Publicación: Reforma agraria y asociatividad rural: el caso del baldío El Vichal jurisdicción de Rabolargo - Cereté, Córdoba
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The distribution of land since colonial times has been directed to a few, leaving the peasants who are the ones who work the land aside and with very few opportunities to acquire a land forcing them to work on other people’s lands with pauper wages and in most cases without social and labor security. The process of formalization of lands in the Vichal swamp is the first national project in which peasants receive lots of land under the modality of use and management, that is, they are not owners, are holders, they can make use of the land only for agricultural production purposes, among the conditions that were reached with the National Land Agency is prohibited the use for livestock or construction purposes. The rural association has great support from national institutions such as the Ministry of Agriculture, since it allows the aid, projects and charities in general to reach groups that mark development in the regions.