Publicación: Inquiry – based learning to foster active participation in the english class
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This study aimed to explore the use of Inquiry – based learning (IBL) to foster eighth graders active participation in the English class. A qualitative case study was followed during a semester at Institucion Educativa Normal Superior. Findings revealed that in spite of receiving classes remotely given the pandemic Covid- 19 students shared, collaborated, and actively participated either orally or doing written tasks to create meaning though the texts they shared. Additionally, students developed new learning skills to solve every day problems and creatively communicated with others using digital practices never included before in their classes. Also, IBL allowed the teacher to assume different roles such as facilitator, motivator and guide rather than being only a provider of knowledge. Finally, this study also highlights some benefits like the use of internet to look up for information and challenges like the lack of oral participation because of the pronunciation. Those benefits and challenges came out with the use of IBL to foster active participation.