D.A.D. Práctica Empresarial
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Publicación Acceso abierto Política de cero barreras en accesibilidad en los servicios de la E.S.E. Camu Santa Teresita(2022-08-02) Mendoza Argel, Mayerlys; Nieves Julio, YeseniaIn the Colombian health system, there are great differences in the level of health, which are inequities, in other words, barriers, which implies that "inequalities are unfair, but they are avoidable, that is, they can be prevented and remedied." Equity in health means that each person has the same opportunity to obtain their maximum health potential and that no one is at a disadvantage in achieving it. To achieve this, there must be equity in access to care, something that is achieved when all people access health services without barriers that limit it. Despite the fact that the right to access and use health services appears as a guiding principle of most reforms in Latin American countries, it cannot be fully fulfilled and this right of users is violated on a daily basis. However, the real perception is the existence of serious barriers to access to services, related to different factors of the health system and its members, which especially affect the poorest and most vulnerable population, creating a gap between the right acquired and its materialization. It should be noted that the E.S.E CAMU SANTA TERESITA is not the exception when talking about barriers in access to health services, since it has been found that, despite the adopted reform, there are significant limitations in services, which indicate not only the persistence of certain barriers to access them, but also the appearance of new ones. So, faced with the situation found in the company, the need arises to implement a strategy that provides a timely solution to this problem.