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  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Exploring an 11th-grade teacher’s understanding, practices, and perceptions of corrective feedback toenhance second language pronunciation: a case study
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2025-02-05) Román Lázaro, Roberto; Valle Zapata, Liliana; Valle Zapata, Liliana; Jerez Rodríguez, Sonia María; Lorduy, Danilsa
    This study explores an 11th-grade teacher's understanding, practices, and perceptions of corrective feedback (CF) to enhance second language (English) pronunciation in a private bilingual school in Sincelejo, Colombia. Using a qualitative case study design, data was collected through classroom observations, semi-structured interviews, and stimulated recall interviews. The findings revealed three key themes: (1) Timing and Personalization of Feedback, emphasizing their comprehension and the importance of the strategic timing of CF to balance student confidence and learning outcomes; (2) Reinforcement Techniques to Strengthen Language Retention, highlighting the use of repetition, elicitation, and metalinguistic feedback to foster long-term linguistic accuracy; and (3) Strategies and Beliefs for Effective Pronunciation Feedback, showcasing the teacher's reliance on explicit correction, recasts, and motivational approaches to improve student pronunciation and fluency. The results underscore the importance of tailored CF strategies that address individual learner needs while maintaining a supportive classroom environment. The study offers implications for professional development, classroom practices, and future research about CF in diverse educational contexts.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Development of critical thinking in autistic children through collaborative learning
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2025-02-04) Negrete Salgado, Juan José; Herrera Naranjo, Sol Jashmed; Valle Zapata, Liliana
    Este estudio de caso cualitativo examina cómo el aprendizaje colaborativo, específicamente la estrategia de Think-Pair-Share (TPS), apoya el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en un estudiante autista que aprende inglés como segunda lengua (A-ELL) en un aula de inglés como lengua extranjera. Abordando la brecha en la investigación sobre enfoques colaborativos para A-ELL, el estudio investiga cómo TPS desarrolla componentes del pensamiento crítico como el análisis, la interpretación, el razonamiento, la resolución de problemas y la comunicación en un estudiante de 5 a 7 años durante un período de un mes. Las fuentes de datos incluyeron observaciones en el aula guiadas por un protocolo y una rúbrica estructurados, y entrevistas semiestructuradas con el docente y el estudiante. Los hallazgos revelaron que el estudiante participó en actividades de TPS, diseñadas para promover el pensamiento crítico, principalmente a través de medios no verbales, como gestos y señalamientos, junto con respuestas verbales limitadas como repetir lo que dicen sus compañeros o el docente. El estudiante utilizó cada vez más la comunicación no verbal para interactuar con sus compañeros, buscar aclaraciones e intentar expresar ideas. El docente notó una reducción de la ansiedad, una mayor participación y una creciente confianza en la resolución de problemas durante el aprendizaje colaborativo, mientras que la entrevista del estudiante confirmó su dependencia del apoyo de los compañeros para la comprensión. Esta investigación enfatiza cómo las estrategias de aprendizaje colaborativo adaptadas, como TPS, pueden ofrecer entornos inclusivos y de apoyo para que los A-ELL desarrollen el pensamiento crítico. Aunque los resultados muestran resultados positivos, también instan a un estudio más extenso para examinar la adaptabilidad y los efectos a largo plazo del aprendizaje colaborativo para este grupo demográfico particular de estudiantes.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    A Multisensory Approach to Enhance Autistic Learners' Reading Skills
    (Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-11-15) Pertuz Suarez, Angie Sugey; Romero, Yanilis; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Pertuz, Angie
    Esta investigación-acción pretendía averiguar la utilidad de las lecciones basadas en la multisensorialidad para reforzar las destrezas lectoras de los autistas. Cuatro estudiantes autistas de un grupo de veintiséis alumnos de un colegio privado participaron en la puesta en práctica y evaluación de varias lecciones. Se llevó a cabo un ciclo de investigación-acción de cinco semanas en el que se enseñó a los alumnos vocabulario, se identificaron las ideas principales y las palabras clave de un texto para ayudarles a leer mejor. Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes autistas tienden a tener un mejor rendimiento cuando los profesores se centran en actividades multisensoriales para ayudarles en su proceso de aprendizaje del inglés. Utilizar varios sentidos durante el aprendizaje ayuda a los alumnos autistas a comprender y recordar la información con mayor eficacia. Este enfoque es especialmente beneficioso en los ejercicios de lectura, ya que los hace más fáciles y accesibles.
