B.I.C. Trabajos de Investigación y/o Extensión


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  • PublicaciónEmbargo
    Efecto del medio doble fase en la eficiencia de la micropropagación de plátano Musa AAB Simmonds cv Hartón
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-11-15) Álvarez Acosta, Jader de Jesús; Suárez Padrón, Isidro Elías; López Diaz, Claudia Marcela; Barrera Violeth, José Luis; Humánez Álvarez, Alicia
    Con la finalidad de evaluar el efecto del medio doble fase y su eficiencia en la micropropagación de meristemos axilares de Musa AAB Simmonds cv Hartón, obtenidos de cormos de plantas seleccionadas y establecidas en un medio ½ MS (Murashige y Skoog) suplementado con tiamina 30 mg/L, myo-inositol 100 mg/L, sacarosa 30 g/L y ajustando el pH a 5.7. La mitad de los explantes establecidos fueron transferidos en un medio doble fase con adición de varias concentraciones de bencilaminopurina (BAP) (0,0 mg/L, 0,5 mg/L y 1,0 mg/L), mientras que la otra mitad fueron transferidos en medio semisólido adicionado con las mismas concentraciones de BAP. Los explantes micropropagados resultantes del mejor resultado, fueron transferidos a medio semisólido de enraizamiento con varias concentraciones de ácido naftalenacético (ANA) (0,0 mg/L, 0, 5 mg/L y 1,0 mg/L). Tanto los tallos multiplicados sin enraizar como los enraizados in vitro en el mejor tratamiento de enraizamiento fueron transferidos a condiciones ex vitro. Los tratamientos se distribuyeron con un diseño completo al azar, los datos se analizaron mediante un ANOVA y las medias estadísticas se compararon mediante la prueba de Tukey mediante el uso del software estadístico R-Studio v. 4.1.2. Para la fase de multiplicación el medio de cultivo doble fase (MDF) contribuyó de forma positiva en el incremento de parámetros de crecimiento como la longitud del tallo, el mayor número de tallos, mayor número de hojas por tallo. En cuanto a la fase de enraizamiento la utilización de concentraciones de 0,5 mg/L y 1,0 mg/L de ácido naftalenacético tuvo un efecto significativo en el enraizamiento incrementando el número de raíces en los explantes de plátano. Por otro lado, los tratamientos evaluados arrojaron que la mayor longitud de raíces se obtuvo con los tratamientos 0,0 mg/L ANA y 0,5 mg/L ANA. Está investigación demostró que el protocolo de multiplicación de plantas in-vitro utilizando el medio doble fase es una alternativa viable, eficiente y altamente confiable en el cultivo de plátano Musa AAB Simmonds cv Hartón.
  • PublicaciónEmbargo
    Evaluación del probiótico comercial Bacillus spp en el desempeño zootécnico de tilapia roja Oreochromis spp durante la reversión sexual
    (Instituto de Investigaciones Piscícolas- CINPIC, 2023-06-27) Pérez Espitia, Francisco; Atencio García, Víctor; Pertuz Buelvas, Vicente
    The cultivation of tilapia is carried out with male monosex populations, however, during sexual reversion there is low survival, which makes it necessary to look for more efficient alternatives for the production of reversed fingerlings. In order to evaluate the effects of a commercial probiotic on the zootechnical performance of red tilapia Oreochromis spp during the sexual reversion phase in a recirculation system (RAS), four concentrations of the probiotic were evaluated (0 ppm, 10 ppm, 20 ppm and 30 ppm), growth and survival were measured in red tilapia, water quality was analyzed, the bacterial strains present in the Changes in pH, bile salts, temperature, NaCl concentrations and growth capacity. The parameters of dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, total alkalinity, nitrite and nitrate showed no significant differences (p>0.05); while total ammonium and ammonia showed statistical difference between treatments (p0.05). The highest survival (94.9±2.2%) occurred when 30 ppm of probiotic was used and the lowest (79.8±9.0) in the control group (p0.05); while the lower 90.5±3.6 (10 ppm) and 89.5±3.7 (control) presented statistical difference with the highest addition of probiotic (p
  • PublicaciónAcceso abierto
    Evaluación de la eficacia terapéutica de sulforafano y docetaxel sobre un modelo in vitro de cáncer de próstata
    (MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA, TECNOLOGIA E INNOVACIÓN, 2023-01-27) Peñata Taborda, Ana Marcela; Espitia Pérez, Pedro Juan
    Prostate cancer (PC) is the fifth leading cause of death worldwide and the second most diagnosed malignancy in men, being the leading cause of death in the Colombian male population. Prostate cancer cells show abnormal metabolic and redox activity, and emerging evidence indicates that the behavior of this type of cancer has been related to aggressive tumor characteristics such as chemoresistance, invasiveness, and metastatic potential, among others. In addition, drugs used in clinical oncology have narrow therapeutic indexes with adverse toxicity, often involving oxidative damage to normal tissues. Docetaxel (DCT) is an antineoplastic drug used to treat PC; its cytotoxicity and emerging resistance have limited its efficacy. Combination therapies are intended to sensitize tumors and protect unaffected tissues, which increases the therapeutic index. Sulforaphane (SFN) is a phytochemical of broad clinical interest due to its anticancer properties and promising effects in combination therapies. Consequently, the present research aimed to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of SFN and DCT on an in vitro model of PC with different sensitivity to chemotherapy as an antitumor strategy. In this experimental-type investigation, PC cell lines with different levels of tumorigenicity and chemoresistance, as well as the non-tumorigenic counterpart, were used to offer different redox and metabolic characteristics. RWPE-1, LNCAP, and PC3 cell lines were seeded at a density of 5x103 cells/well in 96-well culture plates and treated with SFN and DCT for 72 h to determine effects on viability, mitochondrial activity, and cell death. Possible interactions of treatments were analyzed by isobologram analysis at 48 h. At the same time, promising mean concentrations in a combination of IC50 of SFN and DCT were evaluated for their effect on glycolytic and redox metabolism by analysis of glucose consumption and lactate production, intracellular levels of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), relative mitochondrial mass; the antioxidant status with the measurement of reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) Glutathione, finally the expression of SOD2 and LDHA genes regulated by Nrf2 and HIF1- α. The results obtained showed reduced viability of LNCAP and PC3 tumor cells after SFN and DCT treatments in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Lower sensitivity to treatments was observed in non-tumor RWPE-1 cells. Isobologram analysis indicated a possible synergistic effect between SFN and DCT. SFN IC50s showed mitochondrial activity measured by MTT in tumor cells. The combination of SFN and DCT triggered apoptosis in tumor models by inducing an increase in ROS levels, an increase in mitochondrial mass in LNCAP cells, a down-regulation of LDHA, and a decrease in lactate levels. Despite the induction of apoptosis by the treatments in PC3 cells, no significant chemo sensitization of redox and glycolytic metabolism was observed, suggesting the existence of differences in the glycolytic pathway of the tumor cell models, as well as an essential antioxidant defense system that could be evading cell death induced by the combination treatments, the findings of this study could link other sensitization pathways that modulate the viability or death of these cells. These results are the first to demonstrate effects on redox and glycolytic metabolism of SFN and DCT interaction in CP cells.