Publicación: Evaluación de la generación de energía por medio de un motor stirling accionado por fibra del coco en el departamento de Córdoba
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The development of the following document presents an analysis of a thermodynamic model for a Stirling engine with a gamma configuration, which uses biomass as a source for energy generation. Therefore, the potential for the generation of thermal energy from biomass was obtained, from the properties in the characterization and combustion. Matlab is used for the simulation, which shows this type of motor as a model to estimate the motor's output power, with each of its parts and parameters. The model developed has an 9 output power of 4 W, rotating at a speed higher than 1000 rpm and from an average hot spot temperature of 800 K, the working fluid for the cooling system is by means of air. The heat source is obtained from the combustion of biomass for this case coconut fiber, which presented a calorific value of 24.29 MJ / kg. The purpose of this project is to know how the integration of coconut is an alternative source to obtain energy, determining a power delivered by the system and knowing the expenses generated for the start-up, that the implementation of this type of technology is environmentally friendly and economical.