The study aimed to characterize the spaces perceived as unsafe in the center of the City of Montería between calle 22 and 41 between races 1 and 14, for the year 2020. To carry out this investigation, a web geoform was carried out at Through Survey123, for which 385 forms were answered. For this, a spatial analysis was applied to the results obtained in this survey, through the density Kernel geoprocess, which shows all the most dangerous points that exist in the center of Montería, according to the perspective of the respondents. The results shown indicate that in the center of the city of Montería it has places with a high index of insecurity, according to the analysis obtained through the aforementioned spatial techniques, there are also areas through which it is preferred not to transit so as not to be victims of an act In order to mitigate this problem, the implementation of the presence of the security forces and surveillance cameras was proposed, which generates greater confidence for citizens.