Publicación: Evaluación de la exposición a contaminantes químicos presentes dentro de las fincas de cultivo de banano del grupo Santamaría en el municipio de Apartadó (Antioquia)
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It is generally known that human contact with dangerous substances such as those used in agricultural pesticides can cause serious damage to human health. In the development of tasks that involve contact with dangerous substances, the safety instructions of the products must be taken into account, the exposed workers must be provided with the necessary defense mechanisms to avoid direct contact with the substances. Chemicals contained in pesticides have the potential to kill fungi, weeds, and insects. So it is true that they offer benefits in protecting crops against pests, they present risks to the environment and humans. Pesticides have the ability to cause cancer and other respiratory diseases, organs, system failures, nervous system disorders and asthma, the diseases and disorders mentioned above are reportedly linked to the development of immune diseases. In this research work, an evaluation of the exposure to contact with chemical substances of a certain group of workers of the Santamaria Group banana farms will be carried out, which could compromise their health. The methodology to be used will be the semiqualitative methodology of simplified evaluation of chemical risk (Adaptation of the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work of Spain INSHT to the method of the French National Institute of Scientific Research INRS).