  • PublicaciónEmbargo
    Teachers’ perceptions towards ICC in the classroom: an exploratory case study in two public education settings in Caucasia, Colombia
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-08-30) Galindo Torres, Yeraldin Yohana; Arrieta Carrascal, Adolfo; Sagre Barboza, Ana Maria; Hoyos Ensuncho, Maryluz
    Eng: Many scholars have underscored the pivotal role of culture in language education, regarding it as an indispensable facet of language instruction and acquisition. Despite extensive research into interculturality within the realm of foreign language instruction, scant attention has been devoted in Colombia by Bilingual Policies to comprehending the perceptions and assimilation of opportunities for cultural awareness by English instructors across varying educational levels and socio-cultural contexts in Colombian secondary education. This study endeavors to scrutinize English teachers’ conceptualizations of Intercultural Communicative Competence within their pedagogical practices and the extent of its integration within the language classroom. Employing an exploratory case study research design, the study engaged in interviews with two English teachers operating in disparate educational milieus—urban and rural public schools. Envisaged outcomes of this study encompass novel insights into extant literature on interculturality, shedding light on the cultural perspectives held by Colombian language educators within diverse educational settings and illustrating the integration of interculturality within specific educational strata. Drawing upon the implications of these findings, the study proffers recommendations to fortify ICC practices for prospective language educators in Colombia.
  • PublicaciónEmbargo
    The use of a multisensory approach to promote reading in english in a child with dyslexia
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-09-04) Mass Villadiego, Marlys Yaneth; Valle Zapata, Liliana; Romero, Yanilis; Lorduy, Danilsa
    Dyslexia has become a frequent condition that teachers face in classroom settings. However, in public schools, it seems to be more difficult because of the lack of teacher training. As a consequence, some teachers struggle every day in mainstream schools with dyslexic students without the appropriate knowledge to teach them. In this sense, this study describes how teachers deal with this disability when teaching reading in English. The main objective of this qualitative study is to explore how an English teacher accommodates his/her teaching of reading in English to a child with dyslexia, and how multisensory activities could facilitate that process. This case study sample is a sixteen-year-old student diagnosed with dyslexia and a secondary English teacher. Data was collected through observations, interviews, stimulated recalls, and multisensory activities over one scholarly term, this data was analyzed by carrying out a thematic analysis. Findings showed that the use of multisensory activities not only helped dyslexic students overcome difficulties in reading but also increased their motivation towards English classes. Also, the teacher’s role is pivotal when preparing and accommodating his classes taking into account the student’s needs by using multisensory activities. This study supports teachers providing them with the opportunity to explore the use of a multisensory approach for teaching reading in English to dyslexic students.
