Examinando por Materia "Comercio internacional"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Análisis de las exportaciones de carne bovina y yuca del departamento de Córdoba durante el período 2017 - 2021(2022-08-01) Palacio Alvarez, Mariana; Doria Sierra, CarlosIn Colombia, most of the exports correspond to mining-energy and agricultural products, mainly hydrocarbons, coal, coffee, flowers, bananas and beef. In addition, it has products from the agricultural sector with the potential to improve its exports, such as cassava, which is one of the most cultivated agricultural products worldwide and nationally. Córdoba is one of the departments with the highest production of beef and cassava, which also exports 90% of the country's beef. Therefore, this monograph analyzes the exports of beef and cassava from the department of Córdoba, in order to establish their behavior and define opportunities to increase their participation, through the study of the panorama of international trade in terms of the production and sale of bovine meat and cassava, the determination of the behavior of the exports of the products at the national level and the department of Córdoba during 2017 and 2021.Publicación Acceso abierto Cadena de suministro internacional y sus retos para las empresas frente a la pandemia COVID 19(2022-03-29) Fría Fabra, Fabián; De la Ossa Escobar, Sergio; Rodríguez Bermúdez, DanielThe COVID-19 pandemic was an important juncture for humanity, with a series of effects that caused changes in people's way of life and consumption; companies, as factors of change and development of the territory, were also the object of these effects, and the ways of dealing with them through strategic actions undoubtedly changed the way in which commercial relations should be conceived. The following work responds to a need to identify the known impacts of the pandemic on international commercial activity, especially with regard to supply chains, as functional structures of global trade. To this end, a contextualization of the most important aspects of trade and the international supply chain was carried out, the effects of the health crisis on various links in the supply chain were investigated, and the strategies taken to mitigate the measures of containment Once these issues were analyzed, the challenges that could be grouped into two groups were determined: those that arose during the most restrictive periods, and those that arose and must be solved in the framework of a post-COVID society. The strengthening of the last links in the chain with respect to the opening of digital channels for sales, the increase in the efficiency of the distribution of goods, and the technological investment in process automation were 3 of the elements that were most relevant in terms of aspects of change, all this within a regional integration strategy that is explained laterPublicación Acceso abierto Convenio internacional para la seguridad de la vida humana en el mar y su implementación en el transporte marítimo internacional(2020-07-15) Gaviria Hincapié, Laura Patricia; Narváez Pérez, Andrea Carolina; Rodríguez Bermúdez, Daniel; Urzola Álvarez, MarioMaritime transport for its efficient development involves a considerable number of participants, who may be affected by incidents that arise in said activity, which is why the IMO created the convention for the safety of life in order to increase maritime safety. Human at sea, which focuses its efforts on the adoption of standards related to maritime safety, whose amendments and regulations have been modified and adapted as the shipping industry evolves. Based on the above, this work analyzes the new update of said agreement and its implementation in international maritime transport; To comply with what is proposed, the agreement is initially described, its importance is determined and each of the norms that comprise it is detailed; Below are the regulatory changes that have arisen as a result of the update that came into effect from the year 2020 and the relevance of each of these is analyzed, compared to the previous version; Finally, the incidence of these changes in international shipping is determined, and how their application can positively or negatively affect international trade.Publicación Acceso abierto Dinámica y correlación de la producción y exportación de carne bovina en Colombia y el departamento de Córdoba entre los años 2015 a 2019(2020-12-21) Pérez Dixon, Katerine; Doria Sierra, CarlosThe work shows what has been the dynamics of the production and export of beef in Colombia and the Department of Córdoba, for the period from 2015 to 2019; For this, a documentary review of the sector in Colombia and the Department of Córdoba was developed. The Department has an economy based on the agricultural sector where livestock represents 10% of the country's inventory and 30% of the Caribbean region. In the same way, it has an export potential that it aspires to improve and for this it has been working with the national government and Fedegan and the companies that today are carrying out this work and continue advancing both in the national and international markets. As it is a study based on the dynamics of the production and export of beef for the country and the Department of Córdoba, the successes and setbacks that this sector has had were considered. What is clear is that there is a dynamic and a correlation between beef production and exports between the country and the Department of Córdoba, since the more beef is produced, the more product exports to other countries increase.Publicación Acceso abierto Guía práctica para la exportación de textiles desde Colombia hasta los Estados Unidos de América(2020-08-12) Gómez Ospino, Juffrey; Castro Martínez, Yenifer; Rodríguez Bermúdez , Daniel; Urzola Álvarez, Mario AlbertoEl sector textil Colombiano ha tenido mucho auge en los últimos años, debido a la mejora de los elementos de calidad, innovación y variedad. Lo cual, ha permitido el incremento en las ventas y el acceso a mercados internacionales, tal como Estados Unidos. Es por ello que, el presente trabajo monográfico busca mostrar los diferentes requerimientos, costos y elementos logísticos asociados al proceso de exportación de textiles con destino a los Estados Unidos. De modo que, se brindan las pautas o pasos que los interesados deben cumplir para llevar a cabo dicha actividad comercial. Además, mediante esta guía se expone un ejemplo práctico acerca de este procedimiento; en el que se fijan los costos en que se incurren por el envío de la mercancía desde los puertos de Cartagena, Barranquilla y Antioquia hasta la terminal marítima de New York, a partir de los Incoterms FCA, FOB y CIF.Publicación Acceso abierto Importancia del comercio internacional en el ambito financiero(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-06-04) Diaz Barrios Aracelis; Marrugo González, Ramiro AntonioLa presente investigación analiza la relación intrínseca entre el comercio internacional y las finanzas, destacando cómo esta interacción facilita el desarrollo y la estabilidad económica de las naciones. Los flujos de capital generados por el comercio internacional, que incluyen la inversión extranjera directa y las transacciones financieras transfronterizas, juegan un papel importante en la configuración de los mercados financieros, pues influyen en las tasas de cambio, afectando la competitividad de las exportaciones y la balanza de pagos de los países involucrados; contribuyendo a la liquidez y la volatilidad de los mercados de divisas, bonos y acciones. El trabajo enfatiza en la importancia de los instrumentos financieros como las cartas de crédito, los seguros de crédito a la exportación y los derivados financieros, los cuales mitigan los riesgos inherentes al comercio internacional, no solo facilitando las transacciones comerciales y asegurando el cumplimiento de las obligaciones contractuales, sino que también permitiendo a las empresas gestionar eficazmente el riesgo cambiario y el riesgo de crédito, protegiendo así sus márgenes de beneficio y estabilidad financiera. Así como el comercio internacional presenta beneficios, también enfrenta desafíos significativos, como los riesgos financieros (riesgo cambiario y riesgo político) y las barreras no arancelarias, la gestión eficaz de estos desafíos requiere políticas económicas sólidas, una regulación adecuada y el uso estratégico de instrumentos financieros. Como resultado del presente estudio, se evidencio que el comercio internacional, respaldado por un sólido marco financiero y regulatorio, es fundamental para el desarrollo económico global, su capacidad para generar crecimiento, empleo y competitividad es innegable. Sin embargo, para maximizar estos beneficios, es necesario que las naciones adopten políticas que promuevan la estabilidad financiera, la innovación y la cooperación internacional, solo a través de un enfoque integral y coordinado se puede asegurar que el comercio internacional continúe siendo un motor de prosperidad y desarrollo sostenible en el siglo XXI.