Velasquez Molina, Juan Jose; Guerra Ayazo, Sharon; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloIn the ever-evolving landscape of education, personal leadership has emerged as a crucial aspect for educational leaders. One of the key drivers behind the focus on personal leadership in education is the recognition that effective leadership is essential for creating positive learning environments and improving educational outcomes. This paper explores the concept of transformational leadership, which focuses on inspiring and empowering followers to achieve common goals. The assumptions of transformational leadership are discussed, emphasizing the importance of personal values, beliefs, and qualities of the leader in driving change. The paper also highlights the benefits of collaborative work in understanding leadership dynamics and shaping oneself as a professional and teacher-leader. Furthermore, the concept of leadership empowerment is explored, emphasizing the significance of providing autonomy, support, and resources to educators to improve their professional expertise and foster student achievement. The proposed plan aims to empower students to become the best versions of themselves and inspire others throughout their lives by developing their leadership capabilities and driving their own personal growth processes.Publicación Acceso abierto La transposición didáctica en alumnos de 9° como estrategia para la enseñanza de la química en la Institución Educativa Andrés Rodríguez B. de Sahagún Córdoba(2020) Montes López, Yina Vanessa; Vega Cruz, Kenia; Torres Vásquez, Roger ElíThe objective of this document was to analyze how the design of a didactic unit, in which the didactic transposition is implemented, is applied as a strategy for teaching chemistry in 9th grade students of the Andrés Rodríguez de Sahagún Educational Institution (Córdoba), Where there is a situation of low academic performance and the achievements proposed for the advancement of the educational training process are not being exceeded. Taking as a reference the theory of Yves Chevallard (1991), from wise knowledge to taught knowledge. Considering the development and implementation of the objectives worked, a qualitative approach is used, with a descriptive method using semi-structured interviews where the required information is obtained. The final result is the assessment and relevance of the chemistry teaching unit with the implementation of the didactic transposition giving priority to DBAs and EBCs allowing a closer approach to learning and teaching chemistry in grade 9. For this purpose, a series of phases or stages that allowed determining a process as appropriate as possible to promote meaningful learning of the subject in question.Publicación Acceso abierto A case study of english teachers’ classroom leadership skills.(2020-06-02) Villera Herrera, Karen Andrea; Pinto Lucas, Ángela María; Aguas Castillo, PedroLeadership skills have been found to create improvement in different contexts. There have been many studies inquiring about the impact of leadership in different knowledge areas. Despite that, it seems as though no studies address the role of leadership skills in teachers in the classroom. This case study describes the leadership skills of three secondary English teachers and how they use those skills in the classroom. Data includes semi-structured interviews, and focus group. Findings revealed that teachers have at least four of the five specific skills indicated in the theoretical framework. Moreover, it was disclosed that teachers use their leadership skills to stimulate students to become active learners, participate and be motivated; to create a relationship of mutual understanding, to be guidance, and reinforce cooperative learning.Publicación Acceso abierto Exploring socio-cognitive alignment opportunities in an efl classroom(2020-06-02) López Carmona, Brando José; Ramos Cano, Luis Manuel; Becerra Posada, TatianaOral participation is the process in which students express and communicate their ideas and thoughts, having opportunities to practice L2 and interact with the teacher and classmates. According to Socio-cognitive theory, alignment plays an important role when learning a L2, which considers learners’ mind and body interaction with their peers and their surroundings as essential for learning. Thus, this study aimed to explore the alignment moments between a pre-service teacher and his students in an EFL classroom, as well as, the learning and participation opportunities generated by this alignment. Lesson observations were approached following micro-analysis and multimodal transcriptions. The findings described the semiotic resources such as proxemics, body posture, gazing and intonation that converged during the interaction between the pre-service teacher and students. Learning opportunities generated from the alignment moments such as participation and synchrony were also described. The study suggests benefits and further possibilities for research on alignment under a socio-cognitive approach in the field of teacher-education.Publicación Acceso abierto Internship at cdc el recuerdo, under the framework of cordoba transformada: mis primeros pasos -speakers(2020-06-09) Parra David, María CamilaThe purpose of this report is to put in evidence my experience, personal and professional growth gained, as well as negative implications and limitations presented when designing material as an intern at Cordoba Transformada, specifically in Cordoba: Mis Primeros Pasos - Speakers, an internship program held by The University of Cordoba, in Monteria, Colombia. The purpose of the internship was to teach English as a Foreign language to children from a Child Development Center named El Recuerdo, located in the southern part of the city. Nevertheless, COVID-19 emergency alert arose and the CDC closed its gates. Preceding its closure, this internship requirement changed, Speakers team was asked to design material implementing virtual educational tools to be developed when conditions permit. The aforementioned material