Publicación: Diversidad genética y estructura poblacional de guayaba (Psidium guajava L.) en Tierralta, Córdoba-Colombia utilizando marcadores microsatélites
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In the present study the genetic diversity and population structure of 36 accessions of guava in the municipality of Tierralta - Córdoba was evaluated using seven microsatellite markers. Aim. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity and population structure of guava (P.guajava) in the municipality of Tierralta –Cordoba using microsatellite type molecular markers. Materials and Methods. The study was carried out from 36 samples of young leaves, the DNA of each sample was extracted by the Mini-prep method with modifications. The seven microsatellite markers were amplified by means of the PCR Touchdown technique, then analyzed on 8% polyacrylamide gel in a vertical electrophoresis chamber. Population genetic parameters: Number of alleles (Na), Effective number of alleles (Ne), Observed heterozygosity (Ho), Expected heterozygosity (He), Fixation index (F), Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (EHW) and Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), were calculated with the GenAlEx 6.5 program, the Polymorphic Information Content (PIC) was determined from Cervus 3.0.7 software. The analysis of the population genetic structure was carried out with the Structure 2.3.4. The Delta-K value was determined in the Structure Harvester software. Results. In the populations studied, an average of 4.0 alleles 5 per locus is found. The average value of the effective number of alleles was 1,345, it was found that the level of expected heterozygosity (He) in guava accessions was 0.175, higher value than the observed heterozygosity (Ho) with an average of 0.075. For the fixation index (F), an average of 0.479 was established. In the Hardy-Weinberg Balance, specific differences were found in the markers. The fixation coefficient of an FIS individual presented average value 0.480, the fixation coefficient of an individual within the total FIT population, presented an average of 0.671 and the value of the fixation coefficient of a subpopulation within the total FST population was 0.404. The value of the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that the greatest molecular variance occurred among individuals with (95%).
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