  • PublicaciónEmbargo
    Implementing Clil In Social Science class activities in English to foster the development of higher order thinking skills in 4th graders
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-09-03) Díaz Meza, María Auxiliadora; Boccia, Cristina ; Herrera Naranjo, Sol Jashmed; Calle-Díaz, Luzkarime
    Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has been widely used as a teaching approach to teach language through content. Despite its diverse implementations to teach content knowledge and language simultaneously worldwide, little is known about the application of CLIL to foster higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). According to Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) in their revision of Bloom's taxonomy in 1956 this relationship remains unexplored, particularly in Social Sciences activities conducted in English in primary grades. This study aimed to explore the implementation of CLIL in Social Sciences activities in English in a Bilingual School to help 4th graders foster HOTS. Data was collected by applying a CLIL lesson plan mediated by Task-Based Learning (TBL) that consists of a macro-task, a set of micro-tasks, and a final task. This final activity consisted of creating an environmental magazine by the participants. The written discourse produced by each student was analyzed individually, drawing upon Taylor's approach to discourse analysis (2012) . Findings showed that the participants successfully developed HOTS during this study. The results revealed specific instances of student's cognitive skills development through their written work. The results obtained supported the effectiveness of the methodological decision made, such as drawing on Bloom's Taxonomy to establish learning objectives and measure the student's learning, and integrating CLIL with TBL. The strengths and weaknesses identified in students' cognitive skill development underscore the need to carefully consider task design and instructional strategies in future CLIL implementations. The findings of this research have the potential to inform other educators about the benefits and challenges of implementing CLIL to foster students' HOTS in Social Sciences activities in English.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Self-directed learning through new literacies: the case of a teacher of English as a foreign language
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-04-01) Márquez Sánchez, Jeimmy J.; Jerez Rodríguez, Sonia María; Valle Zapata, Liliana Beatriz; Racero Diz, José María
    Educators have been using new literacies as new opportunities for professional learning and networking. Thus, this qualitative case study explores an English language teacher's self- directedness to learn and improve his teaching practice through his new literacies, as the type of literacy constructed to stay tuned with the demands of teaching English as a foreign language. Data was collected through semi structured interviews and class observations. The results shed light on the teacher's characteristics of self-directness which facilitated the inclusion of new literacies for learning. These were found to be opportunities to share content and knowledge with peers and students. The participant teacher also revealed his continuous construction of a literacy that goes beyond two independent skills: reading and writing. Instead, there is a view of literacy as a social practice that includes new literacies that include multiple text types using different semiotic languages representing meaning linguistically, visually, spatially, or otherwise to interact with different people. Furthermore, his literacy allows him to have strategies to evaluate the content he searches and has also given him different roles such as watcher, consumer or producer. The findings also suggest that Byron has become digitally literate, and this demands being “information savvy” and capable of identifying when information is needed, how to locate it, and how to use it effectively. These findings create an invitation for education systems to think differently about teachers' new literacies and the self-directed learning that happens through them. These can no longer be underestimated but rather seem as a means of professional learning in these times of change not only for the English language teaching but education in general.
  • PublicaciónDesconocido
    Metalanguage for Spoken Discourse in Reading to Learn (R2L)
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-08-16) Sánchez Ruiz, Geraldine; Herazo Rivera, José David; Pacheco, Leonardo; Arrieta, Adolfo
    Reading to learn (R2L) is an instructional approach in which teachers support learners in the creation of meaning in texts. To that end, the approach follows a 3-stage cycle that moves learners from joint to independent creation of meaning to fulfill a purpose socially through language. To date, few studies have explored the role of metalanguage as a tool to support learners during each stage of the R2L cycle (for oral communication. Therefore, this case study aimed to find out how SFL metalanguage could serve as an aid during students’ creation of spoken texts throughout R2L instruction. Under the scope of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), metalanguage refers to the language used for talking about language itself, used to identify and explain meaning in contexts. This study was part of a larger investigation that sought to explore a teacher’s changes in praxis as she learned R2L for spoken discourse in a state high school in Cordoba, Colombia. Analysis of Metalinguistic literacy events (MLE) presented during observations and learning sessions revealed that the teacher first learned the metalanguage needed for the chosen genre and later included it during her class development for different purposes such as explaining the genre, guiding the activity, and helping students to achieve the lesson goals. Furthermore, students used metalanguage to identify the stages and create meaningful and purposeful spoken texts. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge as well as invites further exploration and refinement of metalanguage integration within educational practices in the language classroom.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    The representation of the intercultural competence in the Colombian language textbook for 8th grade school students
