Examinando por Materia "Social participation"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Aplicación de la política de participación social en salud (PPSS) para fortalecer la participación activa de los usuarios en la UAES de la Universidad de Córdoba, Montería(2022-07-28) Oviedo Villalba, Fernando; López Bernal, Cristian AlbertoPolicies are instruments that allow the implementation of responses to the needs of groups and populations in general, thus, social participation in health meets the needs that cause situations that prevent, affect and weaken the provision of health services, which result in non-compliance with the right to participate actively in health processes. For this reason, the present study is carried out with the main objective of developing the Policy of Social Participation in Health (PPSS) in the UAES in accordance with current Colombian legislation. In this way, a descriptive study with a qualitative approach is carried out methodologically. In conclusion, it is a priority that the EAPB strengthen social participation in health, starting with institutional enlistment to manage all human resources, necessary to implement the policy of social participation in health, in addition, there must be a commitment as an entity that provides comprehensive health services, which includes the component of participation in health, as a right that users have in collective decision-making.Publicación Acceso abierto Barreras percibidas por las personas con discapacidad visual en la prestación de los servicios de salud, Montería 2020(2021-01-22) Pacheco de la Espriella, Yarledys; Sánchez Peralta, Doris Madolina; Orozco Valeta, MarthaIntroduction: Opportunities for visually impaired people are scarce and often do not have full enjoyment and enjoyment of their rights so it is necessary to identify the barriers, from their lived experiences. Objective: to characterize the barriers perceived by visually impaired people against the provision of health services in the city of Montería -Córdoba. Methodology: descriptive study with qualitative approach which makes it possible to approach social reality from non-quantitative data; as an information-gathering technique the semi-structured interview was used, until the level of information saturation was reached. The information obtained in the interviews was transcribed, narrative readings were made, content analysis was submitted, similarities and differences were grouped together, and eventually the formation of categories and subcategories was given. Results: The barriers perceived by visually impaired persons that are constituted in communicative, attitudinal and physical are evident. Changes in infrastructure, implementation of communication strategies and ongoing training of service personnel are relevant to their elimination. Conclusions: the research made it possible to understand the significance of the barriers faced by visually impaired persons in the provision of health services, revealing the lack of equity in health and care for that population, and also shows an unfavourable and unexplored situation, as well as the fundamental role of health workers in overcoming barriers.Publicación Acceso abierto Determinación de la capacidad de gestión de los corregidores del Covecom en el municipio de Cereté, Córdoba(2022-07-27) Machado Pomares, Ana Gabriela; Durán Rojas, ElviraCommunity participation in health issues is considered a key element to increase the development and improvement of health conditions in the territory; therefore, it is urged to strengthen its management in order to improve its effectiveness and maximize its benefits. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the management capacity of the Corregidores of the Community Epidemiological Surveillance Committee (COVECOM) in the municipality of Cereté, Córdoba, which is established as a health participation mechanism. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a mixed approach, whose population consisted of nine Corregidores members of the municipal COVECOMs and an official of the Health Secretariat. The survey technique was used for the Corregidores, where 10 dimensions were evaluated using a Likert scale from one to five notes, and the interview technique was used for the official of the Health Secretariat. The information collected was analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and narrative analysis respectively. It could be determined that more than 50% of the Corregidores comply with the participation in health, likewise, 85% between the score four and five have greater incidence in their management in the factors linked to some aspects of information flow, deliberative quality, decision making, institutional commitment, empowerment, management capacity, leadership, teamwork and motivation. In turn, the Secretariat of Health assumes its responsibility towards COVECOM and its commitment not only to its members but also to the community and its willingness to work on its development. It is recommended to progressively reaffirm the empowerment of COVECOM in its management capacity with the support of the Secretariat of Health to improve the health outcomes of the communities based on the effectiveness of its participation.Publicación Acceso abierto Diseño del programa de educación en participación social en salud Secretaría de Salud de San Antero, 2022(2023-05-18) Calao Macias, Melissa Andrea; Montoya , Martha ElenaIntroduction: Social, community and citizen participation allows governments to meet the needs of their population and involve them in the decisions that are made, therefore, they are a fundamental part of any process of formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policies. Objective: Design the education program in social participation in health for the San Antero Health Department. Methodology: the construction of the aforementioned program was carried out through the following phases: Diagnosis, analysis, population data, environmental data, study of related bibliography, planning, documentation of the program and socialization and/or approval of the designed program. Results: the need felt by the Ministry of Health for the design of a participatory education program that would strengthen the training of community leaders and members of the Committee for Community Participation in Health was fulfilled. They identified training topics of interest in health and the right to health, through pedagogical strategies through social networks, qualifying citizen participation. Conclusion: Citizen participation as a mechanism of social participation becomes a useful tool for analysis of environments that through the adoption of strategies contribute to the benefit of communities.Publicación Acceso abierto Evaluación del plan de acción de la política de participación social en salud en Fundación Casalud primer semestre año 2023(2023-08-20) Tarraz Hernandez, Alexandra; Burgos Rodríguez, Ledis EdithEl Servicio de Información y Atención al Usuario (SIAU), es una herramienta diseñada por el Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social para mejorar la prestación de servicios, tomando como fuente la información del usuario mediante quejas, reclamos y sugerencias haciendo uso de sus derechos y deberes. Es por esto que las instituciones de salud deben fomentar y promover la participación de todos los actores, usuarios, institución y comunidad en general, para esto deben diseñar un plan de acción anual que dé cumplimiento a la normatividad vigente. Fundación Casalud como todas las instituciones de salud esta obligadas a realizar un plan de acción para la vigencia anual que garantice acciones que promuevan la participación fortaleciendo los canales de comunicación con los usuarios. El objetivo de este trabajo evaluó el cumplimiento del plan de acción de la política de participación social de Fundación Casalud en el primer semestre del año. Esto se llevó a cabo por fases en la que se inició con una revisión del plan de acción propuesto con base en la normatividad vigente, luego se diseñaron estrategias de acompañamiento que permitieron dar cumplimiento al plan de acción y finalmente se promover el derecho a la participación social en salud fortaleciendo los canales de comunicación comunidad - institución.