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  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Evaluación de las características fisicoquímicas y las concentraciones de metales pesados en efluentes de una zona de explotación de minería artesanal de oro en el departamento de Bolívar: estrategias de tratamiento de efluentes
    (2021-04-08) Guerrero, Raymundo; Pinedo, José; Marrugo Negrete, José Luis
    Este proyecto evalúo la caracterización fisicoquímica de efluentes del distrito minero de San Martin de Loba, departamento de Bolívar, generando datos para la evaluación de riesgo en salud y la planificación y propuesta de un sistema de tratamiento de efluentes. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorizado de efluentes mineros, considerando la distribución espacial de sitios de procesos de extracción de oro en el distrito minero. La caracterización fisicoquímica se realizó en función de la normatividad 0631 de 2015. La concentración de los parámetros SST, SO4, S, CN, Hg, Cd, Fe, Pb, Cu y Cr en el efluente supero los límites permisibles establecidos por la resolución 0631 de 2015 para actividades de extracción de oro y otros metales preciosos en una relación de SST (44.2), SO4 (1.1), S (1.8), CN (6.4), Hg (2650), Cd (2), Fe (19), Pb (7.5), Cu (2.7) y Cr (376). El análisis estadístico multivariado de componentes principales (CP), deduce que la contaminación de los efluentes puede estar asociada a fuentes geofísicas y geológicas. Además, de las actividades de procesamiento de minerales. La evaluación de riesgo en salud demuestra que excepto Cr y Hg presentan valores de índice de riesgo (HQ) menor que uno (1), indicando que éstos metales representan un riesgo potencial para la salud. Para el tratamiento efluentes mineros se propone la utilización de métodos activos que precisan de una operación continua y métodos pasivos en los que la intervención del hombre es mínima. En general los resultados de este proyecto permiten presentar un diagnóstico inicial de la problemática de contaminación de los efluentes mineros de la zona de estudio y serán útiles para seguir desarrollando estrategias de mitigación ambiental por las autoridades ambientales y de salud pertinentes; respondiendo a la necesidad en el manejo y conservación de los recursos naturales y salud pública.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Lectura de imágenes como estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa-escritora
    (2021-01-27) Puerta Mayoriano, Alexandra; Espinosa Quiñonez, Yaneth Milena; Pacheco Lora, Martha Cecilia
    The present work aims to analyze the influence of the application of a didactic strategy based on reading images, for the development of communicative-writing competence in students of 3rd grade of the Nueva Esperanza Educational Center N ° 2 of the Sahagún municipality, Cordova. It was developed under a qualitative approach, a case study. The sample consisted of 9 students from grade 3, the information collection techniques were participant observation, the focus group, diagnostic and final evaluation was also used. All these elements contributed to the design of a didactic strategy that included the syntactic, pragmatic and semantic components based on reading images, which when applied and evaluated gave positive results in terms of the micro, macro and super-structural levels of the written text, developing the competence communicative writer in mentioned students.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Identificación del paciente durante la prestación de servicios en instituciones de salud en los últimos diez años
    (2021-01-27) Ramos Vargas, Adriana Juanita; Ramos Durango, Camilo Ernesto; Usta Avilez, Sahden; Amador Ahumada, Concepción
    When carrying out management processes in an organization, its main characteristics must be taken into account, including its strategic plan, policies, human talent, financial resources, measurement, corrective and preventive measures, audits, monitoring, performance and improvement plans. That all together favors the effectiveness of all the priority processes that are activated by health-providing institutions or those that act as them, with a view to reducing or eliminating errors in health care during the provision of services; being one of these processes to validate the correct identification of patients in health services of any level of care and complexity. Patient identification serves two purposes: to determine safely that the patient is the legitimate recipient of the treatment or procedure, and to ensure that whatever procedure is to be performed, the patient actually needs it. Studies show many investigations in this field concluding that the use of coded wrist bands is the most widely implemented safe practice for identifying patients during service provision, thus avoiding adverse events with risk to the patient's life.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Tareas Integradas como estrategia para el desarrollo de competencias económico-financieras y ciudadanas desde el área de Matemáticas en básica secundaria