resulted to be a project reflected in a macro unit whose main goal is to assure a meaningful english first encounter to early aged kids. My report is focused on an EFL association implementing methodologies such as Phonics in Early Childhood, Project-Based Learning (PBL), Total Physical Response (TPR), and English in Early Childhood supported by approaches and pedagogies explained in detail in the following chapters.Publicación Acceso abierto A Personal Leadership Statement(2020-06-10) Romero Delgado, Isabella María; Polo Gonzalez, María JoséThis document depicts personal descriptions of leadership in an academic environmentPublicación Acceso abierto El cultivo del gusano de harina (Tenebrio molitor) como herramienta didáctica para disminuir el impacto ambiental del uso del poliestireno expandido (eps) potenciando el uso del abono orgánico producto de su biodegradación con estudiantes de 6° de la institución educativa alfonso builes correa.(2020-06-18) González Álvarez, Karen Tatiana; Ortega Barbosa, Brenda Patricia; Cadavid Velásquez, Edith De JesúsUno de los principales problemas ambientales que acarrea en la actualidad es la contaminación por residuos plásticos, dicho problema posee un carácter global es decir que afecta a todo el planeta. Siendo el plástico un material de consumo masivo en el mercado, uno de ellos el icopor o EPS (Poliestireno), este proyecto de investigación se centra en buscar una alternativa que permita disminuir el impacto ambiental por este plástico con el cultivo del gusano de harina (Tenebrio molitor) como solución, que a su vez la biodegración de este genera excremento con muchos nutrientes y utilizado como abono orgánico. Se utiliza un enfoque cualitativo, con método de investigación-acción. El escenario escogido para potenciar el cultivo del gusano es a través de una estrategia didáctica que se implementa y desarrolla en compañía con estudiantes de 6° de la institución educativa Alfonso Builes Correa, cuyo producto final es una cartilla informativa llamada “Tenebrio molitor: un gusano antiplástico” donde los estudiantes narraran su experiencia científica con los pasos, resultados y beneficios obtenidos durante la investigación y una socialización en toda la institución educativa. Se concluye que esta experiencia educativa logró llamar la atención a los directivos de la institución y se logró formar un grupo científico del cual hacen parte integrantes de varios cursosPublicación Acceso abierto English language internship – translation project(Universidad de Córdoba, 2021-03-29) Tapia Sandoval, Arnaldo José; Pacheco Carmona, Estefani Yulieth; Nieto Caballero, JaimeAt the University of Córdoba, the internationalization processes of the different programs are becoming more visible every day. Teachers and students see the need to promote international academic events with expert guests in other languages recognized in the different areas and knowledge of academic programs. The need for publications in specialized magazines abroad has also increased. Due to this growth, the support of students and teachers of the degree program in foreign-English languages of the faculty of education in supporting translation processes to teachers interested in publishing their research projects, and performing interpretations at events, is even more noticeable, we aim to generate national and international visibility for the academic program, the Department of Foreign Languages, the Faculty of Education and the University of Córdoba with regard to the offer of translation and interpretation services to the educational community and the region, also being an opportunity for The English Degree program responds to the need for publication in international contexts where English, French and Portuguese are required.Publicación Acceso abierto Designing a lesson plan using multimodal digital composing to foster oral participation to a student with asd(2021-09-14) Buelvas Gutiérrez, Jully Zaitel; Lizarralde Ángel, María Paula; García Montes, Paula AndreaInclusion is one of the most challenging aspects in education, especially when teaching English as a second language to autistic students. This research aims to identify the elements, stages, steps, differentiations and adaptations that a multimodal digital composing lesson should have to foster oral participation in a student with ASD in a regular school in Montería. Data was collected through a questionnaire, an interview and document analysis. Findings of this study describes a lesson plan built on theories and perspectives concerning designing of Multimodal Digital Texts and guided by the students’ needs analysis. Finally, this study suggests teaching English through the content and the text from the general to the specific.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-17) Chica Lloreda, Kevin Andrés; Aviléz Estrella, Lina María; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloOver the past decade, there have been many studies that have shown all classroom management difficulties and also the lack of teachers’ good strategies for solving problems in schools. One way to attack this root problem is to implement what is known as “leadership” in all the schools and mainly in teachers’ minds. This paper highlights the importance of becoming leaders in schools and implementing leadership skills with our students. The idea is to transform our current thoughts and minds to think and reason like leaders. This paper incorporates all the results and all the goals that we will achieve if we implement leadership in our classes in collaboration with the integrants' experience of the practicum. The paper proposes the success that teachers and future teachers will achieve in their classes if they implement leadership.Publicación Acceso abierto A foreign language educator’s lived experiences while using technology in times of pandemic(2022-07-29) Díaz Zurita, Juan Sebastián; Hernandez Viloria, Maria Jose; Herazo Rivera, José DavidThere have been many challenges in education due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Communication and information