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  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Evaluación de las características fisicoquímicas y las concentraciones de metales pesados en efluentes de una zona de explotación de minería artesanal de oro en el departamento de Bolívar: estrategias de tratamiento de efluentes
    (2021-04-08) Guerrero, Raymundo; Pinedo, José; Marrugo Negrete, José Luis
    Este proyecto evalúo la caracterización fisicoquímica de efluentes del distrito minero de San Martin de Loba, departamento de Bolívar, generando datos para la evaluación de riesgo en salud y la planificación y propuesta de un sistema de tratamiento de efluentes. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorizado de efluentes mineros, considerando la distribución espacial de sitios de procesos de extracción de oro en el distrito minero. La caracterización fisicoquímica se realizó en función de la normatividad 0631 de 2015. La concentración de los parámetros SST, SO4, S, CN, Hg, Cd, Fe, Pb, Cu y Cr en el efluente supero los límites permisibles establecidos por la resolución 0631 de 2015 para actividades de extracción de oro y otros metales preciosos en una relación de SST (44.2), SO4 (1.1), S (1.8), CN (6.4), Hg (2650), Cd (2), Fe (19), Pb (7.5), Cu (2.7) y Cr (376). El análisis estadístico multivariado de componentes principales (CP), deduce que la contaminación de los efluentes puede estar asociada a fuentes geofísicas y geológicas. Además, de las actividades de procesamiento de minerales. La evaluación de riesgo en salud demuestra que excepto Cr y Hg presentan valores de índice de riesgo (HQ) menor que uno (1), indicando que éstos metales representan un riesgo potencial para la salud. Para el tratamiento efluentes mineros se propone la utilización de métodos activos que precisan de una operación continua y métodos pasivos en los que la intervención del hombre es mínima. En general los resultados de este proyecto permiten presentar un diagnóstico inicial de la problemática de contaminación de los efluentes mineros de la zona de estudio y serán útiles para seguir desarrollando estrategias de mitigación ambiental por las autoridades ambientales y de salud pertinentes; respondiendo a la necesidad en el manejo y conservación de los recursos naturales y salud pública.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Modelo VERA: Visual Encouragement Ready for All. Creación de tecnologías para la orientación y movilidad con y para personas con discapacidad visual
    (2021-04-05) Otero Macea, Hugo Andrés; Giraldo Cardozo, Juan Carlos
    People with disabilities had been segregated by the years. The process of creating technologies for orientation and mobility learing (O & M) is not an exception. Most of the O y M tech was made for and without people with disabilities. In this Project, we use a qualitative research approach named action-research. The techniques involved in that purposes was: participative observation, non-structured focal group, and non-structured interviews The main process to analyze the data is the content analysis approach, preserving the sense and the meaning of the voices of the people. Here are some of the findings: ● The spatial representations of blind people are valid, legitimate and transferable ● Share time with people with disabilities is an important step to create technologies A model to create technologies built with all of that information, it has four steps: VERA sensitive, VERA cognitive, VERA technological, and VERA social At the end of the study, there are several recommendations that people who create technology can use, This is VERA model
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Evaluación del arsénico (As), cadmio (Cd), mercurio (Hg) y plomo (Pb) en peces, crustáceos y moluscos de mayor consumo en Isla Fuerte (Caribe colombiano): estimación del riesgo por ingesta a la salud humana
    (2021-04-06) Hernández Domínguez, Claudia Maritza; Marrugo Negrete, José Luis
    Heavy metals are a special worldwide concern due their environmental persistency; these pollutants can accumulate and exponentially increase their levels, representing a high ecological and toxicological risk when they generate pollution processes in the biota and marine ecosystems. This work evaluates the concentrations of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) in muscle of fish, crustaceans and mollusks, as well as the potential risk to human health associated with the consumption of this species in Isla Fuerte - Colombian Caribbean. The individuals studied were captured by fishermen of the Island between march and october in 2019, in capture areas considered of transit, stay and feeding of fish, crustaceans and mollusks using traditional fishing techniques such as fishhook, manual capture and