    (2021-01-26) Machado, Marines; Carrascal Torres, Nohemy
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the integrated tasks strategy from the area of mathematics in the development of economic, financial and civic competencies in seventh grade students of the Garzon Educational Institution. The Integrated Tasks strategy was designed and implemented from the area of mathematics for the development of economic, financial and citizen skills. The study is of quantitative approach and is framed within the quasiexperimental design with two intact groups (experimental with 22 students and control with 22). The instruments were the pre-test questionnaire before the intervention and the post-test at the end. Comparisons of means were made with student's t for related and independent samples (intra and inter-group). The results obtained could establish that the implementation of the strategy allowed to substantially improve the economic, financial and civic competences of the experimental group in comparison with the results of the control group, as well as allowing the appropriation of theories, contents and knowledge giving significant learning, with the that, the student faces in a better way everyday situations and not everyday ones.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Desarrollo de las habilidades de comprensión verbal y razonamiento perceptivo para la calidad del aprendizaje desde la teoría de la modificabilidad estructural cognitiva y los principios de mediación pedagógica
    (2021-01-27) Santana Durango, Agueda de Jesús; Sierra Pineda, Isabel Alicia
    La actual crisis del aprendizaje, la relexion de la propia experiencia y la confianza en la teoría de la Modificabilidad estructural cognitiva de Reuven Feuerstein impulsó este trabajo de investigación en La Institución Educativa El Sabanal que tuvo como objetivo establecer las transformaciones generadas en las habilidades de pensamiento (comprensión verbal y razonamiento perceptivo) y calidad del aprendizaje en estudiantes de la Institución Educativa El Sabanal mediado por un programa de interacción fundamentado en la Teoría de Modificabilidad Estructural Cognitiva y los principios de Mediación pedagógica
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Prácticas pedagógicas situadas en la educación básica: comprensiones y mejoras desde el área de Lengua Castellana
    (2021-01-26) Suárez Martínez, Mara Venus; Doria Correa, Rudy
    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo central generar con los docentes un proceso de reflexión colectiva de carácter epistemológico, pedagógico y sociocultural orientado a la construcción de prácticas pedagógicas situadas, tendientes a mejorar los aprendizajes de los estudiantes en el área de Lengua Castellana, en el nivel de básica primaria de la Institución Educativa Isabel La Católica de Montería. Para el logro de este propósito se fundamentó en los enfoques teóricos del lenguaje postulados por González (2016), Cassany (2017), Monroy y Suárez (2018) entre otros. Epistemológicamente, se enmarcó en el paradigma cualitativo sociocrítico, adoptando la secuencia operativa de una investigación acción participativa. El estudio se orientó hacia la creación de un grupo de reflexión, autocrítico constituido por once (11) docentes implicados en un proceso de transformación de la práctica docente llevada a cabo en el área de Lengua Castellana de educación básica. Este método consiste en generar compromisos, tanto de la investigadora como del resto del colectivo para la transformación de la praxis docente desde las vivencias de los actores involucrados. Este proceso consensual develó que los estudiantes no eligen leer ni escribir, se interesan poco por lo que leen, carecen de estrategias de lectura y en consecuencia no desarrollan competencias lectoras ni de escritura; aun cuando los docentes aplican en la Institución Educativa Isabel La Católica diversas estrategias direccionadas a transformar la información en conocimiento, a través de una serie de relaciones cognitivas que, interiorizadas por los estudiantes, desde sus vivencias y necesidades, propician que organice la información, y a partir de ella, inferir y establecer nuevas relaciones entre diferentes contenidos, facilitándoles su proceso de aprender a aprender. Esos hallazgos permitieron concluir que algunos maestros siguen arraigados en estrategias tradicionales centradas en alcanzar la habilidad de decodificar los elementos que conforman el texto escrito y después descifrar el significado o contenido; entre ellas se observaron: El dictado y el cumplimiento de reglas ortográficas. En contraposición surge en el colectivo la necesidad de seleccionar estrategias acordes al plan de área de la institución (lectura y análisis de obras literarias y la diferenciación de la intención comunicativa de lo que se lee, se escribe y se habla).
