C.A.B. Monografías
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Publicación Acceso abierto Efecto de la publicación de resultados financieros sobre la tendencia en bolsa de las acciones del grupo nutresa. 2015-2019(2019-08-13) Arrieta Ballesta, Diana Rosa; Ortega Soraca, YurisThis monograph focuses on the quarter to quarter analysis and monitoring of the financial statements of the Nutresa Group, specifically the balance sheet and the income statement, through which some profitability indicators such as ROE and ROA are applied. In the same way, Ebitda and its margin are established on the company’s operating in come. However, on the other hand, a fundamental type analysis is carried out on the stock market Price of the shares of Grupo Nutresa and how it has been during the 2015-2019 period, in the same way it is evidenced as the changes presented in their financial statements are reflected in the Price of the shares themselves. That is, investors take into account the results reflected in the financial statements, for the purchase of shares, it can be said that in some way the are assured that their investment is generating the expected profit. Then it can be affirmed that the financial statements do intervene in any way in the Price of the shares of Grupo Nutresa.Publicación Acceso abierto Influencia del brexit en el aumento de los índices de volatilidad del euro-libra(2019-08-14) Almentero Kerguelen, Sandra; Lopez Ordoñez, JhonIn this report we will detail how Brexit influenced the alteration of the volatility indexes of the Euro concerning the Pound, making a brief review of the behavior of this currency before this event, during the same and specifying the changes that underwent its passage. An event that significantly altered the volatility of the stock market was Brexit which is a term that abbreviates the words Britain (Great Britain) and Exit (exit) and consists of the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union, decision taken in June 2016 after the signing of a referendum, the British decided to leave the European Union after 4 decades of relations. In the stock market context, volatility is linked to financial markets, especially when stocks decline or increase unexpectedly, that is when we show that Volatility increases, therefore, volatility is the way to monitor the standard deviation of the variation of the price of a given financial asset in a specific time. To carry out the aforementioned monitoring, the market relies on different indicators that are: True Range Average (ATR), Bollinger Bands (BB) and Keltner Channels (KC)Publicación Acceso abierto Patrones de giro de velas japonesas como eje para la toma de decisiones de inversión del activo ecopetrol s.a (2008-2018)(2019-08-14) Ochoa Avila, Yuri Marcela; Cavadia Hoyos, leonardo JoseIn this monographic investigation, it contains information about Japanese Candles, when they have trends or to say the least to know if the section has been bullish or bearish, the maximum of the session and the minimum session of each candle. This is because a Candle is formed by a body, which makes up the opening and closing price, it also has shadows that are the ones that mark the maximum and the minimum. If the candle is bullish it is green and if it is bearish it's red. With Japanese Candles you can also see if the market is having volatility or not, because if you observe Candles with large bodies and shadows it will be because the market is having big movements, while if these are small it will be because the market has little activity. In the form of a conclusion on the topic that will be developed and the information that is collected and that in turn the Japanese Candles provide, it is taken into account that these can make future decisions with their indicative movements or repetitive movements that provide information about transactions that are being made in real time. The information obtained from this research helped to further enrich the knowledge, so this in turn provides a greater understanding of the movements that these Japanese Candles usually have at certain times, in which they tend to have trends that favor the market, to make investments that maximize their profits.Publicación Acceso abierto Análisis del comportamiento de las divisas euro y libra esterlina, a través del índice de fuerza relativa (rsi) frente a los acontecimientos sociopolíticos relacionados con el brexit. años 2016- 2019(2019-08-14) Avilez Hoyos, Aristides David; Montoya Cordero, Monica LorenaIn this monography, one of the technical indicators used for the study and analysis of the forex market is presented which constitutes a fundamental technical tool, when operating in it, this indicator is called the Relative Strength Index or RSI; In the same way, through a study the behavior of the EURO and STERLING POUND currencies are analyzed, in compared to the socio-political events related to Brexit during the period (2016-2019). Some other Features such as the concept, its use and calculation are also described, as well as graphic examples that facilitate the understanding of this trend indicator. In addition, this paper also describes the United Kingdom leaving from the European Union, better known as “BREXIT as well as its definition, causes, effects and how this event has generated an impact on the movement of the prices of this currency pair.Publicación Acceso abierto La curva de tipos como indicador adelantado para anticipar las grandes recesiones de ee.uu desde el siglo XX(2019-08-14) González Quintero, Kevin Aldair; Betin Diaz, Fernando JoseSince the 20th