Publicación: Sistema automatizado de desinfección y app de control de personal desinfectado en la panadería Producpan
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Resumen en español
El dispositivo de desinfección es fundamental para optimizar la calidad sanitaria de los productos, en este se establece el “conjunto de actividades que, aplicadas a cada una de las áreas del proceso, permiten la eliminación o disminución a un mínimo aceptable de la carga microbiana presente en los diferentes equipos, utensilios, operarios, planta física y el ambiente laboral, previniendo riesgos que puedan afectar la salud del consumidor y mejorando la atmósfera de trabajo. Considerando la importancia de este dispositivo, este proyecto tiene como finalidad diseñar y elaborar un dispositivo de desinfección y una App que permita llevar un registro de la persona desinfectada en la panificadora producpan de la costa s.a.s.
Resumen en inglés
The use of disinfection devices in places such as companies that handle food, hospitals, among others. It requires the disinfection of the users, for this reason the present project focuses on a disinfection device for the PANADERIA PRODUCPAN. This project describes the design of an automated disinfection system and an App for the control of disinfected personnel. To carry out this project, elements that adapt to the characteristics of the place where the device is adapted are required, since at first it was not created to house a disinfection system, taking into account that when implementing said system it should not bealtered. The physical structure of the area where it will be located should not interfere with its main functioning either. The operation of the automation and control system of the disinfection device consists of theuse of programmable plates that allow automatic control of the spreading of the disinfectant liquid. The operation of this mechanism must provide continuous and stable spraying and a control of the people who have been disinfected daily expressed in the use of a desktop application, all this to provide security in the disinfection of the users of it. As a result, therewill be an efficient system implemented in the area of access to the workspace, the disinfection carried out by the process of spraying disinfectant liquid automatically, thus maintaining the health of the place in which it will be implemented, thus covering the hygieneneeds of THE BAKERY PRODUCPAN