    (2023-05-04) Salamanca Salgado, Yurys Yulieth; Paz Wecheck, Martha
    One of the goals in Colombian Education system should be the development of Intercultural competence which has long been studied for many years by prominent authors and researches such as: Byram, Risager, Kramsch, Short, Liddicoat, Dervin, Deardoff, among others. They have argued how intercultural communication fosters understanding and awareness of culturally mediated communication phenomenon, in this sense, this research seeks to analyze the representation of interculturality in the Colombian language textbook Way to Go 8th grade through the systematic analysis of 42 reading activities as the primary sample to be studied using content analysis. The data was analyzed using a matrix to identify what aspects of the ICC (Intercultural Communicative Competence) were focused and promoted through the activities. Results indicate that the most activities represent and tend to promote attitudes, knowledge, and awareness as part of Byram’s ICC model. Consequently, the emphasis of the reading activities in terms of both content and purpose, is also placed and are expected to develop these aspects of ICC.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Online affinity spaces in the foreign language classroom
    (2023-02-27) Diaz Borja, Gustavo; Jerez Rodríguez, Sonia
    Online affinity spaces (OAS), whether formal or informal, have offered teachers of other languages an opportunity to share beliefs, values, interests, culture, but also to gain knowledge about different issues or topics. Furthermore, the social interactions held in these spaces are not only driven by personal interests but also by a desire to learn, innovate and self-direct their professional learning. However, even if OAS are usually held out of the classroom by teachers since they usually engage with new literacies such as social networks, webpages, blogs, or play video games, there is scarce evidence of studies among teachers of foreign languages and their everyday experiences, memberships, participation in OAS, and the integration of its features in their language lessons. Thus, this qualitative case study aimed at exploring five (5) foreign language teachers’ online affinity spaces living and learning and the features conveyed in their language classes during the Pandemic Covid 19. The study attempts to answer the following questions: How do teachers of foreign languages live and learn in online affinity spaces?, and, what features from Online Affinity spaces were conveyed in their language classes to provide a possible venue for learning during the Health crisis?. Data collection procedures such as online in-depth interviews, observations of video recorded classes, and the researcher’s diary were used. Secondary sources such as visual evidence from the participants’ interaction in online affinity spaces (OAS) was also considered. The results shed light on participants’ profiles, portals, personal and professional endeavors, content, and frequency of their participation in OAS. Most participants exhibit living and learning experiences in OAS driven by personal interests. They also demonstrate attempts to include OAS in their classes to construct social presence and support students’ collaboration, networking and communication, joining students towards a common endeavor, guiding them to participate and share content in their lessons. Further research is suggested to continue exploring the possibilities OAS offer teachers of other languages to become independent and collaborative problem solvers, communicators, negotiators, and designers of texts rather than only consumers.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Creation and adaptation of materials to promote inclusion in EFL classrooms
    (2023-02-16) Sáez Caraballo, Clara Andrea; Pacheco Machado, Leonardo
    Inclusive education in Colombia is everyone’s right, not a privilege, and is surrounded by many implications and concepts which have been studied for a long time, for many years researchers have investigated this topic which seems to be very difficult to apply in English classrooms, however, there is something very important to consider when creating inclusive classrooms, and that is the materials used. This study explored how teachers design and adapt materials in EFL classrooms taking into account inclusive discursive practices to meet the necessities of SEN students, it also considered teachers perceptions when designing and adapting these materials and their choices to create so, considering inclusive discursive practices, the research involved two English teachers from a private school in Monteria, Cordoba results from semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and lesson planner review revealed three relevant aspect to consider at the moment of design and adapt material for inclusive classrooms the first one is recognize the special needs of students, the second is that teachers take into account their likes and abilities finally English teachers consider that learning style of each individual, beside this study unveiled two biggest perceptions teachers have when creating and adapting these materials: anxiety and satisfaction both comes into two different moments when creating and adapting materials, teachers said that there is anxiety when they have to start creating the material since some concerns come to their minds in terms of objectives, instructions, appropriation of the material, after the material was applied teachers feel satisfied since they consider the objectives planned were achieved, regarding teachers choices results showed when designing and adapting materials teachers consider that the most important aspect is the interests of the students, finally regarding inclusive discursive practices, results revealed that teachers do not have a deep knowledge of this subject, as they only relate it to speech, without taking into consideration important aspects such as: context, culture, adaptation of people's needs to express and act themselves in the real world.
