Examinando por Autor "Meza Fernández, Johana Milena"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Actividades desconectadas con estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo del pensamiento computacional en estudiantes de básica primaria(2023-02-20) Atencia Martínez, Marcos; Gonzáles Gonzáles, Lez Nugeth; Palomino Hawasly, Miguel Ángel; Meza Fernández, Johana MilenaSe implementó una serie de Actividades Desconectadas como estrategias didácticas para desarrollar conceptos y competencias del Pensamiento Computacional (Secuencias, Bucles, Condicionales) brindándose como una alternativa o solución frente a la carencia de recursos tecnológicos en la IE Los Garzones de Montería Córdoba (Zona rural). Este trabajo investigativo reseña un enfoque cualitativo con un diseño de investigación acción [1], Para el desarrollo de la investigación fueron estructurados 4 objetivos específicos que dieran respuesta a nuestra investigación: Identificar el estado inicial de los estudiantes, Establecer las actividades desconectadas teniendo en cuenta las falencias encontradas, Aplicar las actividades desconectadas y Evaluar el estado final de la muestra seleccionada; teniendo en cuenta los datos obtenidos de la implementación en la prueba inicial (Diagnostica) y la prueba final (Evaluativa), se demostró el alcance, impacto y efectividad de las actividades desconectadas utilizadas para el fortalecimiento en el desarrollo del Pensamiento Computacional en condiciones no favorables.Publicación Acceso abierto Entorno digital gamificado para fortalecer la comprensión lectora en básica primaria de la I.E. Isabel La Católica(2023-07-12) Gómez Warne, Andrés David; Lozano Cordero, Leris Elena; Meza Fernández, Johana Milena; Reyes Lora, Lorena PatriciaThis research was carried out with the purpose of developing a gamified digital environment as a didactic strategy to strengthen the reading comprehension of primary school students of the I.E. Isabel La Católica, for the improvement of 4th grade students, also seeks to reinforce the management of information and communication technologies (ICT) of students in the educational institution, this research is based on a qualitative methodological approach with an action research design that consists of four research cycles (characterization, planning, implementation and evaluation) in addition to that it has 4 phases (observe, think, act and reflect). These shortcomings are sought to be solved through the use of digital resources and tools, in order to achieve significant progress after developing all the activities designed on the Blogger platform, integrating the online tools of genially and educaplay, for the improvement of reading comprehension, obtaining favorable results in students, using accessible resources for the Educational InstitutionPublicación Acceso abierto Estrategias metacognitivas para el desarrollo de competencias digitales en la construcción participativa de presentaciones infográficas con estudiantes de básica secundaria(2023-07-13) Betancourt Negrete, Elian David; Pino Espitia, Laura Johana; Meza Fernández, Johana Milena; Ever Coronado MartínezLThis research project aims to design a meta-cognitive strategy based on the participatory construction of Infographic Presentations for the development of digital competences in secondary school students at San José Educational Institution in Montería, Colombia. A discrepancy has been identified between the institutional vision of forming students with digital skills and the educational practice. This has led to a lack of resources, environments, and strategies that promote the development of digital and technological competences in students. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted projects and educational activities, further exacerbating the lack of digital skills and competences in students. To address this problem, the goal is to promote teamwork, planning, self-regulation, and the development of cognitive skills in students. The research approach used is qualitative, and an educational action research design will be followed. The study population comprises approximately 1637 students from San José Educational Institution, with the sample consisting of 9th-grade students in the Technology and Informatics area. The aim is to obtain an in-depth understanding of students' experiences and perceptions, as well as their active participation in the process of constructing infographic presentations.Publicación Acceso abierto Materiales multimediales inclusivos para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de temáticas asociadas a números y colores en estudiantes de básica primaria con discapacidad auditiva(2023-07-12) Ochoa Ochoa, Paula Andrea; Morales Polo, Sandra Milena; Meza Fernández, Johana Milena; Rangel Vellojín, Julio José; Meza Fernández, Johana MilenaThis research was carried out through action research and under a qualitative approach, the project focuses on the development of inclusive multimedia materials for teaching and learning topics related to numbers and colors in first grade primary school students who have hearing impairment, according to recent