Publicación: A personal leadership statement
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Leadership is a set of skills that a person has to guide, motivate, and drive a group of people in pursuit of a common goal. Keith Davis states, “Leadership is the process of encouraging and helping others to work enthusiastically towards their objectives. Leadership must extract cooperation and willingness of individuals and groups to attain the organizational objectives”. Daft (2008) states, “Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes" (p.4). Teacher leadership must possess specific characteristics, such as a constant willingness to learn and improve, allowing them to evolve and thrive in their leadership role. This statement will focus on teacher leadership. The other three sections will address our assumptions about teacher leadership, empowerment, implications for the future, and conclusions. Leadership is a communication process of influencing and directing people to commit to and achieve a shared goal voluntarily in a given situation (Aykut, Apinya, Billy, Gilbert, & Ritina, 2008). Thus, It is crucial to follow the perspectives of the teacher leadership to lead and guide students and colleagues, which helps to improve learning and the overall school environment. “While shared leadership also helps improve the system and the students' learning outcomes” (Coutla & Hallinger, 2009). Teacher leadership understands the importance of shared leadership, as it significantly impacts the education system, which can lead to improvements in various aspects such as teaching practices, curriculum development, or organizational effectiveness. It implies that students' learning outcomes, including their academic achievements, are positively influenced when leadership is shared, and there is participation from all members.