Publicación: Estudio de factibilidad para la creación del restaurante vida saludable en el municipio de Sahagún, Córdoba
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This project is focused on the creation of a company dedicated to the sale of healthy foods, in the Municipality of Sahagún Córdoba, whose main objective is to contribute to the well-being of the population, for this it is necessary to evaluate its viability through studies that allow to analyze not only the needs of the population, but all those of a technical, organizational and financial nature, which are pertinent to its establishment, the company will be located within the municipality of Sahagún via a las llanadas, Unión Sucre, a few steps from the municipal public schools. The creation of this company will be done through a S.A.S, this modality was chosen for the tax benefits and that allows the entrepreneur to simplify their procedures and start with a low budget, thus starting with an initial investment of $ 45,547,500 for the adequacy of the site, acquisition of furniture, equipment, records necessary for the operation of the company, in the same way it is necessary to have a daily working capital of $540,824, for a total monthly working capital of $24,337,088. According to the (Mayor's office of Sahagun Cordoba, 2020), The population will be represented by 137,527 inhabitants, for the year 2022. Target population (18-80 years old) (72%) 99,019 inhabitants, Target market, economically active (70%) 69,314 inhabitants, the products being for mass consumption and with great competition in the market have a low level of acquisition due to this the products offered by the healthy food restaurant.