Improving reading comprehension using genre-based pedagogy while reading manga

dc.contributor.advisorDiaz Martínez, Luis Alfredospa
dc.contributor.authorOviedo Salgado, Jean Paul
dc.description.abstractThis research maps the use of Genre-Based Pedagogy (GBP) and manga to picture possible changes and improvement in students reading comprehension abilities. An initial reflection within the action research design led to the understand students’ needs and school educational system towards reading as an important skill. Analysis of the problem showed that the study of new emerging and popular trends, such as genre- based pedagogy, can be assertive tools in the learning of a L2. It was also found there are gaps in studies related to manga that could illustrate its use in education and EFL/ESL context. Because of its nature, this investigation is qualitative using action research design. An action plan using GBP, manga and multiple genres was carried out to improve reading comprehension levels. Results showed that there were multiple changes perceived by all actors of the study and that were substantiated by a series of instruments that revealed important data; improvement of students’ reading comprehension levels, changes of class mechanics when
dc.description.degreenameMagíster en Enseñanza del Inglésspa
dc.description.modalityTrabajos de Investigación y/o Extensiónspa
dc.description.tableofcontents1. Introduction .............................................. 8spa
dc.description.tableofcontents2. Theoretical Framework ................................ 17spa
dc.description.tableofcontents3. Methods ............................................................. 53spa
dc.description.tableofcontents4 Findings ................................................................ 82spa
dc.description.tableofcontents5 Discussion ........................................................ 113spa
dc.description.tableofcontents6. Conclusions .......................................................................... 118spa
dc.description.tableofcontents7. References ................................................................ 122spa
dc.description.tableofcontents8. Appendixes ............................................................... 127spa
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Educación y Ciencias Humanasspa
dc.publisher.placeMontería, Córdoba, Colombiaspa
dc.publisher.programMaestría en Enseñanza del Inglésspa
dc.rightsCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022spa
dc.rights.creativecommonsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)spa
dc.subject.keywordsGenre-based pedagogyspa
dc.subject.keywordsAlternative reading
dc.subject.keywordsReading comprehension levelsspa
dc.subject.proposalPedagogía de génerospa
dc.subject.proposalNiveles de comprensión lectoraspa
dc.subject.proposalTextos de lectura alternativosspa
dc.titleImproving reading comprehension using genre-based pedagogy while reading mangaspa
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Maestríaspa
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