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Seguimiento de laboratorios clínicos a pacientes con hipertensión arterial en entidades de salud en los últimos tres años
    (2021-01-27) Cuadros Fernández, Adriana; Díaz Duque, Olga; Martínez Galeano, Ruth; Amador Ahumada, Concepción
    Health is a fundamental right of every citizen, for this reason it must be provided in the best way and in accordance with all the parameters set by the laws, regulations, decrees or resolutions in force for this purpose, always seeking continuous quality improvement. in this service. It is this improvement that prompted the creation of this monograph, whose main purpose is to identify the existing documentation on the monitoring of clinical laboratories of patients enrolled in the control of arterial hypertension in health care entities, in the last three years, suggesting strategies and interventions that achieve the desired improvement. For this purpose, it is necessary to begin with a description of the documentation that exists on the monitoring of clinical laboratories of patients with a diagnosis of arterial hypertension, all the laws, programs or resolutions that integrate the control of such affectation, at the same time as analyze the results that have been documented on the relationship between the follow-up of clinical laboratories and complications in hypertensive patients, which would ultimately lead to Socialize strategies and interventions that allow the satisfactory continuation of the improvement in the quality of the service to the follow-up of patients diagnosed with hypertension. Similarly, in the final considerations, conclusions and recommendations, all the information collected will be taken into account to be analyzed from the point of view of the health audit.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Percepción de los adultos sobre la calidad del servicio de salud ofertado en las IPS. 2015-2020
    (2021-01-26) Fonseca Gómez, Luisa Fernanda; Cataño Vergara, Gledys Yolima; Noreña Morales, Jennifer; Amador Ahumada, Concepción
    Introduction: The quality of health care refers to ensuring the provision of individual and collective services in an achievable, equitable and optimal way through suitable officials, taking into account the study between benefits, risks and costs, in order to achieve the user satisfaction. Objective: To analyze the evidence that exists on the perception of the quality of service to adults in the IPS in the last 5 years. Methodology: The monograph was developed in two successive phases: heuristics or search and selection and the hermeneutics known as assimilation or writing of the texts by the authors; From this second phase the final considerations, conclusions and recommendations arise. The aim is to identify the perception of the quality of the adult service and how they classify the care provided by the service providers and what elements it takes into account for it. Results: The main results of the monograph indicate that the perception of quality in the provision of health services in the adult population makes a great difference when the user wishes to consult or choose their care. When providing a service, users express their perception of the care provided and evaluate whether or not it met their expectations; It is at this point that they decide whether or not they want to use them again. They are rated favorably when they are well listened to and oriented due to the stage of life they are in. This is why each IPS must focus on providing quality services and its main axis must be the perception of users. Conclusions: Once the research was concluded, it was possible to show that the perception of the quality and satisfaction of the service lies in the way in which each human being is cared for. Aspects described by users as one of the most relevant, and that in many cases determines the competitiveness and permanence of health institutions in the market.
  • PublicaciónRestringido
    Exposición a mercurio y alteraciones en la salud en zonas de minería aurífera del municipio de el Carmen de Atrato en el departamento de Chocó
    (Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social, 2021-01-25) Garrido Peralta, Carmen; Paternina Uribe Roberth de Jesús
    Evaluar la exposición a mercurio y las posibles alteraciones en salud relacionadas con la misma en zonas de minería aurífera del municipio de El Carmen de Atrato en el departamento de Chocó. Se realizaron muestras de orina, sangre y cabello a 70 individuos mayores de edad de ambos de sexo, se colectaron 46 muestras de peces de tres especies diferentes y se colectaron 14 muestras de agua del río Atrato. Se registró presencia de síntomas y signos en las personas encuestadas, encontrándose asociaciones significativas entre las concentraciones de mercurio en cabello y la presencia de síntomas que evidencian alteraciones de la memoria, generando afectaciones en la salud. Los resultados reflejan que existe una exposición al mercurio en el área de estudio, la cual se encuentra mayormente relacionada con las actividades de minera aurífera, lo que ha causado problemas de salud en la población en general.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Enfermedades Transmitidas por Alimentos (ETA) en el departamento de Córdoba durante el período 2012-2017
    (2021-01-25) Oviedo Argumedo, Lucia Raquel; Soto López, Maryoris Elisa
