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Publicación Acceso abierto Addressing personal challenges faced by mentees in their academic journey through the mentoring program at Universidad de Córdoba(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-09) Ruiz Polo, Yulia Zuria; Galván Garcés, Olga Lucia; Nieto Caballero, Jaime ArturoThis report presents my internship experience in the Mentoring Program at the Universidad de Córdoba, designed to facilitate the academic and social integration of transitioning students. This program supports the entry and permanence of students from the first to fifth semester whose academic needs are identified in English grammar and communication skills. Thirteen first-semester learners showed a lack in the areas of grammar, conversation, and listening during their first semester. These gaps stifled their growth, inhibiting their active class participation coupled with the presence of competitiveness, avoidance of routine behaviors, and low-status comparison among the mentored students and their classmates, leading to negative feelings toward peers and themselves, affecting their academic process as well. This frustration manifested in some mentees by imposing self-expectations and academic overload to reach the same communicative level as their benchmarked classmates, exacerbating personal issues that further impeded their academic progress during mentoring sessions. To address these challenges, the methodologies and strategies implemented included Motivational Strategies, Consideration of Learning Styles, and an Effective Feedback Approach. The combination of these techniques created a collaborative and engaging environment, allowing mentees to effectively address learning barriers while working towards a common academic goal with their mentor, which granted largely positive outcomes during the process. This environment fostered open communication channels for constructive feedback, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the mentorship.Publicación Acceso abierto Developing efl learners’ study habits to improve communicative skills under the “Mentoring” program at Universidad de Córdoba(2023-07-26) Gil Vergara, Kamila Susana; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Olga Lucía Galván GarcésThis report describes the internship accomplished at the University of Cordoba in the Foreign Language Teaching Program under the Student Academic Accompaniment and Mentoring Program. It is intended to prevent student dropout and to bring down the level of desertion to maintain and stimulate the permanency of the students in the program. 15 learners who were studying Grammar and Communication from novice to upper intermediate level enrolled from first to fifth semester, were identified and presented academic needs mainly regarding study habits which affected their academic performance; they lacked a plan to study appropriately to improve their communicative skills, they also had some difficulties concerning the use of grammar in writing and listening tasks. Add to this, students had personal problems which caused them to stop paying attention in class or to attend classes. As many of them worked sometimes they did not have time to get home to study and they simply could not concentrate in class due to external problems. The methodology applied was principally founded on professional development to measure the different needs teachers encounter at different stages of their career; collaborative and cooperative learning which let the mentor and the mentee work together to achieve a common goal; also, the development of study habits which lead the learners to create and domain a set of behaviors to study more proficiently, and the implementation of adapting methodologies. The results confirmed that mentees could not only improve their communicative skills, but also their academic records in some way, likewise they realized the importance of having a plan to track progress and set goals.Publicación Acceso abierto Enhancing listening skills through technology for fll(Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-07-03) Ramos Galvan Dilson Santiago; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Arango, AndresDuring my internship at Colegio Santa Teresita in San Pelayo, I focused on enhancing listening skills among secondary education students. Situated in an urban area catering primarily to socio-economically disadvantaged students, the school adopts a holistic approach to English language learning, integrating diverse pedagogies and educational technologies. As overseer of four ninth-grade groups, each comprising approximately 40 students, I tailored teaching practices to meet the unique needs of each group while fostering an inclusive and participatory learning atmosphere. This report sheds light on the challenges and strategies involved in adapting teaching methods within diverse educational contexts, emphasizing the importance of flexibility and creativity in educational practices.Publicación Acceso abierto Final internship report at the Language Center located in Universidad de Córdoba(2023-07-10) Bustamante, Vanesa; Bohórquez Rodríguez, Deimer David; Arango Arteaga, Andrés Felipe; Nieto Caballero, Jaime ArturoThis report aims to investigate the effectiveness and impact of Project-Based Learning (PBL) on the holistic development of children from ages 7 to 8. PBL is an innovative