Supervisión del manejo integrado del moko (ralstonia solanacearum raza 2. smith) en la finca bananera “El Antojo”, Apartadó-Antioquía

dc.contributor.advisorTrebilcok Perna, Aníbal
dc.contributor.authorArévalo Gómez, Juan Daniel
dc.description.abstractBanana crop (Musa AAA). For Colombian agriculture it is a very important, due to the great contribution it provides to the country's economy. Representing For the year 2011, this production system got sales of US $ 700 million per year, that is, 3% of total exports, equivalent at 7.67% of agricultural GDP and 0.4% general GDP.It is necessary to increase performance and implement efficient methodologies for control of certain pathogens such as Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet, Ralstonia solanacearum race 2. Smith, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (FOC race 1 and Recently FOC race 4 found in the banana production system. For this reason, monitoring was carried out in the execution of activities related to the integrated management of Moko (Ralstonia solanacearum Raza 2) in the company Pantaciones Churidó S.A.S in the farm “El Antojo”, located in Apartadó – Antioquia. they were implemented strategies such as daily tours were implemented to know the location with coordinates of plants identified with symptoms of the disease, making of that way restricted areas of passage to avoid the spread of the disease by workers, trainings for operators on the importance of preventing disease and the quantification of the damage-loss with the banana production units. In this activity, it was possible to acquire knowledge of the current state of the farm, and of that way could make comparisons and / or recommendations to improve to efficiency of the administration in agronomic management to control the
dc.description.abstractBanana crop (Musa AAA). For Colombian agriculture it is a very important, due to the great contribution it provides to the country's economy. Representing For the year 2011, this production system got sales of US $ 700 million per year, that is, 3% of total exports, equivalent at 7.67% of agricultural GDP and 0.4% general GDP.It is necessary to increase performance and implement efficient methodologies for Control of certain pathogens such as Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet, Ralstonia solanacearum race 2. Smith, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (FOC race 1 and Recently FOC race 4 found in the banana production system. For this reason, monitoring was carried out in the execution of activities related to the integrated management of Moko (Ralstonia solanacearum Raza 2) in the company PLANTACIONES CHURIDÓ S.A.S in the farm “El Antojo”, located in Apartadó – Antioquia. they were implemented strategies such as daily tours were implemented to know the location with coordinates of plants identified with symptoms of the disease, making of that way restricted areas of passage to avoid the spread of the disease by workers, trainings for operators on the importance of preventing disease and the quantification of the damage-loss with the banana production units. In this activity, it was possible to acquire knowledge of the current state of the farm, and of that way could make comparisons and / or recommendations to improve to efficiency of the administration in agronomic management to control the diseaseeng
dc.description.degreenameIngeniero(a) Agronómico(a)spa
dc.description.modalityPráctica Empresarialspa
dc.description.tableofcontentsINTRODUCCIÓN ...................................................................................................... 14spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsRESEÑA HISTÓRICA DE LA EMPRESA .................................................................... 16spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsOBJETIVOS ................................................................................................................ 17spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsOBJETIVO GENERAL ................................................................................................. 17spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsOBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS ........................................................................................ 17spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsREVISIÓN DE LITERATURA ...................................................................................... 18spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsCULTIVO DE BANANO ............................................................................................. 18spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsGENERALIDADES DE LA ENFERMEDAD DEL MOKO (R. solanacearum Raza 2). 19spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsClasificación Taxonómica ........................................................................................ 19spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsForma de transmisión e infección de R. solanacearum Raza 2. SMITH al plátano .................................................................................................................................. 19spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsSÍNTOMAS E IDENTIFICACIÓN DE PLANTAS ENFERMAS ..................................... 20spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsSíntomas externos .................................................................................................... 20spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsSíntomas internos ...................................................................................................... 20spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsCUANTIFICACIÓN DE ÁREAS AFECTADAS E INCIDENCIAS .................................... 21spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsACTIVIDADES REALIZADAS ....................................................................................... 24spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsLOCALIZACIÓN .......................................................................................................... 24spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsINDUCCIÓN SOBRE EL MANEJO INTEGRADO DE R. solanacearum Raza 2 ..... 24spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsIDENTIFICACIÓN DE PLANTAS ENFERMAS ............................................................. 24spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsSíntomas de plantas ................................................................................................ 26spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsSíntomas externos..................................................................................................... 26spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsHoja candela ............................................................................................................. 27spa
dc.description.tableofcontentspuyones ..................................................................................................................... 28spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsRacimos ..................................................................................................................... 28spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsSíntomas internos...................................................................................................... 29spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsPseudotallo ............................................................................................................... 29spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsCormo ........................................................................................................................ 30spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsHojas ......................................................................................................................... 31spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsLocalización de plantas enfermas ......................................................................... 32spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsREESTRUCTURACIÓN DEL PROTOCOLO INTERNO PARA EL MANEJO INTEGRADO DE R. Solanaceraum (MIR) ...................................................................................... 32spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsDesinfección de herramientas ............................................................................... 33spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsCambio de ingrediente activo para desinfección ................................................ 33spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsParámetro de encierro de focos de Moko ........................................................... 33spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsCorte de racimos ..................................................................................................... 34spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsVástagos .................................................................................................................... 34spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsErradicación de plantas ........................................................................................... 35spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsÁreas restringidas..................................................................................................... 35spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsMarcado de áreas .................................................................................................... 35spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsControl de maleza .................................................................................................... 35spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsAplicación de roca fosfórica ................................................................................... 36spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsCAPACITACIONES .................................................................................................... 36spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsCUANTIFICACIÓN DE ÁREAS AFECTADAS E INCIDENCIAS .................................. 37spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsÍndice de riesgo ........................................................................................................ 37spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsCuantificación de pérdidas de plantas por lotes ................................................. 37spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsCuantificación de unidades productivas totales perdidas ................................ 38spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsALMACENAMIENTO DE DATOS. ............................................................................ 39spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsCONCLUSIONES ...................................................................................................... 41spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsRECOMENDACIONES ............................................................................................... 42spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsBIBLIOGRAFÍA ........................................................................................................... 43spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsANEXOS ..................................................................................................................... 46spa
dc.publisherUniversidad de Córdobaspa
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Ciencias Agrícolasspa
dc.publisher.placeMontería, Córdoba, Colombia
dc.publisher.programIngeniería Agronómicaspa
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dc.rightsCopyright Universidad de Córdobaspa
dc.rights.creativecommonsAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0)spa
dc.subject.proposalRalstonia solanacearumspa
dc.subject.proposalCoordenadas spa
dc.titleSupervisión del manejo integrado del moko (ralstonia solanacearum raza 2. smith) en la finca bananera “El Antojo”, Apartadó-Antioquíaspa
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Pregrado
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