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    Socio-affective factors that influenced the toefl itp test results of undergraduate students in English at Unicordoba
    (2023-02-15) Vega Guzmán, Jaider; Herrera Naranjo, Sol
    This research aimed to explore the socio-affective factors that affected the performance on the TOEFL ITP test of undergraduate students in basic education with emphasis in Humanities-English at University of Córdoba. This study used a qualitative approach and a descriptive case study design, which is an in-depth, detailed examination of a particular case within real-world contexts. After the analysis of results, it was found a set of socio-affective factors such as anxiety, insecurity, and demotivation which influenced graduates’ outcomes in the test. The main aspects that generated anxiety were time pressure, that is, the lack of time to answer all the test questions; the technicality and rigor of the texts, which in turn generated a type of physical anxiety such as mental or physical exhaustion. Also, the poor sound conditions generated by the poor quality of the audios. All of these generated negative feelings which evidenced a decreasing TOEFL ITP results. Some pedagogical suggestions are made such as a socio-affective strategy training during the international preparation course in order to mitigate these feelings and be more successful in the test. Keywords:, socio-affective factors, foreign language testing, graduates, TOEFL-ITP test.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Exploring teaching practices used by english teachers for promoting oral online interaction during COVID-19
    (2023-02-14) Bohorquez Rodriguez, Deimer David; Herrera Naranjo, Sol
    During Covid-19, teachers experienced drastic changes in their teaching methodologies which posed new challenges for the teaching and learning processes, particularly at the time of promoting interaction. During in-person classes teachers used a variety of means and strategies to promote interaction and keep students enrolled, focused and motivated to participate during the activities. Teachers changed this daily practice due to Covid 19 to synchronous and asynchronous teaching processes. Studies on this area demonstrated how teachers promoted online interaction using forums, public debates and interaction activities mostly mediated through platforms and through asynchronous modes (Guo et al., 2018; Beffa-Negrini, 2002). However, little is known about how teachers modified their teaching to respond to oral online interaction in times of Covid-19. This case study aims at characterizing three EFL teachers´ teaching practices to promote oral online interaction during synchronous classes and their implications for teaching and learning. Data was collected through class observations, interviews and document analysis which revealed how teachers engaged in this challenging experience. Findings showed that teachers mainly used online video conferencing platforms such as zoom, and meets to develop their online classes. They enrolled teaching practices such as IMAGE model, realia, games, direct questions among others to promote oral online interaction. Reading and listening web-based activities were integrated to promote discussion. The results also showed the main implications in teaching and learning during Covid 19.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Flipping oral participation in efl lessons during the covid-19 pandemic
    (2023-02-15) Hoyos Molina, Andrés Felipe; Pastrana Muñoz, Juan Carlos
    The current study explains changes in fourth graders’ oral participation that study in a private institution located in Montería, Córdoba, Colombia, and learned English as a Foreign Language following a Flipped Learning Approach. The essence of this study is rooted in the change that the educational field experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic that affected the world and provoked teachers, schools, and institutions worldwide to implement Emergency Remote Learning. This study followed an explanatory research design to explain how those changes occurred. Observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation were used as methods to collect the data. Data were collected between April 2021 and September 2022. It was analyzed following the Marshall and Rossman model, pursuing their seven stages proposed to analyze the data. To increase the trustworthiness and legitimacy of this study, the data were triangulated, comparing different data sources and proposing rigorous conclusions. The findings revealed that the participants positively perceived oral participation in the flipped classroom. Important aspects such as the importance of participating orally in class and the influence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) were highlighted in those perceptions. A matrix was used to analyze changes in the frequency and quality of oral participation. In that sense, the findings evidenced that students’ oral participation had increasingly significant changes. However, little changes were found in terms of the quality of oral participation in the flipped classroom. Also, this study revealed that affective factors such as self-esteem, anxiety, and motivation provoked changes in students’ oral participation in the flipped classroom.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Factors that contribute to argumentation in culture-based discussions among efl students