    Food-borne diseases (FBD) constitute a growing and important public health problem, causing morbidity and mortality mainly in children, the elderly and pregnant women; in addition to economic problems worldwide. In order to know their behavior and establish foundations, what to do, create policies, programs and strategies for their control and prevention, a descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal study of the cases of FBD reported to the Department of Health Secretariat of Córdoba (DHSC ) in the period between 2012 and 2017. In the observation window, 2,533 cases of FBD were notified to the surveillance system -SIVIGILA, allowing an incidence rate of 25 cases per 100.000 inhabitants in the Department to be estimated. The reports made it possible to establish that the population most affected by pathologies associated with food during this period was female. Likewise, the age group most affected are infants and children from 0 to 4 years old and the ethnic group called "other", characterized as people who do not identify themselves in any ethnic group. Most of the reported cases were found in the urban capital, especially in Montería, Tierralta, Sahagún, Chinú and Cereté. The prevalent place was the home, followed by street sales and educational institutions. Regarding the implicated food and etiological agent, the DHSC has little information in this regard, however, it was found that most of the samples analyzed present as a result "Pending" or "Not identified" and that the agents frequently identified were E. coli, Salmonella spp., total coliforms and Sthaphylococcus aureus. Also, all food samples collected in the field investigation were cheese.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Construcción participativa de estrategias pedagógicas para la integración de los padres de familia en los procesos de aprendizaje de los niños de transición
    (2021-01-26) Martínez Salcedo, Yesika Esther; Lasprilla Torres, Francy Luz; Rojano De La Hoz, Joaquín
    The family and the school are essential factors in the formation process of any person, specifically for the preschool level these elements need to maintain a much more complex relationship than other education levels. Therefore, the objective of this research is to strengthen family integration through pedagogical participation strategies that favor the teaching and learning processes of the transition children in the Educational Institutions Mercedes Abrego and Rafael Núñez of Monteria. To achieve that, this work is based on qualitative research, with a participatory action research approach in which observation, interviews and group sessions are used as techniques to generate specific data. As a result, the existence of a need for pedagogical support in accordance with the educational requirements and demands of preschool level in order to enforce the integration of the family into the teaching and learning processes was found. In this way, the pedagogical strategies implementation is proposed to this problem. To conclude, one of the parents or family group function is to offer kids education not only from home, but also through an educational institution since they are responsible for them, this will be a support and complement for the children´s integral development at an early age. For this reason, it is necessary that those education responsible's have a clear idea of how they will select the school where their children will study and they also participate in their educational and formative process.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Calidad de vida en pacientes ingresados al programa de tuberculosis en Córdoba Colombia durante los años 2016-2019
    (2021-01-25) Villadiego Pinedo, Elexa Martha; Puello Alcocer, Elsy; Amador Ahumada, Concepción
    Introduction: worldwide, tuberculosis is considered an event of interest in public health given its transmission and contagion capacity. Objective: To analyze the correlations between quality of life and compliance with supervised antituberculous treatment in patients from the Department of Córdoba. Methodology: Crosssectional correlational analytical descriptive. The study population was 234 people who entered the TB program in the Department of Córdoba in the years 2016, 2017 and 2019. The application of the WHOQOL-BREF scale questionnaire was carried out using electronic means due to the motivated social isolation conditions for the pandemic. Results: The sex distribution showed a male predominance (61%), the majority (70%) did not have any type of study or only reached primary levels, 47% of the cases lived with a partner, healing in the sample (94%), the quality of life scores reflect that 36% rated it as fairly good, 27% fair, 24% normal, 10% very poor and 3% very good; Using Pearson's Chi-square, a statistically significant relationship was found between quality of life and level of study (0.005). In the analysis by dimensions, a relationship was found between the variables social and cognitive functioning and age (0.000) mobility dimension, personal care and age (0.000) dimension mobility, personal care and level of study (0.001) emotional well-being and age (0.000) dimension emotional well-being and age (0.000) dimension emotional well-being and educational level (0.005). Conclusions: Health-related quality of life indicators applied to the study sample indicate that the highest proportion of their quality of life during treatment is quite good, this being the most selected category, followed by the regular category, a low percentage said it as bad or very bad.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Fortalecimiento de las competencias de lectura y escritura en estudiantes de grado 9º a través de la implementación de un sistema ubicuo y colaborativo de aprendizaje
    (2021-01-25) Velásquez Ramos, Erika Petrona; Carrascal Torres, Nohemí
