Publicación: Justicia organizacional, mobbing e inseguridad laboral en el sector público de la ciudad de Montería, Córdoba
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This research showed the relationship between the perception of organizational justice in its three dimensions: distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice, on mobbing and job insecurity conditions in the public sector of the city of Montería. ; For this, a quantitative, nonexperimental, transectional research design was used. On the other hand, measurement instruments were used, such as the Organizational Justice Scale (OJQ) by Niehoff and Moorman (1993), in its Hispanic version of 20 items and three dimensions; the bullying strategies at work questionnaire (LIPT), in its Spanish adaptation (LIPT - 60) by González de Rivera and Rodríguez (2003) with 60 items and six types of bullying strategies; and the job insecurity scale by Lee, Bobko, Ashford, Chen4 & Ren (2008) with 37 items and four dimensions. These instruments were applied through Google forms, due to the health emergency caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic; which were analyzed through the model of structural structures.