    (2022-11-16) Vergara Montes, Pablo; Calle Díaz, Luzkarime
    This study describes the factors that enhance students’ argumentation when participating in culture-based discussions at an undergraduate EFL British Culture course. The research was conducted in a Foreign Languages Teaching Degree at a university in Northwestern Colombia. The objective was to identify the components that aided participants to build and elaborate arguments in culture-driven discussions. Socratic questioning was an integral element of the discussions. To attain the purpose of this research, a qualitative case study design was employed. Findings showed that the factors that facilitated the construction of argumentative processes in culture discussions can potentially be peer scaffolding, previous knowledge, inquiry, activism, and connection to participants’ reality.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Reading to learn instruction in a group of EFL sixth-graders’ development of spoken discourse for descriptive reports
    (2022-11-16) Díaz Ochoa, Luisa; Arroyo, Diana
    High school students in Colombian classrooms have been shown to lack autonomous spoken production in English (Gutierrez, 2005; Bocanegra & Ramirez, 2018). One of the causes may be the inappropriate strategies for teaching the skill (Herazo, 2012; Fuentes, 2013). The present study addressed this issue through the innovative Genre-Based pedagogy model, reading to learn (R2L). Reading to learn is an instructional approach that uses texts as a starting point of instruction. Research in R2L (Becerra et al. 2020; Herazo et. al., 2021) has shown that this approach leads students to become autonomous creators of meaning. Emerging research on R2L for spoken communication has proven that this methodology effectively develops oral interactions in L2 classrooms. This research study examined the impact of a Reading to learn model adapted to spoken communication on learners’ production of descriptive reports in a 6th-grade EFL Colombian class. The study followed a case study-mixed method design to encompass the complexity of learners’ production development. The data were collected through two spoken tasks (pretest and posttest), observations, and interviews with the students. The quantitative and qualitative analyses of the data were integrated with a joint display. Findings suggest that R2L significantly affected the learners’ spoken production of descriptive analysis and is a valuable tool for developing students’ ability to create meaning in English.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Exploring changes in teachers’ praxis when learning reading to learn (R2L)
    (2022-11-16) González Rodríguez, Estefany; Herazo, José David
    Reading to learn (R2L) is based on a set of strategies intended to qualify teachers to support their students during their learning process, in order to lead them to independent and successful creation of texts. This methodology has been implemented and researched around the world, considering different curriculum contexts, languages, and content areas. Nevertheless, the main concern of these studies has been learners’ reading and writing improvement based on this Genre-based pedagogy, paying less attention to teachers’ learning and implementation of R2L. This study presents an in-depth analysis of one in-service teacher’s appropriation of R2L for teaching spoken discourse in English as Foreign Language (EFFL) classroom. Specifically, the study describes the challenges and changes that might take place in teachers’ praxis as a result of this process. The study was conducted following a qualitative formative interventions (FI) design. Data were gathered through interviews and lesson observations. Analysis was carried out through activity systems analysis. Findings revealed changes in the teacher’s praxis referring to the object and tools and the contradictions she experienced when learning R2L that propelled such changes. This study will inform future professional development programs in R2L as well as expand our understanding of how R2L can be used for supporting learners’ spoken meaning-making in foreign language contexts.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Improving efl learners’ personal narrative writing skills by using writing process-based approach in padlet
    (2022-11-18) Vélez Padrón, Stefhanya; Lorduy Arellano, Danilsa
    This study aimed at implementing the writing process-based approach (WPBA) in Padlet to improve writing skills, particularly in the genre of personal narratives. A classroom action research, was conducted to achieve this purpose with 7 students of 10th grade in a private school in Monteria for 4 months, enrolled in activities as extracurricular classes. A diagnostic activity and two cycles were implemented to improve e learner’s writing using the WPBA approach. Data was collected from writing tasks, the diary of the researcher, and class observations. Findings showed that the implementation of WPBA in padlet can be useful in the development of students’ writing skills in personal narratives. students’ writing performance improved particularly in terms of vocabulary use, grammar accuracy, coherence, and sentence structure, as well as the general structure of the personal narrative texts.