    The present research aimed to evaluate the incidence of the implementation of a ubiquitous and collaborative learning system, in the strengthening of reading and writing skills in ninth grade students of the Antonia Santos Educational Institution. A methodological design of evaluative research was applied - evaluation of educational programs, where the effects of a language program designed with Dee Fink's Taxonomy of Meaningful Learning are evaluated, focused on goals and skills that the student must develop at the end of the process training on their strengthening in the communicative competence of reading and writing. The research included a diagnostic phase, a program design phase, a program implementation phase, and an evaluation phase of program implementation. The results reflected that there was improvement in the communication skills of reading and writing, compared to the diagnostic test applied at the beginning of the school year. Finally, it is feasible to consider that it is essential to understand that reading and writing are the main training tools to understand the world, to be able to interact and solve problems in diverse disciplinary and sociocultural contexts. Reading and writing is a carrier of culture, knowledge and can be learned from anywhere or anywhere in the world. Therefore, this research aims to improve and strengthen communicative reading and writing skills through a program that includes activities mediated by ubiquitous and significant learning.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Pertinencia de las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes en el marco de la pedagogía para el encuentro en el Liceo León de Greiff de Cereté
    (2021-01-25) Puche Arrieta, Abraham; Doria Correa, Rudy
    The purpose of this research was to understand the sense and relevance of the teachers' pedagogical practicums in the school Liceo León de Greiff of Cereté within the model " The Meeting Pedagogy". The methodology used was a qualitative research and an ethnographic method. The population was conformed by all the teachers in the school and the sample was collected with six teachers chosen under criteria of labor seniority and professional performance. The data collection techniques used are the teachers’ observation in a classroom, teachers’ planners and syllabi review, and open questions interviews applied to teachers as well as the focus group. The findings show that the teachers apply the institutional pedagogical model to achieve the integral formation of the students. Nevertheless, when teaching, a few strategies of the mentioned model are implemented. Moreover, in few cases some traditional teaching methodologies are being used. The resulting categories of the hermeneutic analysis were: comprehensive competencies development, inter- structuring, teacher mediator, inclusive education, as well as students’ and teachers’ metacognition, interdisciplinary knowledge and pedagogical relevance. It was concluded that the teachers’ performance within The Meeting Pedagogy framework is highly relevant in The Meeting Pedagogy framework standing out in doing a good teaching process.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Contextualización curricular y reconstrucción de las prácticas de enseñanza en aulas multigrado
    (2021-01-25) Montes, Géiner; Doria Correa, Rudy
    The curricular contextualization carried out by the teacher plays an essential role, stimulating everyone's learning, flexible and contextualized, particularities that acquire a more complex character when it comes to the development of this process in multigrade classrooms. Therefore, the present research defined the objective of understanding the contributions of a reflective process of curricular contextualization and reconstruction of teaching practices in the training process of students in multigrade classrooms of the Guateque Educational Institution, of the Municipality of Montería. To achieve this objective, it was based on the hermeneutical interpretive paradigm, with a qualitative approach and the case study method. The results show that multigrade classroom teachers have the knowledge and didactics that help them to generate strategies in which the resources of the context are used to the maximum, and in turn, students are motivated at a high level to strive to access adequately to the support materials necessary for the execution of academic activity. The research concludes that the multigrade classroom teachers of the Guateque Educational Institution understand the process of contextualization and reconstruction of their teaching practices, the possibility of improving the training process of their students, to the extent that a look at the way they develop their teaching work identify strengths and weaknesses; in addition, professional enrichment through the exchange of strategies and experiences.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Percepciones de docentes y estudiantes sobre las prácticas pedagógicas en el marco del desarrollo de competencias científicas investigativas en estudiantes de noveno grado
    (2021-01-25) Rivero Arrieta, Ana Yomaris; Pacheco Lora, Martha Cecilia
