Examinando por Materia "Desarrollo integral"
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Publicación Acceso abierto La incidencia de la familia en el proceso de estimulación para el desarrollo integral de los infantes de grado transición de la Institución Educativa Cristóbal Colón sede El Prado(2023-02-10) Barón Pineda, Jorge Luis; Otálvaro, Ana MaríaThis research is mainly based on the family and its permanent role in the stimulation given in the first years of life of boys and girls, focusing on it as the most important human group for the growth and integral realization of people and their communities. , is the nucleus of every society, which becomes a key and indispensable factor for infants, since they spend most of their time with it and their daily life revolves around the bonds established at home, where they are fostered. communication and relationships of infants, and directly adequate stimulation is immersed in this type of relationship, for this reason, it is necessary to take into account the functionality and repercussion of the family and the type of education and more than that, the training provided in it, to determine positive and negative factors that directly incur in the process of adequate stimulation of children in their early years years of life.Publicación Acceso abierto A Personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-12-22) Guerra Rosales, Angela Patricia; Monterrosa Avilez, Ariel José; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloIn exploring contemporary educational challenges, embracing transformational leadership is essential. Educators must respond to evolving technology and diverse classrooms with flexibility and creativity. This document delves into the significance of transformational leadership within the context of education, specifically spotlighting the experiences of foreign language teachers. It addresses challenges in the contemporary educational landscape, advocating for a dynamic approach that nurtures the integral development of the educational community and empowers students to take charge of their learning. The authors underscore the positive impacts of transformational leadership, such as heightened job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and improved performance. Essential skills for effective global leaders in this paradigm include self-awareness, humility, collaboration, and interdependence. The paper concludes by emphasizing the implications of leadership empowerment for the future of education, stressing the need for autonomy, professional development, and a culture of collaboration to foster innovation and personal growth, urging a shift in educational leadership perspectives.Publicación Acceso abierto Plan de negocio para una fundación que promueva el desarrollo de capacidades y habilidades sensoriales a niños y niñas con discapacidad visual del Barrio la Granja de la Ciudad de Montería-Córdoba(2023-01-27) Bedoya Ramos, Cesia Esther; Causil Buelvas, Maria de los Angeles; Caraballo, EliecerResumen El emprendimiento social se ha convertido en un gran aliado para el Estado, en el sentido que contribuye con estrategias innovadoras y creativas, para elevar la calidad de vida, de aquellos grupos de la sociedad que lo necesitan. En la presente investigación, está plasmado el análisis de la viabilidad técnico, administrativo y financiero para la creación de la fundación “veo por ti”, que ofrece el servicio educativo a través de talleres lúdicos, didácticos y recreativos para los niños y las niñas con discapacidad visual de la ciudad de Montería-Córdoba. Este proyecto surge gracias a prácticas pedagógicas realizadas en donde pudimos evidenciar la problemáticas educativas que existen en relación con los niños y las niñas con discapacidad visual. Además se tomaron como base planteamientos teóricos y legales, para verificar la trayectoria de este tipo de organizaciones y desde estos aspectos justificar la creación de la fundación. Mediante un diseño metodológico bibliográfico, investigaciones, estadísticas, encuestas, entre otros, se puede concluir entonces, que el proyecto presenta una amplia posibilidad, de llevarse a cabo.Publicación Acceso abierto Recursos didáctico – musicales como herramientas para facilitar el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje en la asignatura de Lengua Castellana en grado 3-1 de primaria de la Institución Educativa San José de Montería, Córdoba(2021-01-23) Jiménez Acosta, Luis Fernel; Blanco Rodríguez, Mario David; Pico España, Camilo Andrés; Zumaqué Gómez, Nunila SobeidaThis qualitative - inductive research project is oriented towards the enhancement of teaching and learning of Spanish language subject for the group one of the third grade of primary at San Jose Educational Institution placed in Montería, Colombia. First, it is expected to fulfill an analysis of the social reality, the culture and the education environment to comprehend the general cognitive process and facilitate a meaningful learning under the construction of knowledge in compliance with the Basic Standards of Competencies stablished by the National Education Ministry, using the appropriate pedagogical strategies and the music teaching resources as a mean to reach such goal. Those resources promote the development of creativity and the academic performance of children due to the creation of an ideal atmosphere provided to meet the needs displayed by the reality of the education system in consideration of the learner experiential nature for the development of content and the specific socio-cultural context. This study offers alternatives for the learning of contents through the direct experience with the students by means of a dynamic process when teaching, which assists the improvement of the educational achievement in Spanish language subject concerning the use of music teaching resources designed and applied in this proposal, making possible the articulation of 8 the basic musical elements, such as rhythm and melody with the scholar subject at hand for the benefit of the students holistic development; specifically in the psychomotor aspect, concentration, memory, creativity, emotional sensibility and teamwork, articulation.Publicación Acceso abierto Relación escuela –familia en condiciones de ruralidad como parte del proceso de desarrollo integral de los estudiantes(Universidad de Córdoba, 2021-04-06) Ortega Solórzano, Alexandra; Meza Galván, Morelia Margarita; Otalvaro Sepúlveda, CarlosThe objective of this research was to understand the School-Family relationship in rural conditions as part of the integral development process of the 5th grade students of the Besito Volao Educational Institution, Palma de Vino headquarters. To achieve the objective, the theoretical foundation was based on the concepts of family, school and their relationship, taking into account the rural characteristics of these two entities and the contribution to the integral development of the students. Methodologically, the research was qualitative with an ethnographic method, working with 14 families of the students of the grade mentioned above, applying observation, documentary review and interview as information gathering techniques. The result was that there is no articulation of families with school processes, no teaching strategies or resources are evidenced to link the social and family context in activities within the classroom. Likewise, in institutional documents, there is no clear evidence of programs, policies or activities that establish the relationship between the school and the family. The study concludes that the family in rural conditions is characterized by assigning great importance to the role of the school in the community, therefore, it makes efforts to allow children to attend the educational establishment so that they receive education from the students. teachers, therefore, the family training function is delegated to the school. The role of the family in school processes must be materialized in the classroom, through articulation strategies that respond to a mission and vision that the school proposes, likewise, the school must know the families that belong to it and this way create the relevant tools to link it more easily