immersion with snorkel. A total of 138 individuals were sampled, corresponding to 112 adult fish, 16 adult crustaceans and 10 adult mollusks. The quantification of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in muscle of sampled individuals was carried out by atomic absorption spectrophotometry with graphite furnace (GFAAS), the quantification of mercury (Hg) was carried out by the US EPA-7473 method (thermal decomposition, amalgamation, and atomic absorption spectrometry), using a direct mercury analyzer (DMA-80). In this sense, fish species Balistes capriscus showed the highest concentrations of As (6272 ± 2791 ng/g) and Caranx hippos, the highest concentrations of Hg (381,26 ± 52 ng/g), both species with carnivorous habits. While the herbivorous benthic mollusk Lobatus gigas bioaccumulated more efficiently Cd (170 ± 91,6 ng/g) and Pb (51,05 ± 2,77 ng/g). In this way, Pearson's correlation coefficients (p
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Relación escuela –familia en condiciones de ruralidad como parte del proceso de desarrollo integral de los estudiantes
    (2021-04-06) Ortega Solórzano, Alexandra; Meza Galván, Morelia Margarita; Otalvaro Sepúlveda, Carlos
    The objective of this research was to understand the School-Family relationship in rural conditions as part of the integral development process of the 5th grade students of the Besito Volao Educational Institution, Palma de Vino headquarters. To achieve the objective, the theoretical foundation was based on the concepts of family, school and their relationship, taking into account the rural characteristics of these two entities and the contribution to the integral development of the students. Methodologically, the research was qualitative with an ethnographic method, working with 14 families of the students of the grade mentioned above, applying observation, documentary review and interview as information gathering techniques. The result was that there is no articulation of families with school processes, no teaching strategies or resources are evidenced to link the social and family context in activities within the classroom. Likewise, in institutional documents, there is no clear evidence of programs, policies or activities that establish the relationship between the school and the family. The study concludes that the family in rural conditions is characterized by assigning great importance to the role of the school in the community, therefore, it makes efforts to allow children to attend the educational establishment so that they receive education from the students. teachers, therefore, the family training function is delegated to the school. The role of the family in school processes must be materialized in the classroom, through articulation strategies that respond to a mission and vision that the school proposes, likewise, the school must know the families that belong to it and this way create the relevant tools to link it more easily
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Transversalidad de la formación en valores en las prácticas de enseñanza de los docentes de la básica secundaria de la Institución Etnoeducativa los Córdobas
    (2021-04-05) Balaguera Ortiz, Ezequías; Elis Cogollo, Emilio; Villamil Benítez, Ilse
    Training in values is considered an essential element in the integral education of people. Therefore, the present research study aimed to implement a pedagogical strategy for the mainstreaming of training in values in the pedagogical exercise of elementary school teachers of the Ethnoeducational Institution Los Córdobas as the starting point of the process. For this, a type of qualitative research with an action research approach was defined, the interview, the focus group and a rubric for the evaluation of the strategy to collect the information were applied. The analysis of the information collected was carried out by means of data triangulation. It was obtained as a result that the pedagogical practices of the teachers under study were characterized by the absence of values as a component within their classes, therefore, a virtual pedagogical strategy for training in values was designed and implemented for these teachers. This research concludes that theoretical and practical tools were provided to improve the teaching-learning process of values. However, there was a parallel benefit because teachers strengthened their knowledge about technological tools and their use. In addition, the use and implementation of the Moodle platform will include understanding in an easy way the realization of the learning activities proposed in the intervention proposal, which aroused committed participation in the teachers that favored and motivated enthusiasm for learning, and assessment of the transversality of values in teaching-learning.
