The internship as a degree option carried out in the second semester of the year 2022 with schoolchildren diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) presents a series of difficulties when performing an assigned task during some activity, the program aims to achieve greater concentration and improve executive functions through a series of exercises and guided and supervised games. Through the implementation of an alternative program with a physical and sports intervention to improve the health and quality of life of schoolchildren, a test called Child and Adolescent SelfControl Questionnaire (CACIA) was carried out based on the evaluation of basic processes and self-control ability, which consists of 89 items, measured in five scales: personal feedback, delay of reward, criterial self-control and procedural self-control, in addition to including a sincerity scale. The application of the CACIA test was carried out at the beginning of the program to the schoolchildren, therefore, the intervention program was executed through the training sessions divided into stations and series, and again the CACIA test was carried out, in order to make a comparison and determine whether the intervention achieved the desired results.