educational approach that engages students in authentic, hands-on projects to develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills, collaboration, and creativity. The report examines various dimensions of children's growth, including cognitive, social, emotional, and physical aspects. Key findings highlight that PBL positively influences children's cognitive abilities by fostering curiosity, self-directed learning, and knowledge application in real-world scenarios. The collaborative nature of PBL enhances social skills, including communication, teamwork, and leadership. Additionally, emotional intelligence and self-confidence are bolstered as children face challenges, receive constructive feedback, and experience the satisfaction of project completion.Publicación Acceso abierto Implementation of team-based learning to promote a healthy coexistence at Bilingualism for Peace Program(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-15) Díaz Lora, Erick Jonay; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThe following report shows the internship experiences that took place in the Bilingualism for Peace Program at the moment of teaching 28 students from Pre-intermediate level aging 11 to 13 years old in a public school in Monteria, Cordoba. The goal of this internship was to implement collaborative learning work as well as strategies for English classes in order to promote a positive and inclusive classroom environment. This was done integrating Problem-Based-Learning (PBL) and Team-Based-Learning (TBL) as pedagogical strategies. The results showed improvements in student’s attitude towards collaborative work, leading into a more active and participative classroom space where all students’ voices were heard and accepted.Publicación Acceso abierto Improving oral communication and listening skills under the national internship program at George’s Noble School(Universidad de Cordoba, 2024-07-08) Jiménez Royo, Eduardo José; Nieto Caballero, Jaime Arturo; Lordouy Arellano, Danilsa Del CarmenThis report describes my internship experience at George’s Noble School, which I carried out with preschool students in grade Green. The main objective of this internship was to improve oral communication and listening skills through different strategies where I tried to implement each one of them in the lesson plan I designed, and performed at school. In addition, this report shows the pedagogies, and methodologies that were used to complete my internship and gain the results, conclusions, limitations, and recommendations I wanted to share with future teachers.Publicación Acceso abierto Internship at public university: university of Córdoba, accompaniment and academic mentoring(2023-02-23) Nisperuza Salgado, Isley Patricia; Nieto Caballero, Jaime ArturoUniversity of Córdoba and the accompaniment and academic tutoring in the internship modality has allowed the teachers in training to explore a real-life context working with students belonging to the first levels of the undergraduate degree, that is, in the space between the first and fifth semester. of the degree in English in Monteria -Córdoba, with the purpose of applying different strategies and practices that help these students not to abandon their studies and feel the academic and psychological support of the faculty and the university well-being. Despite the fact that this was an innovative project, there were not many references that showed the guidelines for developing it, so various details were omitted that consequently led to several errors in its execution. To give continuity to the project, it was established to work on the design of a plan that was directed by the selected coordinators and teachers in training. The objective of this pedagogical report was to describe my experience of the methodological process through activities and lesson plans, which I used to help some students in communication and grammar courses of the English major. As well as the description of the activities carried out throughout the internship process. The approach based on modeling and gamification was used so that the classes were much more didactic and that the students could see the utility for a better acquisition of the language and also as enrichment for the teacher in this field of university education.Publicación Acceso abierto Promoting social justice with intermediate students at bilingualism for peace program(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-08) Martinez Pizarro Susana; García Montes, Paula Andrea; Nieto Caballero, Jaime ArturoThe following report shows my internship experience in the Bilingualism for Peace program belonging to the Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia in which 23 students between the ages of 11 and 15 who are in intermediate level participate. The goal of this internship is to introduce students to social justice issues such as gender equality and the rights of LGBTIQ+ communities through the second language. To carry out this process, the following question is asked: How can I include anti-racists topics in my EFL class? The development of the classes is done with a focus on critical pedagogy, anti-racist pedagogy and Problem based learning that allow to create a pleasant environment, where the student feels comfortable expressing their ideas. The results show significant development in critical thinking and respect of students toward other people.