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    Desarrollo territorial integrado en la ciudad de Montería y su área de influencia
    (2021-04-05) Hernández Sabié, Richard Miguel; Villalba León, Doris Alicia
    The city of Montería in recent decades has extended its area of influence to areas commonly defined as rural, that is, areas of agrarian traditions associated with nature and agriculture, which has gradually caused the rural area, apparently, to fade into the socioeconomic group. Essential situation for present and future scenarios in planning and (re) land use planning. The realization of this research allowed to comprehensively evaluate the territorial development in the city of Montería and its area of influence, identifying strengths and weaknesses of the territorial system, in the selected area, in such a way that it made it possible to define alternatives for planning and territorial development, stimulating the spatial dynamics of the territory, contributing to the improvement in terms of spatial organization. In addition to the above, a strategic planning plan was designed to stimulate and promote Integrated Territorial Development in the studied area. The ethnographic, cartographic, analytical and synthetic research methods, taken into account as theoretical-methodological support, were articulated with the conceptual axis proposed for the development of the research. We worked with themes and approaches, from different authors, related to territory, city, topophilia, territorial cohesion, planning, management, ordering and territorial development. All this under the postulates and axes of the geographical discipline, specifically from urban, regional and perceptual geography, without ignoring some analytical references from other sub-disciplines of geography (economic, cultural and environmental). An investigation formulated in terms of planning and (re) ordering the geographic space allows to contrast and substantiate the territorial reality of places and regions from a geographic perspective under the consideration of key concepts and theories, within the framework of an integrated territorial development that contributes to the recognition and assessment of important aspects for the improvement of the quality of life of the population, in conclusion, it can be affirmed that the development of this research showed results that account for the existence, in Montería and its area of influence, of conditions keys to better planning and management of resources, aimed at Integrated Territorial Development.
  • PublicaciónEmbargo
    Relación de la gestión de la cadena de suministros y la gestión de la calidad en la toma de decisiones estratégicas
    (2021-03-26) Herrera Yanez, Luis Miguel; Martínez Martínez, Jennifer; Alarcón Barrios, Galia
    Las empresas intentan involucrarse y adaptarse a las perspectivas que los clientes quieren, con la intención siempre de darle tanto un buen servicio o excelente producto, por lo que para ello buscan reinventarse y estar acorde a las nuevas expectativas que el mercado exige, así como las tecnologías que se van dando. Por esas razones, las organizaciones se reevalúan en todos sus procesos y gestiones para obtener con ello una mejor productividad. No obstante, una escasez de investigación ha explorado la relación de la gestión de la cadena de suministro y gestión de la calidad dentro de un contexto general de la organización. La investigación de la relación de la gestión en la cadena de suministro y la gestión de calidad dentro un marco de organización tiene el potencial de fomentar el desarrollo de la teoría de la gestión de la cadena de suministro y la gestión de calidad y fortalecer la gestión de la cadena y la práctica de la gestión de calidad (Peng et al., 2019). La comprensión de cómo la gestión de la cadena y la gestión de calidad están relacionadas con una organización y cómo esta relación afecta el desempeño organizacional es poco explorado, lo que limita la capacidad de sacar el máximo provecho de las herramientas asociadas de una manera que optimiza los recursos de la organización (Flynn & Flynn 2005; Kim, Kim, & Su, 2011; Dellana & Kros 2014; Huo, Zhao & Lai 2014; Fernandes et al. 2017; citado en Soares et al., 2017). Aun así, a pesar de la escasez mencionada, esta monografía se centra en la búsqueda de las relaciones existentes entre la gestión de la cadena y la gestión de calidad con el fin de establecer cómo estas relaciones se pueden adoptar como búsqueda de decisiones estratégicas en el mundo organizacional. Por tal razón, se mostrarán los resultados de una revisión Sistemática de Literatura sobre la gestión de calidad en Cadenas de Suministro identificando las variables relevantes que determinarán la importancia de cada uno de sus eslabones y su eficacia en el contexto de la calidad.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Influencia del liderazgo en la mejora de los procesos de calidad dentro de las organizaciones: análisis para el sector servicio en empresas estatales
    (2021-03-26) Ossa Acosta, Ximena de la; Ortega Araujo, Wendy; Stanford Salcedo, Jesús; Alarcón Barrios, Galia
