Examinando por Materia "Rurality"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Informe del décimo encuentro de la ruralidad de la mujer cordobesa(Universidad De Cordoba, 2024-01-30) Carvajal Padilla, Kelly Yinet; Taborda Caro, María Alejandra; Ramos Bello, Juan CarlosEl siguiente informe, evidencia el desarrollo de la pasantía realizado por la estudiante Kelly Yineth Carvajal Padilla, inscrita en el programa de licenciatura en ciencias sociales del departamento de educación y ciencias humanas en la universidad de Córdoba, liderada por la docente María Alejandra Taborda a través del acompañamiento a la red de organizaciones sociales de mujeres comunales y comunitarias del departamento de Córdoba ROSMUC. Este proceso fue llevado a cabo mediante un proyecto de extensión llamado “ruralidad de la mujer cordobesa"; Dicha pasantía se llevó a cabo por medio del convenio realizado por la universidad de Córdoba y ROSMUC el 14 de mayo de 2019. Esta pasantía duro aproximadamente más de 6 meses, empezando el día 22 de marzo de 2023 y culminando el día 5 de diciembre de 2023.Publicación Acceso abierto Prácticas de inclusión sexual en la Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora del Carmen en la zona rural del municipio de Canalete del departamento de Córdoba(Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-11-03) Díaz Cortes, Sergio Andrés; Millán-Otero, Katy Luz; Noroño Sánchez, José; Vilchez Pirela, Rafael AlbertoEl presente trabajo buscó comprender las prácticas de inclusión sexual que implementa la Institución Educativa Nuestra señora del Carmen en la zona rural el municipio de Canalete del departamento de Córdoba, para lograrlo, en la metodología se implementó un estudio cualitativo con un método etnográfico. En cuanto a las técnicas, se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a los estudiantes y estudio focal a los docentes, con el fin de conocer sus saberes sobre inclusión de género y la salud sexual y reproductiva. Además, se analizaron las prácticas pedagógicas para la enseñanza de diversidad sexual en la escuela y las creencias que tienen tanto docentes como estudiantes sobre el concepto de diversidad sexual, inclusión de género y sexualidad. Entre los participantes estuvieron 18 estudiantes, hombres y mujeres entre los 14 y los 22 años pertenecientes al grado 10 de la jornada única y 5 profesores hombres y mujeres entre los 28 y 50 años pertenecientes a la Sede central, los estudiantes se dividieron en parejas para conocer a fondo las creencias de cada uno de ellos; se escogió un grupo focal de docentes y se realizó una revisión documental donde queda expuesto los planes de mejoramiento institucional y la forma como se ha enfrentado la inclusión de género en el plantel. En la discusión de resultados se concluye que las creencias sobre diversidad sexual presentes en la institución educativa en el ámbito rural son malinterpretadas y se presenta una confusión de términos y no hay un manejo acorde de los conceptos sobre diversidad sexual.Publicación Acceso abierto Reforma agraria y asociatividad rural: el caso del baldío El Vichal jurisdicción de Rabolargo - Cereté, Córdoba(2022-03-27) Díaz Monterrosa, Luisa Fernanda; Jaraba Ortega, JohnThe distribution of land since colonial times has been directed to a few, leaving the peasants who are the ones who work the land aside and with very few opportunities to acquire a land forcing them to work on other people’s lands with pauper wages and in most cases without social and labor security. The process of formalization of lands in the Vichal swamp is the first national project in which peasants receive lots of land under the modality of use and management, that is, they are not owners, are holders, they can make use of the land only for agricultural production purposes, among the conditions that were reached with the National Land Agency is prohibited the use for livestock or construction purposes. The rural association has great support from national institutions such as the Ministry of Agriculture, since it allows the aid, projects and charities in general to reach groups that mark development in the regions.Publicación Acceso abierto Relación escuela –familia en condiciones de ruralidad como parte del proceso de desarrollo integral de los estudiantes(Universidad de Córdoba, 2021-04-06) Ortega Solórzano, Alexandra; Meza Galván, Morelia Margarita; Otalvaro Sepúlveda, CarlosThe objective of this research was to understand the School-Family relationship in rural conditions as part of the integral development process of the 5th grade students of the Besito Volao Educational Institution, Palma de Vino headquarters. To achieve the objective, the theoretical foundation was based on the concepts of family, school and their relationship, taking into account the rural characteristics of these two entities and the contribution to the integral development of the students. Methodologically, the research was qualitative with an ethnographic method, working with 14 families of the students of the grade mentioned above, applying observation, documentary review and interview as information gathering techniques. The result was that there is no articulation of families with school processes, no teaching strategies or resources are evidenced to link the social and family context in activities within the classroom. Likewise, in institutional documents, there is no clear evidence of programs, policies or activities that establish the relationship between the school and the family. The study concludes that the family in rural conditions is characterized by assigning great importance to the role of the school in the community, therefore, it makes efforts to allow children to attend the educational establishment so that they receive education from the students. teachers, therefore, the family training function is delegated to the school. The role of the family in school processes must be materialized in the classroom, through articulation strategies that respond to a mission and vision that the school proposes, likewise, the school must know the families that belong to it and this way create the relevant tools to link it more easilyPublicación Acceso abierto Territorio, realidades socioambientales y el diálogo de saberes en educación ambiental para fortalecer la identidad territorial(2022-11-15) Alarcón Solera, Daniela; Portillo Páez, Francisco Miguel; Pérez Vásquez, Naby del SocorroNowadays, implementing environmental education (EE) in all educational fields has become an urgent need, which requires to be attained. The way to achieve this goal is to design a proposal that strengthens regional identity. Hence, integrating EE, territories, socioenvironmental realities, and the educational community reflects the beginning of this strengthening process we need for EE to become an interdisciplinary subject. This qualitative research used the interpretative paradigm to study the cases of 8th and 9th grade students, teachers, parents, and elderly people from Institución Educativa El Silencio school community, who were selected by random convenient sampling and participated in the three stages of the investigation. During the first stage, participants’ perceptions of region, regional identity and environment were diagnosed so that their feelings towards environmental issues were identified and analysed using the Atlas Ti 9 Software and a data matrix. Likewise, in the second stage, socioenvironmental realities were analysed based on one-on-one conversations with the locals, which were key to determine that such realities are not a problem for the community but hold great potential. Therefore, based on this analysis the environmentally-educational “ETERPAR” proposal was presented; and after being evaluated by academic peers to determine its appropriateness, it was implemented in the Silencio, Puerto Escondido – Córdoba, Colombia community, with the support of the previously mentioned school, evoking the integration and strengthening of EE and the rural area in a systemic way; leaving individualism behind and consequently reaching for sustainability in the community.