statistics, approximately 2% of the child population has hearing impairment in the educational context. However, these students often face barriers in accessing inclusive education and inclusive educational resources. The main objective is to provide inclusive educational resources that promote the participation and effective learning of students in the classroom, it also seeks to address the specific needs of students with hearing impairment and those who do not have the disability; This was achieved by designing a didactic guide that uses strategies of a didactic sequence to represent concepts related to numbers and colors that support inclusive multimedia materials. Empirical data was collected through methods such as interviews, observations, diagnostic tests, field journal and anecdotal record to obtain a detailed analysis of the field study. These materials were developed taking into account accessibility and usability in the Santa Rosa De Lima educational institution so that they are understandable and used by teachers and applied in the educational context. The results obtained allowed evaluating the effectiveness of multimedia materials in the process. of teaching and learning of students with and without hearing disabilities, established solid 7 strategies for learning the topics presented, managed to improve the educational environment in addition to implementing inclusive interactive tools.Publicación Acceso abierto Recursos educativos digitales accesibles como estrategia didáctica para el fortalecimiento de competencias informáticas en estudiantes con discapacidad visual(2023-07-13) Tordecilla Feria, Isaac Daniel; Morales Ramos, Maira Alejandra; Meza Fernández, Johana Milena; López Ayazo, RonysLa incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en la educación se presenta como un factor clave para promover la educación inclusiva y enriquecer los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, pero es necesario contemplar que estos procesos no se producen homogéneamente en todos los contextos educativos. En la Institución Educativa Cecilia Lleras, en la ciudad de Montería - Córdoba se contaba con herramientas tecnológicas, pero no se aprovechaba el potencial de estas para desarrollar acciones innovadoras en los procesos educativos, de igual forma no existían estrategias que permitieran fortalecer las competencias informáticas en los estudiantes en condición de discapacidad visual. Como respuesta a esto, el objetivo de este estudio es implementar una estrategia didáctica mediada por recursos educativos digitales accesibles para el fortalecimiento de competencias informáticas en los estudiantes con discapacidad visual. Esta investigación se fundamenta en el enfoque cualitativo, abordado desde un diseño de investigación-acción. Los resultados del proceso investigativo evidenciaron un progreso de las competencias informáticas en este grupo de estudiantes reflejados en el manejo adecuado del hardware y software por medio de herramientas tiflotecnológicas de forma autónoma ya que la estrategia funcionó como apoyo necesario para que los educandos sean activos, participativos y autogestores en su proceso de aprendizaje. Esta experiencia nos permitió reflexionar sobre cómo a través de las TIC y los recursos educativos digitales accesibles se pueden fortalecer competencias tecnológicas y genéricas no exclusivas de la formación en áreas T&I en los educandos.Publicación Acceso abierto Trabajo colaborativo para el desarrollo del pensamiento computacional con la herramienta micro: bit con makecode en estudiantes de educación básica(2023-07-13) Benítez Rodiño, Andrés Camilo; García Chica, Yarlis Xilene; Lee, Linda Luz; Meza Fernández, Johana MilenaThe inclusion of ICT in education transforms the way students interact with knowledge, allowing greater collaboration in the classroom and the development of new skills. However, this does not occur in all school contexts, as is the case of the educational institution INEM "Lorenzo María Lleras" in Monteria-Colombia where this research was carried out with the objective of implementing a didactic strategy of collaborative work that allows the development of computational thinking through the application of a collaborative work strategy mediated by the Micro:bit tool with Makecode in ninth grade students. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology was used with an action-research approach that allows the analysis of classroom practices and the application of techniques and resources aimed at improving the training process. The results indicate that the skills of computational thinking, problem solving, critical, logical and mathematical analysis presented improvements, this is attributed to the collaborative work strategy mediated by Micro:bit that proposed roles for the students. In conclusion, ICTmediated collaborative work strengthens computational thinking, participation and improves communication skills, which are necessary for solving complex problems. In addition, it fosters creativity and critical thinking, allowing team members to contribute different perspectives and skills to reach a joint solution.