    Through this bibliographic review, the influence that leadership has on the continuous improvement of processes in service companies, which are part of the state sector, was studied over the last ten years. In which, the incidence of leadership is associated with hierarchical factors somewhat remote from the significant role that a leader plays within quality management systems, through a qualitative analysis of the benefits that the adoption of leadership brings with it. Development of organization management processes. Establishing that motivation is a determining factor so that the human talent of a company is aligned with the achievement of organizational objectives and policies and that assertive communication and teamwork are determining values within the principles that every leader must root in his work methodology. According to the bibliographic study, in Colombia public sector companies are linked to factors that reflect a lack of concern for the implementation of plans, programs and methodologies that guarantee a work environment that leads to the satisfaction and growth of human resources, which it will be reflected in the satisfaction of the other interested parties.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Estudio de la dinámica del péndulo físico simétrico en un campo de fuerza uniforme
    (2021-04-04) Vergara Dueña, Luis Guillermo; Maya Taboada, Héctor Roger
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Evaluación de la satisfacción del cliente en tramites académicos y administrativos en el programa de Ingeniería Ambiental de la Universidad de Córdoba a través del método servperf
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2021-03-26) Barreto López, Liliana Enith; González Hernández, Carolina; Plaza Gómez María Trinidad
    This application and deepening work aimed to evaluate client satisfaction in academic and administrative procedures in the Environmental Engineering Program of the University of Córdoba, through the SERVPERF method, to measure the quality of the service provided. The analysis was carried out through the adaptation of the original questionnaire of the SERVPERF model proposed by Cronin and Taylor (J. Joseph Cronin, 1992), made up of 5 dimensions of service quality: tangible elements, reliability, response capacity, security and Empathy distributed in 22 affirmations which were measured through a 7-point Likert scale, which consisted of giving values of approval or disapproval to the affirmations between 1 and 7. Ending with the analysis of the results obtained and with the respective conclusions and recommendations for the Environmental Engineering Program.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Concepciones sobre educación inclusiva y su relación con la práctica pedagógica de los docentes
    (2021-03-15) Pacheco Herrera, Paty; Benítez, Nilsa Shirley
    Inclusive education focuses on attention to diversity, to the extent that, through directive, administrative, pedagogical and community processes, it seeks to recognize and enhance the strengths of students who have been violated, either by academic situations, cognitive, social, creed, race, choices or personal decisions that limit their participation in academic spaces. Hence, the objective of this research focused on determining the existing relationships between the concepts of Inclusive Education (IE) and the pedagogical practices developed by the teachers of the Santa María Goretti educational institution, belonging to the city of Montería-Córdoba. This process was developed through a qualitative approach, applying a phenomenological design which made it possible to show the experiences of teachers and rescue the immersed voices that account for whether or not there is a relationship between what they say and what they do. For the collection of information, three strategies were taken into account within the design. First, a context reading was carried out, then a semi-structured interview was prepared with 8 teachers of basic secondary education, from grades 6 to 11, who accepted the criteria chosen for the sample and, based on this, three observations were made to each teacher, which were recorded in the observation protocol. Faced with the results, these showed that the majority of the pedagogical practices of the observed teachers are not related between what they conceive as Inclusive Education and what they do in their daily practice. To this extent, the conceptions found refer, above all, to the field of disability, leaving aside other characteristics, styles and rhythms of learning that characterize the learners and that are fundamental when implementing strategies in planning and, in turn, allow the development of classes. Other findings showed that the majority of educators are more interested in the intellectual development of their students and although they vary in the types and forms of evaluation, they Concepciones sobre educación Inclusiva y su relación con la práctica pedagógica de los docentes 8 give priority only to the written part and to participation in classes. In summary, the educators state that they make adjustments in the classroom, in terms of the attention to the diverse needs of the students, however, it was evidenced that very few put it into practice.
