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Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2025-01-19) Amaya Soto, Belissa Belen; Bustos Coronado, Yuliana Andrea; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis leadership statement explores the concept of transformational leadership and"". its application in educational settings. We define transformational leadership and discuss the key assumptions of this leadership approach. Through the adoption of transformational leadership principles, educators can enable students to develop into critical thinkers, active learners, and confident individuals. The importance of collaborative work, critical thinking, and self-reflection in achieving educational goals is highlighted as well. By examining the implications of transformational leadership for future educators, we aim to shed light on the crucial role of leadership in shaping the future of education.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-19) Pérez García, José Manuel; García Murillo, Andrea Daniela; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloEsta declaración de liderazgo explora el rol de los futuros docentes líderes en la creación de un ambiente de aula de apoyo a través del liderazgo, específicamente desde una perspectiva de liderazgo en equipo. Como futuros profesores de lenguas extranjeras, el liderazgo se define como un proceso interactivo en el que líderes y seguidores se influyen mutuamente para lograr una visión y un propósito compartidos, siendo la adaptabilidad un aspecto crucial a medida que las circunstancias cambian. Aunque el liderazgo es un concepto complejo, esta declaración se centra en el liderazgo en equipo y discute su rol en las escuelas. Cada individuo aborda los supuestos relacionados con la efectividad del liderazgo de diferentes maneras; no obstante, los líderes exitosos siempre desafían sus propios supuestos. Los docentes líderes abogan por el empoderamiento a través de la toma de decisiones inclusiva, promoviendo un entorno de apoyo donde estudiantes y educadores puedan participar activamente. Este enfoque de liderazgo se alinea con la necesidad de un marco colaborativo en las escuelas tradicionales, con el objetivo de construir comunidades educativas empoderadas.Publicación Acceso abierto A Personal Leadership Statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2025-01-16) Ruiz Narváez, Marianella; Rojas Santos, Luis Andrés; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Valle Zapata, Liliana Beatriz; González Lara, Delia RosaLeadership is crucial for asddressing societal challenges, promoting positive change and building a better future for all. By empowering individuals drive innovation and solve problems through critical thinking and teamwork. The aim of this statement is to explore the role of teacher leadership in the school context, identifying its main characteristics and its importance for educational development while drawing on the insights of various authors and supporting their ideas. Furthemore, the main objective of this paper is to analyze the practical impact of enhacing techer leadership skills through empowerment in academic settings. Consequently, the proposed approach outlines specific strategies to optimize the role of teachers as empowered leaders.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2025-01-16) Franco Oviedo, Cesar David; Vergara Diaz, Manuel Esteban; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloTeaching English as a foreign language is not only about transmitting knowledge but also about leading and empowering your learners for them to be authentic. The role of leadership in the classroom is essential in terms of knowing and recognizing students’ needs to reach the main goal. The purpose of this paper is to explore how authentic leadership might be a compass for foreign language teachers, emphasizing their teacher practice. The following statement aims to guide teachers to enact authentic leadership to influence students morally. Therefore, this paper suggests how teachers can implement authentic leadership through assumptions, implications, and empowerment to enhance their teaching practice. An environment where morality, integrity, and authenticity are the main objective of this personal leadership statement.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Cordoba, 2025-01-22) Martinez Gomez, Any Sandry; Vega Mendoza, Maria Fernanda; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Martinez Gomez, Any Sandry; Vega Mendoza, Maria FernandaThis statement purpose is to explain how leadership and empowerment impact in the foreign language classroom, focusing on integral leadership. Leadership is often defined as a collaborative work in which a guide takes the lead and monitors followers’ performance. However, in this fast-changing world, an approach that leverages all human complexities and foster diversity in teamwork. Wherefore, the concept of integral leadership incorporates physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions that are considered to guide others towards share goals, which entails trusting the group’s abilities individually and collectively. This perspective empowers teachers to create a learning environment in which support, innovation and autonomy are promoted, aiming to empower not only students but other teachers and the whole educational community to put into practice their talents and skill, and keep improving while working on set goals.