technologies, however, have become hope amidst pandemic, as they have allowed the teaching and learning process to be developed. Remote education during pandemic has been the topic of many researchers to uncover the essence of teachers’ lived experience from various perspectives. However, little has been done on exploring the lived experiences of L2 teachers in school contexts. The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experiences of English educators with online education in a public school in the department of Cordoba, Colombia. This study employed a descriptive phenomenological design. The researcher collected the data through in-depth, semi-structured interviews and reflective diaries. The data was analyzed through Colaizzi's phenomenological seven steps. The study found that remote education during Covid-19 implied encountering multiple mixed feelings and perceptions that were mostly associated with Covid-19’s obstacles. The integration of ICTs, however, served as a bridge amidst pandemic’s hurdles to allow the continuity of the teaching and learning process. This integration as result, provided new opportunities to discover new technological considerations and to enrich the participant’s life and professional aspects. This study highlights the transcendence of the participant’s perception towards the lived experience and the significance of ICTs in the adaptation process of moving from a physical modality to virtual spaces.Publicación Acceso abierto Exploring English Foreign Language Students’ Beliefs about Culture-based Conversation Clubs: A descriptive Case Study(2023-01-03) Acevedo Fuenmayor, Katheryn Esther; Oviedo Jaramillo, Ivan Alberto; Gracia Montes, Paula AndreaThis study examines the beliefs of students at the University of Cordoba in Colombia about oral fluency activities facilitated by English Teaching Assistants (ETA) in the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program. The study aims to understand how these activities impact students' engagement, motivation, and confidence in learning English. The research is an expansion of previous studies in this area, which have primarily focused on other cultural contexts. The researchers collected data through Semi-structured interviews and recorded observations where notes were left in the protocols. Four themes emerged from the data in (a) a learner-centered approach to teaching and learning, (b) the need for improvement in oral fluency and speaking skills, (c) cultural awareness and (d) student engagement, motivation, and confidence. The study funded that students' perception of English conversation clubs played a crucial role in the development of their oral fluency, and that students' engagement, motivation, and confidence are key factors that determine their continued attendance and participation in these clubs. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of a voluntary and anxiety-free speaking activity, as well as the significance of cultural awareness in the development of speaking skills.Publicación Acceso abierto Describing the Characteristics of a Synchronous e-Lesson for Online Interaction(2023-02-03) Suárez Lominet, María José; Lordouy Arellano, Danilsa del CarmenThe immersion in an unforeseen mode of acquiring knowledge for traditional learners and professors during pandemic covid-19 released several obstacles. In this sense, learner-content, learner-learner, learner-teacher and learner-interface interactions became so reluctant in online classes that provoked an awkward ambiance. The purpose of this qualitative exploratory case study was to describe the characteristics of a synchronous e-lesson should contain to promote interaction in fifth EFL students. This research study used a theoretical framework to describe the most important constructs covered; online interaction, e-learning and online lesson plan. The sample for this study was one fifth semester professor from an EFL program, as well as 5 fifth semester students. As there are several means to collect data, the researcher applied interviews based on needs analysis. The study employed thematic analysis and a total of 10 sub-themes emerged from four main pre-stablished themes which are; Learner-content, Learner-teacher, Learner-learner and Learner-interface interaction. These subthemes were organized in the ensuing fashion: Learner-content Interaction; engaging topics, visual support, contextualization and load management, Learner-teacher Interaction; teacher-student rapport, methodological activities, Learner-learner Interaction; teamwork and respectful and enthusiastic attitude, Learner-interface Interaction; video-conferencing platforms and tools of preference.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-14) Pérez Varilla, Natalia; González Monsalve, Harold; Isaza Blanco, Andrés; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloA personal leadership statement. As university students and future professionals, we aspire to become leaders who inspire and empower others to reach their full potential. We want to lead by example and create a positive impact on the people and organizations we work with. We aim to be visionaries who can communicate clear and compelling visions for the future and motivate others to work towards achieving them. Additionally, we want to cultivate a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration, where everyone feels valued and has a sense of ownership in achieving common goals. “Being a leader shows us that difficulties are opportunities to grow and inspire others by showing them how great they are.” Harold González Monsalve, Natalia Pérez Varilla & Andrés Isaza Blanco.