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Análisis de peligros y puntos críticos de control (haccp): sistema para la gestión de la inocuidad en las industrias agroalimentarias en Colombia
    (2021-03-14) Bruno Salabarria, Milena Sofía; Fuentes Bedoya, Eliana Andrea; Pastrana Puche, Yenis Ibeth
    Today, governments and parties involved in food control are under constant pressure to find a more efficient and effective system to meet established safety standards, which help ensure that the consumer purchases a product suitable for their consumption This has led to the recognition and incursion of hazard analysis and critical control points, with its acronym in English -HACCP- "Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point" as a food surveillance tool based on applying a preventive and anticipatory plan to reach to a final product free of hazards. The objective of this work was to argue by means of a bibliographic review that the application of -HACCP- guarantees the system for the management of safety in the agri-food industries in Colombia by reducing the dangers that are presented within the production line, in addition to highlight the benefits that the design and implementation of the system brings. To meet the objective, a theoretical framework was structured which covered topics such as food hazards, importance of food safety, application of the HACCP system in industries, among others, in order to contextualize the subject and later develop a state of the art in the from which business cases of system application were studied, showing the advantages and benefits obtained once the safety system was applied. Finally, a successful case of the application of the system was described in a company in the dairy sector located in the region. The design and implementation of the HACCP system allows the identification of critical points where strict controls must be applied to avoid contamination of the product and ensure its quality and safety
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    Caracterización clínica y patobiológica de la infección experimental con Edwardsiella tarda Y Edwardsiella anguillarum en alevinos de tilapia (Oreochromis sp.)
    (2020-11-30) Hernández Carrascal, Jaime Alberto; Barato Gómez, Paola Andrea; CORPAVET
    Edwardsiellosis is a systemic granulomatous disease that affects a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic hosts, including tilapia (Oreochromis sp). Recently, Edwardsiella tarda was phylogenetically reclasiffied in three species: E. tarda, E. anguillarum and E. piscicida. The purpose of this research was to characterize clinically and pathobiologically the experimental infection with E. tarda and E. anguillarum in tilapia fingerlings. An experimental study was carried out with 19 groups, each with two replications, as follows: immersion inoculum (INM) and intragastric (IG) in doses 106 , 107 and 108 cfu/ml for each bacteria (E. anguilllarum and E. tarda) (12 groups), intraperitoneal inoculum (IP) at doses 106 and 107 cfu/ml equally for both microorganisms (4 groups), and three (3) negative control groups with inoculation of sterile physiological buffered solution (PBS) by the respective routes inoculation (IP, IG, or IMM). During the experimental period (30 days) the fish were clinically evaluated (signs and gross lesions). The fingerlings were weighed at three times: at day 0 start of the experiment, at day 15 (first phase) and at day 30, culmination of the experiment (second phase). The fish inoculated with E. anguillarum (18-355) and with E. tarda (18- 294) by IP route after day 4PI and 7PI presented ascites, whitish masses in the peritoneum and spleen, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, absence of food in the intestine and gallbladder distention. By the IG route with E. anguillarum, 25% of mortality was presented with 106 cfu/ml, 33% with 107 cfu/ml and 58% with 108 cfu/ml; with this same bacterium by the INM route with 106 cfu/ml there was no mortality during the first 15 days, with 107 cfu/ml it was 50% and with 108 cfu/ml it was 55%. With E. tarda by inoculation via IG and INM for a period of 1 to 15 days PI there was no mortality, and during days 15 to 30 PI the fish inoculated by INM with 108 cfu/ml had 43% mortality. At day 30 PI, significant differences (P
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Factores que inciden en la práctica de valores para la convivencia escolar en los estudiantes de octavo grado de la Institución Educativa Belén, Buenavista Córdoba
    (2021-02-11) Olea Hernández, Leonardo Antonio; Palomo Zurique, José Hipólito
    The aim of thi study is to determine the factors that have influence in the practice of values in the school life of 8th grade students from Educational Institution of Belèn, jurisdiction of Buenavista Córdoba. To reach it, it was necessary the use of a descriptive type research, starting from the implementation of an descritive methodology research methodology. Which began by establishing the characteristics of the school life in the 8th grade students of the mentioned institution. Then, a strategy was designed. Starting from the pactice of values related to pacific coexistence and other values that promote the improvement of interpersonal relationships. A a result, the students developed many actions through a pedagogical proposal in which teachers, parents and students participated. This generated positive changes in the students behavior and their school lifestyle.