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2025-01-21) Machado Cogollo, Yordano Miguel; Hernández Torres, Jesús David; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloIn fields of adaptive leadership within education, the intent of developing resilient, inclusive, and collaborative learning environments exists, but teachers face challenges when it comes to adapt to each situation. Based on Daft (2008) it is not possible to escape adaptability and empowerment for both teachers and students in leading them toward common educational objectives. By building relationships, teacher leaders can build a classroom culture promoting risk-taking, problem-solving, and continuous feedback regarding student engagement and personal growth. Another important point is that this approach will align with professional development in practice that enhances educators' adaptive capabilities to meet students' diverse needs. It calls for a culture of education oriented toward continuous improvement, professional growth, and innovation that would support language education addressing emerging needs and taking into consideration student agency and integration. The Adaptive Leadership Framework repositions educators to create a possibility for engaging students and colleagues alike to work together toward effective, quality education outcomesPublicación Acceso abierto Leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-18) López Lobo, Yuliana; Ruiz Falón, Raúl de Jesús; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo ; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLos siguientes puntos forman parte de nuestra visión cuando consideramos el liderazgo eficaz en la educación, con especial referencia al liderazgo de los profesores. Nos impulsa el compromiso con el diálogo abierto y la plena transparencia sobre nuestras acciones, valores y aspiraciones de comportamiento ético, defendiendo los derechos fundamentales que apoyan a todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa. Estudios teóricos y empíricos sobre el liderazgo - Entorno de colaboración para el desarrollo profesional permanente Los modelos mentales, la tutoría y cómo se capacita a los educadores para marcar la diferencia aparecen en todo el libro. Nuestro objetivo es reimaginar la experiencia de aprendizaje y crear un modelo de mejora continua que aproveche al máximo el talento de los profesores alineando las responsabilidades de liderazgo con la experiencia. El documento es tanto una forma de escritura reflexiva sobre las formas en que entendemos el liderazgo, como un consejo para quienes optan por sentarse en los sillones del liderazgo educativo.Publicación Acceso abierto Leadership Statement(Universidad de Cordodoba, 2025-01-17) Ordosgoitia Avilés, Andrés Felipe; Buelvas Gonzalez, Samia; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis article explores lifelong professional development as a means to empower foreign language teachers, emphasizing the role of leadership in educational settings. It examines how team leadership and empowerment influence collaborative practices, foster motivation, and create environments conducive to growth for both educators and students. Drawing on leadership theories and models, the article discusses the importance of developing leadership skills among teachers to support continuous learning and shared responsibilities. Through collaborative work and a culture of feedback, schools can foster inclusive and dynamic educational settings, ultimately enhancing student outcomes. This framework suggests that empowered teachers contribute more effectively to school success, aligning with institutional goals and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.Publicación Acceso abierto A Multisensory Approach to Enhance Autistic Learners' Reading Skills(Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-11-15) Pertuz Suarez, Angie Sugey; Romero, Yanilis; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Pertuz, AngieEsta investigación-acción pretendía averiguar la utilidad de las lecciones basadas en la multisensorialidad para reforzar las destrezas lectoras de los autistas. Cuatro estudiantes autistas de un grupo de veintiséis alumnos de un colegio privado participaron en la puesta en práctica y evaluación de varias lecciones. Se llevó a cabo un ciclo de investigación-acción de cinco semanas en el que se enseñó a los alumnos vocabulario, se identificaron las ideas principales y las palabras clave de un texto para ayudarles a leer mejor. Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes autistas tienden a tener un mejor rendimiento cuando los profesores se centran en actividades multisensoriales para ayudarles en su proceso de aprendizaje del inglés. Utilizar varios sentidos durante el aprendizaje ayuda a los alumnos autistas a comprender y recordar la información con mayor eficacia. Este enfoque es especialmente beneficioso en los ejercicios de lectura, ya que los hace más fáciles y accesibles.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2025-01-16) Caballero Hernández, Andrea; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis paper explores the concept and nature of leadership with a transformational approach in the educational context of foreign language teaching, specifically English. Through the analysis of foundations proposed by leading authors such as Daft and Northouse, the importance of team learning, collaboration and empowerment are discussed. Throughout the analysis, the author's personal perspectives on these issues are also included. At the end of the essay, a plan for implementing leadership and empowerment practices in learning is proposed, integrating theoretical foundations and personal experiences in order to highlight the value of leadership in education.Publicación Acceso abierto Personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-25) Ríos Vertel, Cielo; Villa Arango, Natalia Sofía; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeadership is a complex and evolving concept that emphasizes the power and influence shared between leaders and followers in pursuit of common goals guided by a common vision. Moving beyond traditional notions of management, leadership involves fostering active participation, commitment, and collaboration through daily actions. In this way, team leadership prioritizes enhanced communication and trust among members to create an effective and motivated group dynamic. Key aspects include examining the assumptions that shape how roles are clarified, trust is built, and communication is promoted, particularly in