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    Influence of an EFL outreach program on student-teachers empowerment and professional competencies: an exploratory case study
    (2022-11-16) Martínez Espitia, Jasir; Valle Zapata, Liliana
    A concern about the contributions of an EFL Outreach Program to the participants´ lives arose among its proponents and stakeholders. Even though they recognize the linguistic influence of the Program on children, there isn´t any systematic study yet that delve into the contributions of the Program to student-teachers’ development and empowerment. This study aims to explore how an EFL Outreach Program contributes to student teachers’ professional development, specifically to their technical-pedagogical field, and how during its implementation, the Program brought about teacher empowerment. Through this qualitative study I intend to answer the questions: How does the “Bilingualism for Peace” program contribute to student teachers’ technical-pedagogical field? And, how does the “Bilingualism for Peace” program bring about teacher empowerment during the implementation process? Data was collected through a semi-structured interview, questionnaire, observations, and lesson plans reviews. Such data was analyzed carrying out a thematic analysis. Findings suggests that the outreach program contributes to improve the students-teachers’ development of pedagogical competences while conducting the teaching/learning process. The participation in the program also helped them to make decisions, improve their teaching abilities to promote learning, increase their autonomy, among others. This study raises awareness on the contributions of bilingualism outreach programs on the pedagogical education offered by undergraduate programs and the improvements a Program like this could make to give potential to these types of outreach programs as appropriate contexts to carry out undergraduate students’ practicum. RESUMEN Surgió una preocupación entre sus proponentes y partes interesadas acerca de las contribuciones de un Programa de Extensión de ILE a la vida de los participantes. Si bien reconocen la influencia lingüística del Programa en los niños beneficiados, aún existe la necesidad de profundizar en los aportes del Programa al desarrollo y empoderamiento de los estudiantes-docentes. Este estudio tiene como objetivo explorar cómo un Programa de Extensión de ILE contribuye al desarrollo profesional de los estudiantes-docentes, específicamente en su campo técnico-pedagógico, y cómo durante su implementación, el Programa generó empoderamiento docente. A través de este estudio cualitativo pretendo responder a las preguntas: ¿Cómo contribuye el programa “Bilingüismo para la Paz” al campo técnico-pedagógico de los estudiantes-docentes? Y, ¿cómo el programa “Bilingüismo para la Paz” logra el empoderamiento de los docentes durante el proceso de implementación? Los datos se recopilaron a través de una entrevista semiestructurada, un cuestionario, observaciones y revisiones de planes de clases. Dichos datos fueron analizados realizando un análisis temático. Los hallazgos sugieren que el programa de extensión contribuye a mejorar el desarrollo de las competencias pedagógicas de los estudiantes-docentes al desarrollar el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje. La participación en el programa también les ayudó a tomar decisiones, mejorar sus habilidades docentes para promover el aprendizaje, aumentar su autonomía, entre otros. Este estudio da a conocer los aportes de los programas de extensión del bilingüismo en la formación pedagógica que ofrecen los programas de pregrado. También informa sobre las mejoras que un Programa como este podría tener para potencializar este tipo de programas de extensión como contextos apropiados para llevar a cabo la práctica pedagógica de los estudiantes de pregrado.
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    Improving reading comprehension using genre-based pedagogy while reading manga
    (2022-11-15) Oviedo Salgado, Jean Paul; Diaz Martínez, Luis Alfredo
    This research maps the use of Genre-Based Pedagogy (GBP) and manga to picture possible changes and improvement in students reading comprehension abilities. An initial reflection within the action research design led to the understand students’ needs and school educational system towards reading as an important skill. Analysis of the problem showed that the study of new emerging and popular trends, such as genre- based pedagogy, can be assertive tools in the learning of a L2. It was also found there are gaps in studies related to manga that could illustrate its use in education and EFL/ESL context. Because of its nature, this investigation is qualitative using action research design. An action plan using GBP, manga and multiple genres was carried out to improve reading comprehension levels. Results showed that there were multiple changes perceived by all actors of the study and that were substantiated by a series of instruments that revealed important data; improvement of students’ reading comprehension levels, changes of class mechanics when reading.