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    Autopercepción, conocimiento y experiencias del profesorado sobre neurociencia cognitiva y transferencia de sus principios a la didáctica de las ciencias
    (2021-01-27) Mercado Aguado, Claudia Patricia; Sierra Pineda, Isabel Alicia
    In accordance with the educational demands of the generation of students of the XXI century and following, the intentional and purposeful use of didactic strategies that favor effective learning from the illuminative of the knowledge of Cognitive Neuroscience is involved. The purpose of this study was to determine the conceptions, knowledge (conceptual knowledge) and experiences (practical knowledge) of the teacher about cognitive neuroscience and the possibilities of transferring its principles to science didactics. It is a qualitative, phenomenographic study, developed in four successive and complementary phases; taking as participating subjects 22 teachers from various areas of science in 12 public educational institutions of the Municipality of Monteria; using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for the collection of information, which was analyzed by selecting the semantic expressions or descriptors with the highest content to form subcategories and emerging categories for each of the aspects under study. The information was graphically and duly triangulated using the content analysis in which the theoretical foundation was reviewed to contrast with the meaning of the findings. It was identified that there is a convergence between the conceptions and knowledge of neuroscientists and science teachers in relation to the possible usefulness of knowledge in cognitive neuroscience; Although the principles of neuroscience were unknown as such, they had been foreseen and put into practice as a “trial and error” in the search for options to achieve better learning results for their students, good conceptual knowledge about neurosciences and its relationship with the education sector. It is concluded that the meaning of the conceptions, knowledge and experiences of the teacher about cognitive neuroscience supports the possibilities of transferring the 12 principles based on neurosciences to the didactics of science.
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    Relación del contexto social con los aprendizajes de los estudiantes (caso de la Institución Educativa Alfonso Spath Spath en Cereté Córdoba. República de Colombia)
    (2021-01-27) Castro Medrano, Ana Gabriela; Montiel Patiño, Gina Eugenia; Rojano De La Hoz, Joaquín
    The main purpose of this research was to interpret the social context in the rural area of the Martinez community, Cereté district in the Department of Córdoba, where the students of the Alfonso Spath Spath Educational Institution live, as a school context, relating their social realities, economic, and cultural realities with the educational and pedagogical realities where their learning process takes place. This process allows a field of recognition of factors, categories and indicators of the educational system, which impact learning in institutions and which, therefore, can be incorporated into the improvement of the system or, at least, at the particular level of educational institutions. This is a qualitative research with a focus on is a case study, based on different techniques and instruments with which it is possible to dialogue with members of the community, generators of knowledge, collect this wealth of knowledge and examine it from different facts and educational activities , taking into account the behavioral and academic problems of student learning and the institutional educational project as a benchmark of the school context with an eye to the social context in which the educational establishment is located and the life of the members of the school unfolds. educative community. The results support the meaningful theory that surrounds the learning of children and young people dependent and at the same time intervening on the social and economic context and its aspects. sociocultural. The school context is based on the guiding and formative role of the teaching and learning processes. The presence of recurring problems such as variable interest is also ratified, given the degree of motivation of the students in relation to the immersion of the treatment and recognition of the social context as a necessary subject in the activities proposed by the teacher for development inside and outside the school. classroom. In the same sense, the supposed lack of interest of parents in their children's learning activities is mediated by the interest they see in their children with respect to the school context and by the expectations of the usefulness that their learning has for their lives.