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-14) Cárdenas Cárdenas, Esther Lucia; Orozco Correa, Nicol Estefany; Vargas Alarcón, Andrea Marcela; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeadership is a set of skills that a person has to guide, motivate, and drive a group of people in pursuit of a common goal. Keith Davis states, “Leadership is the process of encouraging and helping others to work enthusiastically towards their objectives. Leadership must extract cooperation and willingness of individuals and groups to attain the organizational objectives”. Daft (2008) states, “Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes" (p.4). Teacher leadership must possess specific characteristics, such as a constant willingness to learn and improve, allowing them to evolve and thrive in their leadership role. This statement will focus on teacher leadership. The other three sections will address our assumptions about teacher leadership, empowerment, implications for the future, and conclusions. Leadership is a communication process of influencing and directing people to commit to and achieve a shared goal voluntarily in a given situation (Aykut, Apinya, Billy, Gilbert, & Ritina, 2008). Thus, It is crucial to follow the perspectives of the teacher leadership to lead and guide students and colleagues, which helps to improve learning and the overall school environment. “While shared leadership also helps improve the system and the students' learning outcomes” (Coutla & Hallinger, 2009). Teacher leadership understands the importance of shared leadership, as it significantly impacts the education system, which can lead to improvements in various aspects such as teaching practices, curriculum development, or organizational effectiveness. It implies that students' learning outcomes, including their academic achievements, are positively influenced when leadership is shared, and there is participation from all members.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-17) López Anaya, Naidys Farina; Saleme Ramos, María Angélica; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThroughout the years, many new ideas and approaches have appeared to help teachers develop their lesson plans in the best possible way. In this sense, teacher leadership emerged as an approach that allows teachers to achieve optimal results. Therefore, this paper focuses on explaining everything related to leadership, what it is, its implications in the area of education, and leadership seen from a teaching perspective. In addition, this paper includes and explains key terms such as empowerment, teacher leadership, assumptions, and values. The focus of teacher leadership is to show how teacher leaders can guide students toward the achievement of objectives, giving them empowerment that motivates them to move forward to achieve those established goals. Thus, the plan is to empower all the members that are involved in the educational community. This is how this plan highlights the importance of teachers and students working for a common goal and looking forward to get desired results.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-18) García Montiel, Sara Margarita; Negrete Coronado, María Andrea; López Muentes, José Gabriel; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeadership can be defined as the ability to influence, motivate, and empower individuals or groups to contribute towards the achievement of organizational goals (Daft, 2008). It involves the process of influencing others to understand and agree on what needs to be done and how to do it, while facilitating individual and collective efforts towards shared objectives (Yukl, 2013). According to Daft (2008), “several critical dimensions of leadership include having a clear vision, authenticity, and emotional intelligence.” Leaders who possess these attributes are better equipped to effectively communicate their vision, establish trust and credibility with their followers, and respond to their needs in a supportive and empowering manner. The rest of this statement consists of our assumptions about teacher leadership empowerment and implications for the future and conclusions.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-12-22) Álvarez Ibáñez, Adriana Lucia; Sánchez Lora, Yulissa; Watts Marchena, Claudia; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloIn the realm of education strategic leadership is an evolving concept that transcends in the realm of education strategic leadership is an evolving concept that transcends traditional administrative roles, emphasizing the need for educators to navigate complexity and drive positive change. This personal leadership statement our approach, qualities and future practices as strategic teachers’ leaders. Teachers equipped with strategic leadership skills are better positioned to adapt to dynamic educational environments, address diverse student needs, and contribute to institutional progress. Thus, in the paper we will give an original response that reflects our leadership knowledge perspectives, our assumptions, and implication for future practices, exploring how strategic thinking, vision alignment, and collaborative decision-making empower educators to proactively address challenges within classrooms. The plan proposed that as future strategic leaders in education, we must embrace a proactive and forward-thinking mindset, integrating strategic leadership principles into our instructional practices, and contribute significantly to the transformative journey of education, ensuring that classrooms become hubs of inspiration, critical thinking, and holistic development.Publicación Acceso abierto Leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-13) Contreras Muñoz, Marco Antonio; Ojeda Díaz, Anderson Miguel; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloIn the last decade, transformational leadership has become crucial for educational leaders in the ever-changing field of education. Effective leadership fosters positive learning environments and improves educational outcomes. This essay explores how transformational leadership inspires subordinates to achieve shared goals and emphasizes the importance of a leader's values, beliefs, and attributes. It highlights the benefits of collaborative work in understanding leadership dynamics and developing as professional teacher-leaders. Additionally, it examines leadership empowerment, stressing the importance of giving educators independence and support.