Reconstructing teachers’ discourse to build inclusive interactions using positive discourse analysis and formative intervention

dc.contributor.advisorGarcia Montes, Paula Andrea
dc.contributor.authorBarreto Garavito, Keila Margarita
dc.description.abstractDiscourse embodies significant tools that contribute to transform social practices, building critical interactions, and having voice in daily issues. Consequently, inadequate uses of discourse might lead to perpetuation of violence and end in ratifying negative issues such as violence, racism, bullying or segregation. In educational settings, teachers are not always aware of the potential impact of their discourse, adopting forms of communication that bring about negative effects such as marginalization or exclusion of students. Thus, we should know about the power of discourse in educational and social settings to positively build societies instead of using power to discriminate or perpetuate violence. This qualitative study is grounded on activity theory in order to inform about the effects of PDA in a formative intervention program to mobilize processes of inclusion for all in EFL classes. The research involved an English teacher from a public school in Monteria. Results from this study were divided into two main moments: initial results of the participant’s activity system and some changes in her activity system after the formative interventions with PDA. Initial findings showed some need concerning Maria’s initial discourse and contradictions in her activity system. It also showed how formative interventions helped Maria reconstruct some aspects of her discourse, particularly in the AT elements object, subject and mediating artifacts to build more inclusive interactions with the learners. Findings from the study suggest that formative interventions serve as community building strategies for teachers and researchers to collaboratively build on their teaching needs.eng
dc.description.degreenameMagíster en Enseñanza del Inglésspa
dc.description.modalityTrabajos de Investigación y/o Extensiónspa
dc.description.tableofcontentsIntroduction 1spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsTheoretical Framework 6spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsConceptual Framework 6spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsLiterature Review 19spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsMethods 34spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsResearch Design 34spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsResearch Design 34spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsContext and Participants 38spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsProfessional Development Program 39spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsData Collection 41spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsData Analysis 43spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsEthical Issues 45spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsResearch calendar 45spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsFindings 46spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsTeacher’s Initial Discourse 47spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsSome reconstructions in teacher’s discourse 69spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsDiscussion 86spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsConclusions 93spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsReferences 96spa
dc.description.tableofcontentsAppendix 107spa
dc.publisherUniversidad de Córdoba
dc.publisher.facultyFacultad de Educación y Ciencias Humanasspa
dc.publisher.placeMontería, Córdoba, Colombiaspa
dc.publisher.programMaestría en Enseñanza del Inglésspa
dc.rightsCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022spa
dc.subject.keywordsInclusive educationeng
dc.subject.keywordsCritical discourseeng
dc.subject.keywordsPositive discourse analysiseng
dc.subject.keywordsFormative interventionseng
dc.subject.keywordsActivity theoryeng
dc.subject.proposalEducación inclusivaspa
dc.subject.proposalDiscurso críticospa
dc.subject.proposalAnálisis positivo del discursospa
dc.subject.proposalIntervención formativaspa
dc.subject.proposalTeoría de la actividadspa
dc.titleReconstructing teachers’ discourse to build inclusive interactions using positive discourse analysis and formative interventionspa
dc.typeTrabajo de grado - Maestríaspa
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