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    Exposición inadvertida al ion flúor y su impacto sobre la fluorosis como problema de salud pública. Montería, 2019
    (2021-01-29) Mesa Ruiz, Victoria Eugenia; Vergara Támara, Ramiro Alonso; Amador Ahumada, Concepción Elena
    The fluorine ion, halogen, electronegative, supplied as a public health measure in the prevention of caries by WHO in the 20th century, its intake is through the respiratory and oral routes, its expression in the urine. The effect depends on: dose, exposure time, degree of malnutrition, general state of health. Objective. To determine the consumption practices that predispose to inadvertent exposure to fluoride and its impact on public health, in Montería - Córdoba. Descriptive crosssectional study methodology; fluorosis was measured using the Dean's Index and ICF; the data were correlated with the variables age, origin, average inadvertent consumption of the fluoride ion, food, beverages, oral hygiene item, in 235 participants. Results. The ICF was established by regions: severe ICF in the central region of the country, medium ICF in Sinú Medio, San Jorge, Sabana and Alto Sinú, by age group from 10 to 19 years old ICF average, from 10 to 14, 20 to 24 and , 25 to 29, mild ICF, the general total mild ICF. Conclusions. The average intake of fluoride ion for the consumption of mouthwash, established possible relationships with the male sex between 35 to 39 and 15 to 19 years with intake of 33.75mg / month, and 3.68mg / month, respectively, In the female sex, the risk factor was the group of 20 to 24 and 15 to 19 years with a consumption of 2.25mg / month and 1.50mg / month. The differences allow us to appreciate an apparent influence of the biological factor “sex”. Recommendations. Train the community in the components of the products that contain fluorine ion.
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    Riesgo suicida y factores asociados en estudiantes de 15 a 17 años de colegios públicos de Montería
    (2021-01-27) Ursul, Anabella Fernanda; Galván, Gonzalo; Guerrero Martelo, Manuel Francisco
    Background: suicide is a major public health problem. Nearly one million suicides are reported worldwide each year and is the second leading cause of death in 15- to 29-yearolds. A complex interaction of factors can act cumulatively to increase suicidal risk. Focusing on risks to suicide is the key to prevention. Objective: to assess suicidal risk and associated factors in students from 15 to 17 years of age from public schools in the city of Montería. Material and method: descriptive, quantitative cross-sectional study carried out in middle-school students (n-569) [34.7% male, 65.3% female], average age 15.82 years (DE 0.77). Suicidal risk was assessed across the Plutchick scale, and associated factors across validated scales adapted to the study population. Results: 28.8% of adolescents have suicidal risk on a Plutchik scale and as associated factors were found significant, female gender, having been a victim of displacement, family history of suicide, re-ongoing, frequent medication intake, family dysfunction, average of nine adverse events with traumatic potential, deficit in the use of stress coping strategies, signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety , risk consumption of alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and tranquilizers, bullying, cyberbullying and internet addiction. Conclusions: The suicide risk in the adolescent population of public schools in Montería is high purchased with similar populations.
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    Proyectos pedagógicos productivos como práctica social de paz en la Comunidad Educativa Casa Blanca de Montería
    (2021-01-28) López Berrío, Manuel Salvador; Avilez Medrano, Orlys Del Rosario; Espriella Arenas, Fernando Antonio De La
    Currently, productive pedagogical projects are being considered as another tool to achieve social equity, inclusion, participation, identity construction, recreation, and the right to live in an environment of healthy peaceful coexistence. Determine the importance of using this new methodology, in favor of the rural population, especially when they are at high risk of vulnerability. The Productive Pedagogical Projects, as a social practice of peace in the Casa Blanca de Monteria educational community, aims to improve the living conditions of the community, the interpersonal relationships of students and their families and create the necessary spaces for children and young people to develop the skills necessary for them to see a better and more productive future. In this sense, their social problems of greater impact were identified and a strategy was designed to face the different situations, valuing the social impact that the PPP should have. The background of previous research at international and national level was taken into account and the concepts on PPP, social practices, children and young people in vulnerable condition, pedagogical strategies and education were analyzed. It starts from precepts of Piaget and Vygotsky, going through authors such as Bruner and Bandura, among others. The focus of the research is qualitative and the ethnographic perspective is proposed as a type of research. Students represented the population under investigation from the Casa Blanca educational community, from sixth to ninth grades, and the sample was 26 students. The research instruments used were the predetermined survey and the interview. The results of the research allowed reaffirming the high degree of vulnerability in which students develop, and at the same time, identifying the most impacting issues of violence that they experience on a daily basis.