    Today there is a trend in science teaching based on conceptual content, reflected in curricular planning, and where information prevails over the development of competencies around the construction of explanations about phenomena that are part of living student diary (Rozo, 2017). Motivated to change the above, an investigation built from a qualitative base was designed, using the foundations of phenomenography with the aim of analyzing the perceptions of teachers and students about pedagogical practices within the framework of the development of scientific investigative competencies in ninth-grade students. grade. The results showed that the role of the teacher, the environments and the learning resources do not favor the development of scientific investigative competences in their pedagogical practices; on the contrary, a traditional conception of the teaching and learning process applies. This situation has hindered the development of competencies that achieve the adoption of science and technology by students. These results lead to the conclusion that it is necessary for teachers to seek appropriate didactic strategies that provide students with the necessary spaces in the educational act, so that they relate the reconstruction of knowledge with investigative processes, which allowed them to give a timely response to the various problem situations that arise in your environment.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Representaciones sociales sobre la escuela en estudiantes y docentes de la Institución Educativa Morindó Santafé de la ciudad de Montería
    (2021-01-25) Ortega Mejía, David; Meza Negrete, Duley Cristina; Carrascal Torres, Nohemy
    The purpose of this research is to understand the social representations that students and teachers of the Morindó Santafé Institution have about the school, located in the rural area of Montería - Colombia. The research had a qualitative approach and the participants were 15 students and 10 teachers. The techniques used were observation, drawing and graphic design, and the questionnaire. The results showed the students a school associated with their physical and rural environment, where technology becomes a window to the outside world. For their part, teachers show the precariousness and neglect of rural schools and their poor working conditions; portrayed mainly in the lack of classrooms and poor administrative management, which in his opinion is not focused on the development of academic processes, which is the duty of the school; situation that leads to the need to rebuild and reconfigure the concept of school in this institution. This led to a proposal for intervention and shared vision of the PEI Institutional Educational Project focused on the context of this community
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Promoción del liderazgo y participación en estudiantes miembros del gobierno escolar de la Escuela Rural Bajo Blanco: un estudio de caso
    (2020-01-25) Contreras, Marlon Miguel; Díaz, Daira Delia; Carrascal, Nohemy
    The present study promotes and enhances the leadership and participation in students of the Bajo Blanco rural school in the municipality of Moñitos, department of Córdoba. Through a qualitative design with a case study methodological approach, a sample of student members of the School Government of the School under study is approached. From the application of the survey, participant observation, field diary and focus group, the conceptions and actions of leadership and participation of the student members of the School Government are characterized, showing little appropriation of these concepts reflected in a timid, weak and confused experience leadership and participation, also the little intervention of the School in the transformation of attitudes and change of conception of their meaning. The intervention of the population subject of study from the implementation of pedagogical strategies of promotion and empowerment conceptually based on the knowledge of Being, Knowing, Doing and Living Together and interacting, allowed the participating subjects to discover their strengths and weaknesses, strengthen the capacity to decision making and develop skills to assertively express their ideas. Likewise, it is possible to empower the leadership and participation of the student members of the School Government as a means of personal fulfillment, development of a life project, exercise of citizenship from the fulfillment of duties and rights of the leader and each of the members. of the educational community.
  • PublicaciónEmbargo
    De oruga a mariposa: trayectorias de vida de mujeres que logran salir del ciclo de la violencia de pareja íntima Montería, 2021
    (2021-01-25) Quintero Calderón, Dominga María; Bula Romero, Javier Alonso; Bula Romero, Javier Alonso
    Reconstruir las trayectorias de vida de un grupo de mujeres que lograron salir del ciclo de la violencia en sus relaciones de pareja. Conocer estas trayectorias permitirá acercarnos a la comprensión del fenómeno de estudio y plantear estrategias que contribuyan al cuidado integral de mujeres que presenten esta situación
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Evolución del servicio de la educación posgradual en Latinoamérica en los últimos 10 años
    (2021-01-25) Díaz González, María Luisa; García Pacheco, Kelly Julieth; Bermúdez, Daniel Rodríguez
    La transformación digital aplica para todos los sectores de nuestra vida, por lo que el educativo no es la excepción. Los tiempos cambian, y los modelos de aprendizaje basados en pilares arcaicos e incuestionables tienen los días contados. La educación continua, colaborativa, interactiva y a distancia será la constante de los próximos años. La educación a distancia apareció en el contexto social como una solución a los problemas de cobertura y calidad que aquejaban a un número elevado de personas, quienes deseaban beneficiarse de los avances pedagógicos, científicos y técnicos que habían alcanzado ciertas instituciones, pero que eran inaccesibles por la ubicación geográfica o bien por los elevados costos que implicaba un desplazamiento frecuente o definitivo a esas sedes.