century, United States has suffered great economic recessions that even affected the economies of other countries, as expected, considering that it is one of the great world powers. These recessions have been anticipated through the yield curve, which is a graphical representation of interest rates of bonds offered by the government in the short and long term. Through this yield curve, the future of an economy can be predicted and valued, therefore it represents a fundamental importance when interpreting the expectations of investors, which is to generate profitability with data and information provided by the financial market. It is known that the yield curve, specifically the inverted one, has often been preceded by an economic recession, making it one of the most studied to anticipate these, as it was in the cases of the Great Depression, the oil crisis, The crisis of the 80s and the Great Recession in 2008, among others, is why today the great market analysts, seeing the trend of this curve, believe that for the next few years, United States will enter a recession again.Publicación Acceso abierto Toma de decisión para inversión en acciones de avianca holdings s.a. o copa holding s.a. a través, del estudio del índice de volatilidad de los precios en el mercado.(2019-08-14) Medrano perez, Ferney Jose; Coy Valencia, Claudeth carolainTrading has became in a fundamental form for getting into the bursátil market, technology in now available for everibody, the access to a world of finantial possibilities with AC, forex, options,etc. With the help of indicators analysis it is possible to create our personal marketing strategies. The main objetive of these paper is design an strategy based in the volatility analysis of the prices in order to determinate the buy options and sell options in the shares in The New York Stock Exchange from Avianca Holdings S.A. o Copa holding S.A. enterprises. Also, the relationship between the volatility and share prices behaviour in high volatility. Based an the results done with simulated graphics from ProRealTime, an excellent strategy ehit huge potential is obtained, but it is not perfect due to the simple intructions, but what all this the conclusion will be to study deep into the shares market and in the trading strategies. Key words: trading, stock market, shares, indicators, buy options, sell options.Publicación Acceso abierto Influencia del banco de la república en los tipos de cambio en colombia en el período comprendido del año 2008 al año 2019(2019-08-14) Marin Urrea, Jessica Alexandra; Zapata Vargas, MelissaThe events that have pointed the evolution of exchange rate policies and exchange rates in Colombia are portrayed in this document, insofar as the Bank of the Republic is understood as the central point and axis of distribution of measures and norms that allow the national market and finances to adapt to the international context and reality. Taking this into account, it is imperative to carry out an evaluation with a period of time between 2008 and 2019 on the influence of the Bank of the Republic on the country's exchange rates based on different macroeconomic data, such as inflation understood as a moderate increase in prices of goods and services. On the other hand, we also talk about GDP and how it relates to the exchange rate; about the institutions or organizations involved in the variation of the data mentioned above and, the different decisions of the bank in that period of time are analyzed to determine whether it influences or not.Publicación Acceso abierto Aplicabilidad de las ondas de elliot en el eur/usd en el primer semestre de 2019(2019-08-14) Peña Simancas, Camilo Andres; Negrete Melendez, Luisa FernandaThis assignment shows a contemplation from the particular to the general currency market and the use of Elliott Waves when trading, applying this theory in the behavior of the Eur / Usd in the first half of 2019, analyzing main features such as its operation and volume, because according to this theory the market moves in repetitive patterns called Ondas and is one of the most accepted and used technical analysis systems. In addition to practical and simple examples that will provide a better understanding of these tools for the study and practice of trading. It also shows possible behaviors in the eur/usd in the future, since the main objective of the trader is to identify the presence of the wave formations, being possible through technical and fundamental analysis to have a much more accurate view of the future currency behavior in some period of time, and to be able to monetize our capital as much as possible. Finally, a prediction is made of how the future market might behave as such, a specific analysis putting into practice everything related to Elliott Waves theory, which has important rules that if followed carefully and appropriate will have been taken the first step in incorporating Elliott's unalterable principles when trading; these basic rules are not so useful for revealing where the market is going, but rather to tell where the market is less feasible to go.Publicación Acceso abierto Desarrollo de estrategias algorítmicas de análisis técnico para operar en EURUSD durante el período 2018-2019.(2019-08-14) Gomez Gaviria, Maria Jose; Ramirez Olea, Jose JesusIn this document, a series of algorithmic strategies based on oscillators and / or indicators of EURUSD currencies (Euro dollar) are developed, with the help of the Pro Real Time trading software, several values are assigned to these oscillators and / or indicators and these strategies are tested, which can be adopted if they show excellent results. The strategies to be developed are: SMA(5)+RSI(8), SMA(3)+STOCH(10,4)+RSI(5) y MACD(5,15,3) + BB(5), in which SMA are moving averages used to calculate the average value of the market rates of a certain period, RSI is a moment oscillator that measures the speed and the change in price movements, BB which translated is "Bandas de Bollinger/ Bollinger Bands" is based on the law of normal prices, the STOCH (Stochastic) seeks to establish how the current closing price is compared with respect to the price band of a certain period. Consequently, the results of the use of these strategies implemented to this currency pair are shown and based on these results some conclusions are issued with the aim of showing whether these strategies are optimal to take them into account when investing in either this currency pair or in another one and if we had actually generated some kind of benefit if they had been implemented. Based on the above mentioned, it is reflected a series of data, figures, tables that help to understand the way in which these strategies are used and the reason about the values provided.Publicación Acceso abierto Análisis de los derivados financieros de opciones de Ecopetrol, pfbcolom, pfaval, en el periodo comprendido de enero a septiembre de 2018(2019-08-16) Muñoz Molina, Clara Eugenia; Ruiz Baquero, Joharleis EstherExchanges between countries and the growing need for basic products for production have evolved in relation to the way in which they have been doing since they have knowledge about this type of contracts, currently they present a strict regulation and standardized that allow the participation of investors reducing the risk of default and giving rise to the emergence of new investment strategies for companies and the creation of new underlying alternatives of negotiation such as financial derivatives of options The importance of the financial derivatives of options for trading in international markets is a way in which rights are established for buyers and sellers on the future production of goods necessary for the domestic production of nations. The trading systems currently created facilitate transactions and capital flows thanks to the regulation established by each of the countries creating the procedures and entities authorized to carry out operations with financial derivatives of options as well as the strengthening of a connected financial system with other markets. Know the form that each one of the stock exchanges establishes about the financial derivatives of options to create investment strategies that favor both the buyers who insure the product as well as for the sellers that have greater certainty of the price and price quote. possible purchase of your product in the future.Publicación Acceso abierto Análisis técnico una herramienta para tomar decisiones en el mercado de valores(2019-08-16) Pineda Mestra, Sara; Ortega cavadía, EnadisIt has always been a desire of the market professionals to try to predict the price of the assets that are traded in the different markets of the world creating tools of fundamental analysis and technical analysis, the latter aims by observing the behavior of the graphics Repetitive events of these to try to establish patterns that are met after a certain period of time. The behavior pattern of the graph through observation allows to identify the moment of entering or leaving a certain position of purchase or sale based on the analysis of the possible repetition of the pattern. Also know the different types of graphics, such as bar charts, Japanese candlesticks and the identification of what expresses each of them to make an investment decision. Added to the statistical indicators and oscillators applied to the historical price quotation with established periods of time that facilitate the analysis and the projection of the investment in order to obtain the highest profitability assuming lower risks. The technical analysis will be analyzed analyzing the historical behavior of the price through the trend of short, medium and long term, the channels of tendency, support, resistance, double roof patterns, double floor, triple roof, shoulder-head-shoulder, pull back, throwback, wedges, pennants, fibonaci retracements, simple and exponential moving averages, relative strength index, convergence-divergence indexes and bollinger bands.Publicación Acceso abierto Paralelo de los Costos Logísticos de Zonas Francas Permanentes Especiales Vs Entidades sin Régimen Franco: Caso IMAT Oncomédica S.A.(2019-08-20) Pacheco Mercado, Sandra Marcela; Piñeres Castillo, DanielaThe purpose of this monograph is to make a parallel of the logistic import costs, as a special permanent free zone in front of a company that does not have a free regime: Case of IMAT SA located in the city of Montería (Córdoba) dedicated to the health sector in Special in Oncomedicos and Cardiovascular treatments, this currently wishes to expand its portfolio of services and for this requires the import of a medical equipment. This will be done through bibliographic references, in which the regulations of the Special Permanent Free Zones (ZFPE) in Colombia will be indicated for the import of the Medical Equipment (Linear Accelerator), likewise the parallel of the logistic import costs of the medical team as a Special Permanent Free Zone with respect to a company that does not have a free regime and finally the competitive advantages in the logistics operations of the Special Permanent Free Zone will be established. On the other hand, a series of conclusions will be made so that IMAT .S.A can choose the best import modality from the United States taking into account the logistic costs, the delivery time of the merchandise and the competitive advantages.Publicación Acceso abierto Logística de exportación de Escoria de ferroníquel producida por la empresa de Cerro Matoso a Estados Unidos(2019-08-21) Ramirez Pérez, Ney LuzThe aforementioned not only translates into economic benefits, since Colombia has obtained significant dividends due to the exploitation of Nickel in the department of Córdoba, but also due to the demands of society regarding Corporate Social Responsibility practices, currently employed as an indicator of success and competitiveness in any economic activity (UPME, 2009). In the present work, a logistic export plan of granulated ferronickel slag is made, which is a waste that is generated after the iron alloys made in the Cerro Matoso company, located in the Municipality of Montelíbano (Córdoba), taking into account of the different studies carried out and uses of this by-product worldwide; The main exporting and importing markets of this waste were investigated. Next, the logistic processes associated with the export are carried out, as well as the logistic costs that are generated during the procedure; all this under the rules of the Incoterms FOB.Publicación Acceso abierto Costos logísticos asociados a la gestión de inventarios de productos de exportación agrícolas en el departamento de Córdoba(2019-08-21) Rodriguez Sibaja, Leonel; Aleman Hernandez, maria ClaudiaThe modified supply is one of the most important logistics functions that the entire company must carry out, so it is essential to draw up purchasing policies and advantageous economic inventories, determine and control the costs associated with said activity, because this activity can determine The satisfaction of the end customer, in addition to contributing to the minimization of costs incurred during the supply chain, including inventories. Logistics is an important determinant in the supply chain, because through it you can improve activities and processes which helps to provide a quality product and / or service taking into account the demands of the market. Operational control can occur in any part of the supply chain from provisioning to transportation, but it is appropriate to identify the costs that may be incurred in inventory management, because although it is necessary, because in this area the product needs of a series of conditions that can alter costs in one way or another, taking into account that agricultural products have high turnover, which is a factor that can determine economic situations within the business.Publicación Acceso abierto Logística de Almacenamiento Como Factor de Desarrollo Competitivo de la Empresa Amazon Durante el periodo 2008 – 2018(2019-08-29) Rojas Gómez, Carmen; Pacheco Yepes, VerónicaThe electronic commerce or e-commerce advances at a fleeting speed, with constant increases both in the number of daily transactions that are made by this means, as in volumes of income; becoming a current phenomenon of great importance and increasingly replacing traditional commerce. Amazon is an American e-commerce company, which took its first steps with the commercialization of books through the internet and it took very little time to achieve success; It is currently considered the most valuable brand in the world. This paper analyzes the role of storage logistics within the development and competitiveness that the electronic giant has acquired during the period 2008 - 2018, since one of the determining factors of this exponential growth has been its warehouse management, because it has developed services such as fast deliveries to satisfy its customers, and therefore has logistics centers that handle orders; In these centers, not only the goods are stored, but they are also distribution centers in which employees select, package and ship orders quickly and efficiently.Publicación Acceso abierto Creación de una empresa distribuidora de servicio de redes banda ancha rural en el corregimiento de Palo de Agua en el Departamento de Córdoba, año 2019(Universidad de Córdoba, 2019-11-16) López Vargas, Isabel Carolina; Montiel Hernández, Diego Andrés; Alfonso Garzon, Luis FernandoEmpresa: CONEXSA S.A.S I.S.P. Ubicación: Barrio Santa Elena, Montería - Córdoba. Oportunidad de negocio: Ofrecer el servicio de redes banda ancha rural a los hogares en el corregimiento de Palo de Agua perteneciente al Municipio de Lorica en el Departamento de Córdoba. Competidores: Dos empresas competidoras las cuales son Ingeniería y Redes del Caribe IRC y EDATEL. Servicio: Internet banda ancha rural. Precio: Los precios están dados dependiendo las velocidades que el servicio ofrece; 1 Mbps tiene un costo de $72.704, 2 Mbps $101.957 y 5 Mbps $134.985. Presupuesto de inversión: La inversión fija con la que cuenta el proyecto es de ($48.815.669). Rentabilidad: El proyecto presenta una TIR de 55.09%.Publicación Acceso abierto Construcción y proyección de un portafolio de inversión con empresas diversificadas a través de la aplicación del análisis técnico y fundamental(Universidad de Córdoba, 2019-12-17) Cantero Fadul, Juan Camilo; Osorio Benitez, Ever; López Cordero, José David; Ramiro Antonio, Marrugo GonzálezEl diseño de portafolios de inversión es actualmente una temática sumamente estudiada debido a la importancia e impacto de la misma en el mercado bursátil y las posibilidades que brinda para poder determinar el equilibrio que pudiese existir entre los riesgos asumidos por parte del inversor y las rentabilidades que estos pueden obtener, todo esto basado en el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo que se pueda llevar a cabo con el fin de determinar las diversas variables que intervienen en los procesos bursátiles y que afectan al precio de un título valor. Es por ello que durante este trabajo se busca conocer un poco más sobre la construcción de portafolios de inversión a través de un ejemplo práctico el cual permita evidenciar la funcionalidad de los mismos así como de otros análisis bursátiles aplicados como lo es el caso del análisis técnico el cual como se establece aquí corresponde a un análisis chartista así como también se hace uso del análisis fundamental el cual tiene su fundamentación en los estados financieros y situación financiera de la empresa además de los factores PESTEL que encontramos en el ambiente donde se desarrolla la empresa lo cual tiene una alta influencia en la misma por lo mismo se deben tener en cuenta.Publicación Acceso abierto Diseño de un canal de distribución de carne de bovino congelada con destino a China, Red Cárnica SAS Ciénaga de Oro, Córdoba(Universidad de Córdoba, 2019-12-18) Andrade Barón, José Camilo; Casarrubia Peñata, Miguel Darío; Urzola Álvarez, Mario; Rodríguez Bermúdez, DanielLas exportaciones en términos generales, deben cumplir con los requisitos necesarios para ofrecer un producto de calidad al país de destino. Colombia está abriendo un nuevo mercado con una buena visión comercial para los productores y la industria cárnica del país. Los ganaderos del país tienen un punto a favor y es el buen estado sanitario del sector ganadero del país, por lo que las delegaciones chinas han visitado granjas ganaderas y frigoríficos en el departamento de Córdoba, comprobando que se cumpla adecuadamente con la vacuna contra la fiebre aftosa, brucelosis y en ciertas áreas contra la rabia bovina, con el fin de alcanzar acuerdos para la exportación de carne a China. Actualmente, el sector ganadero enfrenta grandes cambios en los procesos de producción, implementando nuevas tecnologías con el objetivo de modernizarse, ser más eficientes y competitivos en los mercados nacionales e internacionales. Este importante logro ha sido influenciado principalmente por la Institución Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (INVIMA) y el Instituto Colombiano de Agropecuario (ICA), quienes han trabajado de manera articulada para facilitar los procesos de certificación de las exportaciones de carne de bovino, a través de un procedimiento que permite inspeccionar las exportaciones de carne que salen en contenedores desde la planta de beneficio (Red Cárnica) y no en los puertos de salida, donde solo se realiza una inspección documental.Publicación Acceso abierto Propuesta de un portafolio de inversión real utilizando el análisis fundamental con un enfoque top-down y bottom-up constituido de acciones de las Empresas Seguros Bolivar (GruBolivar), promigas (Promigas) Bancolombia (pfbcolom) orientado a la apreciación del capital(Universidad de Córdoba, 2019-12-18) Ballesta Ballesteros, Carmen Julia; Ramos Dunand, Sara Daniela; Vallejo Florez, Yesica YuliethEste trabajo monográfico sobre creación de un portafolio de inversión real con perfil agresivo utilizando el análisis fundamental con un enfoque Top-Down Y Bottom-Up contextualizando la situación económica desde lo global hacia los especifico, considerando aquellos factores que puedan tener incidencia en las acciones o valores de las empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia. Del mismo modo, se intenta conformar un grupo de activos que sean capaces de satisfacer las necesidades de capital de los inversionistas, al combinarlos de tal manera cumpla los objetivos planteados por inversionista a la hora de crear dicho portafolio y que al mismo tiempo considere el nivel de riesgo que este desea asumir. Comprender las necesidades, políticas y objetivos planteados para la creación de un portafolio de inversión se convertirá en la principal estrategia de negociación con respecto a la toma de decisiones de comprar o vender determinado valor o si por el contrario se decide mantener la posiciónPublicación Acceso abierto Estructura de un portafolio de inversión de renta variable con perfil agresivo implementando estrategias de estructuración y gestión de inversiones conformado por acciones ISA, PFDAWNDA, PFBCOLOM, Bogotá(2019-12-19) Pereira Petro, José Ángel; Luna Díaz, Mary ClaraEl presente trabajo tiene como finalidad la creación de un portafolio de inversión con perfil agresivo basándose en la diversificación de los activos para reducir el riesgo y generar rentabilidades. Para la selección de los activos es necesario identificar las condiciones actuales de la economía colombiana e identificar el ciclo económico actual, determinando así el sector de inversión y poder seleccionar las acciones cotizantes en la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, y las empresas a las que pertenecen y mediante la interpretación de los múltiplos financieros, además de analizar sus estados financieros teniendo en cuenta los incrementos en el patrimonio, las utilidades netas y operacionales y valor de la acción. Posteriormente, se realizará un estudio sobre el comportamiento en el precio de las acciones ISA, PFDAVVNDA, PFBCOLOM, BOGOTÁ, en un período determinado, teniendo en cuenta la rentabilidad, el riesgo y la variación de los activos basándose en datos históricos para plasmar proyecciones futuras y finalmente, se conformara el portafolio de inversión, el riesgo de inversión y la rentabilidad esperada a un año.