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    Imaginarios de la comunidad educativa sobre la evaluación del aprendizaje en el área de educación física, recreación y deporte en la Institución Educativa José Antonio Galán de Rabolargo
    (2021-01-27) Almanza Arciria, Gabriel Eduardo; Pinillos García, Jesús María
    La presente investigación se desarrolló en el contexto rural del corregimiento de San José del Campano comúnmente reconocido como Rabolargo, municipio de Cereté, Córdoba; con el objetivo de comprender imaginarios sobre la evaluación del aprendizaje en el área de Educación Física, Recreación y Deporte -AERD- de miembros de la comunidad de la Institución Educativa José Antonio Galán de Rabolargo. Ello con el apoyo del enfoque de investigación cualitativo y el diseño metodológico de la teoría fundamentada. La población estuvo conformada por tres estudiantes, dos padres de familia, dos docentes y un directivo docente, con ello, se buscó realizar una triangulación teniendo en cuenta las voces de diferentes miembros de la comunidad educativa, para la recolección de la información se utilizó la estrategia de la entrevista en profundidad; para el análisis inicialmente, se realizó una codificación abierta teniendo en cuenta los datos de las entrevistas digitalizados, posteriormente, se organizó esta información con base a categorías preestablecidas - ¿qué? ¿cómo? ¿para qué? y ¿con qué criterios evaluar? -. Después de ello se realizó una codificación cerrada para identificar categorías y tendencias emergentes, teniendo en cuenta estas preguntas; lo que sirvió para la construcción de teoría emergente a manera de ensayos, de acuerdo con la percepción del investigador, los objetivos de la investigación y el apoyo de la teoría formal. A nivel general, los resultados de la presente investigación se organizaron en el siguiente orden: ¿qué, para qué, con qué criterios y cómo evaluar? Con relación a la primera pregunta, la cual está relacionada con los contenidos de enseñanza, según la versión de los estudiantes y el docente del área, así como el deber ser planteado por un docente de otra área, un directivo docente y padres de familia, sobresale la emergencia de prácticas deportivas, en las que se abordan o se proponen tanto el aprendizaje de conceptos, procedimientos y actitudes. Se hicieron visibles también prácticas de actividad física y de recreación en menor proporción Con respecto a la segunda pregunta, ¿para qué evaluar?, que tiene que ver con los objetivos de aprendizaje, surgen imaginarios que muestran el sentido otorgado a la evaluación de los contenidos en el AERD, es así como, desde una perspectiva educativa, con las prácticas deportivas se busca la formación de los estudiantes con miras a la competencia deportiva; mientras que desde una perspectiva social, tanto las prácticas deportivas como las de actividad física son usadas como un medio para contribuir al bienestar de otras dimensiones del ser humano. La tercera pregunta que orienta la evaluación del aprendizaje, ¿con qué criterios evaluar?, trata de las concepciones en las que se deben apoyar los docentes para la toma de decisiones a la hora de valorar el desempeño de los estudiantes; según los hallazgos analizados emergieron concepciones que se denominaron de tipo disciplinar y de tipo pedagógico. En cuanto a lo disciplinar emergieron concepciones de la Educación Física orientada al deporte; la formación integral; la condición física y la recreación. En relación con el criterio pedagógico surgieron concepciones generales sobre la formación, la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, guiadas por la teoría de la evaluación que se apoya en el concepto de competencia. Finalmente se aborda la pregunta de ¿cómo evaluar?, la que hace visible el desarrollo de estrategias o procedimientos que se usan para la evaluación de los contenidos de aprendizaje, en este caso, se resalta la implementación de estrategias en las que se usa como medio la demostración de la técnica y el interés prestado al aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes.