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Publicación Acceso abierto Bilingualism for peace internship: my first approach to a second language, english(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-29) Madera González, Kevin de Jesús; Arango Arteaga, Andrés Felipe; Vega Calao, Yina MargaritaIn Colombia, teaching English is promoted on a mandatory basis, even though it is not taught correctly due to the lack of resources in public schools. As a consequence, there is a gap in the teaching-learning of the second language from the beginning of schooling. However, the internship process carried out in the Bilingualism for Peace program at the El Sabanal School consisted of teaching in-person and online classes to the students of the program with the aim of giving them the possibility of immersing themselves in their first contact with the language. English dynamically and provide them with the necessary support throughout the process. Therefore, this report describes my experience during my internship as an English teacher. To achieve this, I applied Task-Based learning to expand the students' vocabulary. Additionally, this document illustrates the findings and achievements related to the growth, personal improvements, and career advancement of my students.Publicación Acceso abierto CBI to promote conversation level students reading comprehension(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-01-17) Flórez Ubarnes, Laurent Yasmin; Paz Wechek, Martha Elvira; Galvan Garces, Olga LuciaEsta pasantía se realizó en la Institución Educativa Camilo Torres a través del programa Bilingüismo para la Paz. Esta pasantía tuvo como objetivo mejorar la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes del Nivel Conversacional, teniendo en cuenta que algunos de ellos están próximos a cursar el grado 11 y presentar su examen ICFES. Además, esta pasantía me ayudó a explorar y mejorar mis métodos de enseñanza y a darme cuenta que como docente no solo enseño gramática inglesa, sino que también puedo enseñar otras materias dentro de ella. Este trabajo describe el programa donde se realizó la pasantía, las pedagogías implementadas, la metodología, los resultados, conclusiones, recomendaciones y limitaciones de este significativo proceso en el cual tuve un crecimiento no solo profesional sino personal.Publicación Acceso abierto Implementation of team-based learning to promote a healthy coexistence at Bilingualism for Peace Program(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-15) Díaz Lora, Erick Jonay; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThe following report shows the internship experiences that took place in the Bilingualism for Peace Program at the moment of teaching 28 students from Pre-intermediate level aging 11 to 13 years old in a public school in Monteria, Cordoba. The goal of this internship was to implement collaborative learning work as well as strategies for English classes in order to promote a positive and inclusive classroom environment. This was done integrating Problem-Based-Learning (PBL) and Team-Based-Learning (TBL) as pedagogical strategies. The results showed improvements in student’s attitude towards collaborative work, leading into a more active and participative classroom space where all students’ voices were heard and accepted.Publicación Acceso abierto Implementation of the total physical response (TPR) teaching method as a way to maintain the attention of beginners students in the bilingualism for peace program.(2023-07-27) Pestana, Karen; Paz Wechek, MarthaThis paper is designed to inform and describe the internship process that took place at the Camilo Torres Educational Institution in Mocari. This process was carried out through the Bilingualism for Peace program with two groups of beginners which is the first level of the program. The main purpose of this internship was to implement strategies to motivate students to learn English in a fun and different way. Following the above, the objective was that the children could develop skills such as communication, teamwork and creativity while learning this second language. For this reason, teaching methods such as total physical response, kinesthetic learning and collaborative learning were implemented. Likewise, this internship report describes in a specific way the context in which the educational process was developed, the methodologies and strategies used, the results, conclusions, recommendations, limitations and appendices of the whole internship process.Publicación Acceso abierto Internship at bilingualism for peace of the University of Córdoba at Institución Educativa Cristóbal Colón(2020-06-13) Oquendo Loaiza, Jorge Luis; Paz Wechek, Martha ElviraThis internship was conducted at Institución Educativa Cristóbal Colón within the scope of the Bilingualism for Peace program. This internship had the purpose of giving me a real experience in teaching English to children as well improve students’ communicative skills and values. Furthermore, this internship helped me to reflect about my methodologies while teaching as well as to understand that teaching English helps to promote values and citizenship. A set of pedagogical theories are shown in this report for making the teaching process more structured. These pedagogies are the core elements for the unit and lesson planning process and were implemented in the development of the class. To highlight, these pedagogies are closely related to the program alignments which are the promotion of values and citizenship. Additionally, a unit and a lesson plan are deeply described. Finally. The conclusions, the recommendation and limitations are portrayed.Publicación Acceso abierto Internship at la Ribera School: Bilingualism for peace program(2023-07-28) Urbiñez Lozano, Angie Melissa; Tordecilla Zumaqué, Yurisan; Tordecilla Zumaqué, YurisanThis paper aims to present my internship experience in the Bilingualism for Peace Program, which was carried out through face-to-face classes at La Ribera High School in Monteria, Córdoba. I dedicated complete teaching English to 3 groups such as: Elementary, Intermediate, and Conversation level with students belonging to, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 grades. One of the major challenges encountered during this internship was the difficulty among students to achieve one of the program's objectives, which aimed to promote a peaceful environment and global social competences through the target language. It was clear that strong pedagogical strategies were needed to address these barriers, encourage active student participation, and promote oral interaction within the classroom, as well as intercultural awareness. This is why I considered the importance of integrating cultural elements, using innovative methods, and providing resources that stimulate their interest and motivation. Nevertheless, my principal purpose was focused on the implementation of role play as a didactic strategy through platforms such as TikTok to promote active learning where students found it easier to learn difficult concepts by simulating a scenario where they had to apply these concepts, all this through lesson plans based on Task-Based Language Teaching. Each of these classes had the main objective of encouraging more motivation by the student's part to question themselves but above all to respectfully address controversial issues, such as Racism, Diversity, Culture, Gender, Bullying, Inclusion, Diversity, and not least the fact of how to be a good human being in our society. All this accompanied by essential factors of the program such as Interculturality and all the values that go hand in hand with peace.Publicación Acceso abierto Promoting empathy and teamwork through the awareness of the sustainable development goals in conversation level learners(2023-07-18) Triviño Arango, Andrea Camila; Mendoza Bohorquez, Francisco MiguelThis paper describes my internship experience carried out at the Cristobal Colon Educational Institution. This internship was focused on the context of the Conversation course, which is the 7th and last level of the Bilingualism for Peace program. The main objective during my internship was to foster emotional competencies such as empathy and teamwork. To achieve this, I implemented three sustainable development goals during the classes, which were Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities and Climate Action. I also took into account the objectives of the Bilingualism for Peace program and the collaborative learning approach in the planning of the classes and the design of the activities. On the other hand, in this paper I will be addressing some aspects about this internship experience, such as the work methodology I put into practice during the classes and my teaching style based on the student centered, capable of interacting with peers to achieve personal and collaborative goals. Likewise, I will present the positive results I obtained during this internship both as a professional and as a person, as well as the gains of my students regarding their learning processes. Finally, I will share some conclusions about the internship journey, some limitations I experienced and how I overcame them, and also some recommendations for those students who are considering to opt for an internship.