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Publicación Acceso abierto El teatro como herramienta pedagógica para el fortalecimiento de habilidades comunicativas, cognitivas y socioemocionales en el grado 3° de la Institución Santa María Goretti(Universidad de Córdoba, 2025-01-30) Hernández Ortega, José Alejandro; Morales García, Maira Alexandra; Zumaqué, NunilaEste proyecto de investigación analiza el uso del teatro como herramienta pedagógica para mejorar las dificultades de aprendizaje en los estudiantes de tercer grado de la Institución Educativa Santa María Goretti en Montería. Se identificaron las dificultades específicas de los estudiantes mediante observaciones y entrevistas con docentes. A partir de esto, se diseñaron e implementaron actividades teatrales para fortalecer habilidades comunicativas, sociales y emocionales. Los resultados indican que el teatro promueve un aprendizaje más activo y participativo, mejorando la autoestima, la expresión oral y la capacidad de trabajo en equipo de los estudiantes.Publicación Acceso abierto Final internship report at the Language Center located in Universidad de Córdoba(2023-07-10) Bustamante, Vanesa; Bohórquez Rodríguez, Deimer David; Arango Arteaga, Andrés Felipe; Nieto Caballero, Jaime ArturoThis report aims to investigate the effectiveness and impact of Project-Based Learning (PBL) on the holistic development of children from ages 7 to 8. PBL is an innovative educational approach that engages students in authentic, hands-on projects to develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills, collaboration, and creativity. The report examines various dimensions of children's growth, including cognitive, social, emotional, and physical aspects. Key findings highlight that PBL positively influences children's cognitive abilities by fostering curiosity, self-directed learning, and knowledge application in real-world scenarios. The collaborative nature of PBL enhances social skills, including communication, teamwork, and leadership. Additionally, emotional intelligence and self-confidence are bolstered as children face challenges, receive constructive feedback, and experience the satisfaction of project completion.Publicación Acceso abierto Habilidades sociales en estudiantes de básica primaria de zona rural del departamento de Córdoba(Universidad de Córdoba, 2022-01-25) Medellín Flórez, Yolima Isabel; Ojeda Arroyo, Iván del cristo; Bustos González, María MagdalenaLa investigación denominada “Habilidades Sociales en estudiantes de básica primaria de zona rural del departamento de Córdoba”,se enmarca en un diseño metodológico de tipo interpretativo con un enfoque cualitativo (Rey y Chica, 2009, p. 39), siendo éste el más apropiado para llevar a cabo el desarrollo del estudio como tal , repercutiendo en los agentes sociales involucrados ya mencionados en las primeras líneas y centrándose en las instituciones educativas rurales Mimbres Centro y Morindó Florida del departamento de Córdoba. Por consiguiente, el estudio facilita conocer el estado de las habilidades sociales en los niños de estas dos Instituciones. Este estudio, tiene la clara intención de verificar e interpretar, mediante la observación, indagación, interpretación y análisis, las actuaciones, comportamientos y relaciones interpersonales, teniendo como referente las emociones y por supuesto el manejo o no de las habilidades sociales de los niños y niñas de las I.E. seleccionadas. A partir de lo ya expuesto, se tiene como propósito; mostrar resultados confiables y válidos, que sugieran desde las conclusiones y recomendaciones, obtener aportes positivos y transformaciones a la realidad encontrada, frente al tema objeto de investigación., favoreciendo la formación integral de los estudiantes.Publicación Acceso abierto Inteligencia emocional en la infancia y su papel en la resolución de conflictos: una revisión sistemática(2023-08-09) Martínez Medrano, Danarlys Elena; Silgado Sotelo, Glenda Marcela; Vásquez de la Hoz, Francisco JavierProblem: There seems to be limited research on the importance of emotional intelligence (EI) in childhood, particularly regarding its role in enabling children to face their problems and resolve daily conflicts. Therefore, a systematic review of the literature is needed to identify and describe the published empirical evidence on this topic. Objective: To describe emotional intelligence in childhood and its role in conflict resolution. Methodology: Following the PRISMA guidelines, articles were searched in the bibliographic indexes and databases of WoS, Scopus, Springer Open, ScienceDirect, RedALyC, Dialnet, ERIC, SciELO, and DOAJ using the search terms "Emotional Intelligence" and "Childhood" in English, and "Inteligencia Emocional" and "Infancia" in Spanish. The publications were limited to those published between 2018 and 2023 and had to meet the preestablished inclusion criteria. This resulted in 328 selected studies and 13 included studies. Results: Upon reviewing the 13 articles, no studies were found that correlated EI and conflict resolution in childhood. However, children with higher levels of EI tend to have better academic performance, empathy, and emotional self-regulation, which could help them manage conflicts more constructively and find appropriate solutions. Conclusion: There is a need to implement interventions and educational programs that promote the development of emotional intelligence from early ages, in order to foster healthy social and emotional skills in children.Publicación Acceso abierto El rendimiento escolar y el desarrollo positivo en adolescentes estudiantes de grado noveno de la Institución Educativa Villa Cielo(2021-10-11) Hoyos Gómez, Luz Estela; Pacheco Lora, Luis CarlosThis research work called "School Performance and Positive Development in Teenage Ninth Grade Students of the Villa Cielo Educational Institution", presents the percentage of students who have positive development; the positive relationship of positive developmental factors (selfesteem, self-efficacy, self-regulation, and social skills) with academic performance; 69 students participated in the study, 39 women and 29 men. The project was developed under a quantitative methodology, a non-experimental correlational design; Questionnaires were used to determine Positive Development and each of the study subject factors and to determine academic performance, the weighted averages of the grades obtained by each student in the first and second academic period 2019 - 1 were used. The results first show that 68% of the surveyed students have positive development and the correlations between academic performance, self-efficacy, academic self-regulation and social skills are significant in both groups; for self-esteem, the results were different: for group 9 ° 1, the relationship is negative; otherwise it occurs with group 9 ° 2 which is positive.