Publicación: Evaluación de la actividad antibiopelícula de los extractos de trichilia hirta l. frente aislados clínicos de pseudomona aeruginosa en Montería-Córdoba
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The disproportionate increase in bacterial resistance to multiple drugs has become a public health problem, as a result of the indiscriminate use of these drugs to counteract different pathologies. Pseudomona aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen involved in serious intrahospital infections, thanks to the expression of numerous intrinsic and acquired resistance mechanisms, mainly due to the ability to form biofilms; This allows it to adhere stably to biotic (living tissue) or inert surfaces and gives it the ability to be highly resistant to various antibiotics, making their treatment and control considerably difficult. Objective. Evaluate the antibiofilm activity of the seed extracts in petroleum benzene, carpel in ethanol and seed in ethanol of the Trichilia hirta species against P. aeruginosa clinical isolates in Montería-Córdoba. Materials and methods. Implementing the methods of agar diffusion, microdilution and the inhibition test in the formation of the biofilm, the antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of the plant material under study was evaluated against 8 clinical isolates and the strain ATCC 27852 of P. aeruginosa. Results. The carpel extract in ethanol showed antibacterial activity against the evaluated strains. On the other hand, the petroleum benzene seed extract was more effective at inhibiting biofilm formation. Conclusion. T. hirta has secondary metabolites with antibacterial and antibiofilm activity