Evaluating the influence of video games on students' english vocabulary learning process and recall

dc.contributor.advisorAguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo
dc.contributor.authorDíaz Pérez, Karen Sofía
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Padilla, Camilo Andrés
dc.contributor.juryHerazo Rivera, José David
dc.contributor.juryLordouy Arellano, Danilsa del Carmen
dc.description.abstractVideo games in education have generated a new boom in the acquisition of ESL. This action case study aimed to explore the integration of video games as a tool for improving vocabulary in English as a Second Language (ESL) learning and recall in the context of eleventh-grade education at a public high school in Montería. Employing interviews, tasks, and focus group as the primary data collection methods for developing a thematic analysis, the study will seek to assess the effectiveness of video games in enhancing vocabulary and communicative skills among students. By leveraging the engaging nature of video games, this action case study will demonstrate a positive impact on language learning outcomes, contributing to a broader understanding of innovative approaches in ESL education, especially in Colombia.eng
dc.description.degreenameLicenciado(a) en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Humanidades-Inglés
dc.description.modalityTrabajos de Investigación y/o Extensión
dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introductioneng
dc.description.tableofcontents2. Theoretical Frameworkeng
dc.description.tableofcontents2.1 Conceptual Frameworkeng
dc.description.tableofcontents2.1.1. Video gameseng
dc.description.tableofcontents2.1.2. Video games in foreign language teachingeng
dc.description.tableofcontents2.1.3. Gamificationeng
dc.description.tableofcontents2.1.4. Vocabulary learning strategieseng
dc.description.tableofcontents2.1.5. Receptive and Productive Skillseng
dc.description.tableofcontents2.1.6. Indirect Learning Theoryeng
dc.description.tableofcontents2.1.7. Cognitive Overloadeng
dc.description.tableofcontents2.1.8. Recall in vocabulary learningeng
dc.description.tableofcontents2.2. Review of Literatureeng
dc.description.tableofcontents3. Methodologyeng
dc.description.tableofcontents3.1. Data Collectioneng
dc.description.tableofcontents3.2. Data Analysiseng
dc.description.tableofcontents3.3. Implementationeng
dc.description.tableofcontents4. Findingseng
dc.description.tableofcontents4.1. Meaningful Learningeng
dc.description.tableofcontents4.2. Vocabulary Usefulnesseng
dc.description.tableofcontents4.3. Cognitive and Emotional Responseseng
dc.description.tableofcontents4.4. Immerse Technologieseng
dc.description.tableofcontents4.5. Video Games and Traditional Methods Synergyeng
dc.description.tableofcontents5. Discussioneng
dc.description.tableofcontents6. Conclusioneng
dc.description.tableofcontents6.1. Scope and limitationseng
dc.description.tableofcontents6.2. Recommendationseng
dc.description.tableofcontents6.3. Suggestions for future researcheng
dc.description.tableofcontentsReference listeng
dc.description.tableofcontentsAppendix 1: Protocolseng
dc.description.tableofcontentsGeneral Intervieweng
dc.description.tableofcontentsSpecific Intervieweng
dc.description.tableofcontentsFocus group discussioneng
dc.description.tableofcontentsAppendix 2: Transcripts and Observations noteseng
dc.description.tableofcontentsGeneral Interview transcriptioneng
dc.description.tableofcontentsSpecific Interview transcription…eng
dc.description.tableofcontentsTasks observation noteseng
dc.description.tableofcontentsSession 1eng
dc.description.tableofcontentsSession 2eng
dc.description.tableofcontentsFocus group discussion transcriptioneng
dc.description.tableofcontentsAppendix 3: Thematic analysis matrixeng
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad de Córdoba
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio Universidad de Córdoba
dc.publisherUniversidad de Córdoba
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Educación y Ciencias Humanas
dc.publisher.placeMontería, Córdoba, Colombia
dc.publisher.programLicenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Humanidades-Inglés
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dc.rightsCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2025
dc.rights.licenseAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
dc.subject.keywordsVideo gameseng
dc.subject.keywordsEnglish as a second languageeng
dc.subject.keywordsVocabulary learningeng
dc.subject.keywordsVocabulary recalleng
dc.subject.keywordsInnovative approacheseng
dc.subject.proposalInglés como segundo idiomaspa
dc.subject.proposalAprendizaje de vocabulariospa
dc.subject.proposalRecuerdo de vocabulariospa
dc.subject.proposalAlumnos de undécimo gradospa
dc.subject.proposalEnfoques innovadoresspa
dc.titleEvaluating the influence of video games on students' english vocabulary learning process and recall
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Pregrado
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