Publicación: Evaluación de amenaza y vulnerabilidad social, económica, ambiental e institucional por inundación de desborde en la vereda El Playón, municipio de Lorica – Córdoba
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Floods are categorized as recurrent events, caused by heavy or continuous rainfall that exceeds the carrying capacity of rivers and the absorption capacity of the soil, occurring on adjacent lands. The impact of floods and any other hazard will depend, among other factors, on the vulnerability of the threatened community. In this sense, vulnerability is defined as the physical, economic, social, environmental or institutional susceptibility or fragility of a community to be affected or to suffer adverse effects in the event of a hazardous physical event. Vulnerability increases the possibility that the risk materializes originating a disaster and for its determination it is essential to identify and understand the social and environmental determinants that predominate and condition the vulnerable state of the territory or community (UNDRR, 2015-2030). This work takes on great relevance because the Territorial Management Plans are currently being reviewed and updated, a large number of municipalities in Colombia are executing it and results are expected from the first 60 Watershed Management and Management Plans. This technical update should include disaster risk management in the environmental planning of the country's municipalities and cities. The general objective of this project was to determine the social, economic and environmental threat and vulnerability in the Playón area by means of the most favorable modeling tools for the territory, contributing to the management and knowledge of environmental risk. The results allowed the zoning of risk, threat and vulnerability, yielding values: medium and high, associated with slow floods generated by the overflowing of the Sinú river. Also, the level of acceptability and tolerance of the risk was established, being characterized as unacceptable, for which immediate and priority activities must be developed for risk management. Additionally, proposals were generated for actions/interventions at a structural and non-structural level, such as the formulation and enforcement of regulations for environmental surveillance and monitoring systems in high-risk areas, as in the case of the El Playón hamlet, as well as the strengthening of the network of health service providers in order to address the environmental health impacts that may result from recurrent annual floods in the study area. The research was of a mixed - descriptive type and was developed using quantitative and qualitative methods, based on the stages for the analysis of the threat, vulnerability and total risk due to slow flooding.