educational contexts where teachers guide and inspire studentsPublicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-22) Guerra Carvajal, María Elisa; Castro Quiñonez, Orlando Javier; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThrough the years, leadership and empowerment have been an essential matter for embracing courage and confidence to act for the benefit of a community. Successful leadership requires guiding others based on solid moral principles that extend beyond reaching academic objectives. This paper aims to explore and understand how teacher leaders implement trustworthiness, values, and ethical principles cultivating common moralities and aspirations. Through this statement, this article examines fundamental concepts and underlying assumptions, about leadership and moral leadership, highlighting the critical role of empowering leaders to shape the future effectively. Schools should prioritize creating an environment that encourages participants to actively engage in their growth and problem-solving processes. Thus, the plan is culminating learning task of a Moral Leadership and Innovation course. For that reason, the moral leadership perspective promotes leading others with ethical principles, integrity, and mutual respect, fostering both personal development and shared achievements.Publicación Restringido A personal leadership statement(Universidad De Córdoba, 2024-12-21) Martínez Guevara, Yesid Fernando; Vanderbilt Padilla, Gisella; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Valle Zapata, Liliana Beatriz; González Lara, Delia RosaTeaching English as a foreign language goes beyond just sharing knowledge; it is also about guiding and empowering students to be true to themselves. Leadership in the classroom plays a key role in understanding students’ needs and working toward common goals. This paper explores how authentic leadership can help foreign language teachers improve their teaching. It shows ways for teachers to lead with honesty and integrity, helping students grow morally and personally. By focusing on ideas like empowerment and authenticity, this paper suggests how teachers can create a classroom environment where respect, honesty, and moral values are at the heart of learning.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2025-01-06) Assias Flórez, Miguel Ángel; Reyes del Rio, Stefany; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis paper explores key concepts of leadership, emphasizing the importance of empowering leaders and their potential impact on the future. It highlights how transformational leadership facilitates collaboration, fosters trust, and encourages creativity, driving meaningful change, particularly in educational contexts. By empowering individuals, leaders inspire greater involvement and innovation, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. The paper also examines how leadership cultivates supportive environments where educators and students are motivated to achieve their full potential. It concludes by discussing how empowering leadership promotes long-term growth and success.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 0025-01-18) Correa Rodríguez, Luisa; Correa Rodríguez, Lesly; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloA lo largo de los años, el liderazgo se ha convertido en un objetivo primordial para lograr un alto rendimiento y mejorar la calidad educativa en Colombia. El presente artículo se centra en el liderazgo transformacional como un elemento crucial para que los futuros líderes docentes puedan alcanzar altos estándares educativos. En esta declaración personal de liderazgo, exploramos conceptos y supuestos sobre el liderazgo, haciendo hincapié en la importancia del empoderamiento del liderazgo y sus implicaciones para el futuro. El objetivo es concienciar sobre las capacidades de los estudiantes, fomentando una cultura de toma de decisiones, aprendizaje continuo y un enfoque carismático para la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, lo que garantiza un cambio significativo y duradero en el contexto educativo.Publicación Acceso abierto Personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2025-01-21) Vidal Fuentes, Elias Alberto; Periñan Hernández, Maria Camila; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloEste artículo explora el papel del liderazgo auténtico en la educación de lenguas extranjeras, centrándose en su influencia en el desarrollo profesional y la dinámica del aula.Publicación Restringido Personal leadership statement(Universidad de Cordoba, 2025-01-20) Vidal Fuentes, Elias Alberto; Periñan Hernández, Maria Camila; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloEste artículo explora el papel del liderazgo auténtico en la educación de lenguas extranjeras, centrándose en su influencia en el desarrollo profesional y la dinámica del aula.Publicación Acceso abierto A Personal Leadership Statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2025-02-05) Delgado Puerta, Gineth Stefany; Vega Muñoz, Sofía Alejandra; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis document presents a reflection on the journey toward understanding and embodying transformational leadership within educational settings. We see leadership as an avenue to inspire, empower, and elevate both educators and students by fostering collaboration, open-mindedness, and adaptability. Drawing from foundational principles in leadership theories, particularly transformational leadership, we aim to create a supportive environment that values diverse perspectives and promotes personal growth. The document discusses the significance of cultivating relationships based on trust, individualized support, and empowerment, enabling both teachers and students to achieve shared goals. Our exploration highlights the importance of promoting inclusivity, fostering autonomy, and engaging in self-reflection as future teacher leaders, with an emphasis on the positive, lasting change that this approach can bring to educational communities.