Examinando por Autor "García Montes, Paula Andrea"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Affective engagement concerning belonging and investment in 6th graders in reading in the efl class(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-09) Hernández Montalvo, Andrea del Carmen; Sánchez Romero, Andrea Carolina; García Montes, Paula Andrea; Jerez Rodríguez, Sonia María; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloReading in English is a fundamental element for the academic and professional development of students as it allows for the acquisition of linguistic skills and opens doors to job opportunities. Therefore, engagement in reading in English is crucial to fostering a sense of belonging and investment in reading. This study described the sense of belonging and investment of sixth-grade students from a public school in Monteria through the analysis of their experiences with reading from primary to secondary school. This study used a narrative inquiry method to collect the students' stories related to reading and employed various data techniques such as students' written narratives that were collected during one writing session to research about students’ personal stories, nine interviews, and five observations, which allowed us to characterize the students' sense of belonging and investment in the English class. The findings of this research showed students’ sense of belonging and investment is very low concerning English reading. In turn, when reading in Spanish it drastically changes positively. For example, students' preferences in reading are not connected with their reading activities in classes. Results delved into a need for planning reading materials and strategies that are aligned with students’ reading narratives or experiences as well as the creation of an environment that provides diverse and interesting reading materials for them.Publicación Acceso abierto Deconstructing teachers’ discourse to promote inclusive solidarity relationship in mainstream classrooms(Universidad de Córdoba, 2022-08-27) Acosta Tirado, Ginary Marcela; García Montes, Paula AndreaEste estudio cualitativo implica un enfoque híbrido que incluye tanto como el análisis crítico del discurso y el discurso multimodal (ACDM). Su objetivo es explorar críticamente cómo la interacción derivada del discurso de un profesor de inglés como lengua extranjera promueve o dificulta las relaciones solidarias inclusivas en las aulas e informa los esfuerzos de educación inclusiva en los sectores educativos, en particular las aulas sobre los efectos potenciales del análisis del discurso y la multimodalidad para intervenir en la injusticia social y aprendizaje de EFL para todos. Este estudio abordó las siguientes preguntas: ¿De qué manera el discurso de los docentes promueve o no promueve las relaciones de solidaridad inclusive al interactuar con estudiantes diversos en un salón de clases de inglés como lengua extranjera? ¿De qué manera la reflexión de un maestro sobre su discurso genera oportunidades para relaciones de solidaridad inclusiva entre el maestro y los estudiantes? Con este fin, empleé observaciones, entrevistas semiestructuradas y recuerdos estimulados para revelar críticamente el discurso de los docentes cuando interactúan con estudiantes diversos en el aula regular. Los resultados de esta investigación incluyen: (1) demostración de solidaridad del docente y (2) demostración de falta de solidaridad (3) reflexión del docente sobre su discurso. Las implicaciones de esta investigación pueden alentar la autoreflexión de los docentes sobre su discurso para remodelarlo en una práctica más inclusiva.Publicación Acceso abierto Designing a lesson plan using multimodal digital composing to foster oral participation to a student with asd(2021-09-14) Buelvas Gutiérrez, Jully Zaitel; Lizarralde Ángel, María Paula; García Montes, Paula AndreaInclusion is one of the most challenging aspects in education, especially when teaching English as a second language to autistic students. This research aims to identify the elements, stages, steps, differentiations and adaptations that a multimodal digital composing lesson should have to foster oral participation in a student with ASD in a regular school in Montería. Data was collected through a questionnaire, an interview and document analysis. Findings of this study describes a lesson plan built on theories and perspectives concerning designing of Multimodal Digital Texts and guided by the students’ needs analysis. Finally, this study suggests teaching English through the content and the text from the general to the specific.Publicación Acceso abierto Exploring how a pre-service teacher builds a classroom discourse community(2023-07-06) Sánchez López, Camilo Andrés; García Montes, Paula AndreaThis study explored how an eighth-grade pre-service teacher in a public school in Monteria, Cordoba, built a classroom discourse community to promote student interaction and analyzed its implications on 8th graders' oral participation development. This study used an action research model by collecting data from ten observations before and during the implementation of the project. The findings of this study showed students ability to engage in more authentic interactions by being taught with the strategies proposed in the core practice called building a classroom discourse community. The study showed how the pre-service teacher engaged in this core practice provoking opportunities for students to interact among them and with the teacher using topics such as obesity. This research contributed to the literature on high-leverage teaching practices and their implementation in non-English speaking contexts, providing valuable insights for pre-service and experienced teachers, teacher educators, and students. The study underscored the importance of promoting oral participation in EFL classrooms and offers recommendations for incorporating high-leverage teaching strategies such as building a classroom discourse community to enhance students’ English language proficiency. The study also highlighted the possible benefits of the action research model, allowing pre-service teachers to reflect on their practice and transform their teaching realities.Publicación Acceso abierto Internship at bilingualism for peace program from University of Cordoba at la ribera school.(2020-06-06) Espitia Romero, Ana Gabriela; García Montes, Paula Andrea; González Rodríguez, EstefanyInternships are professional practicums carried out by university students, generally during the last years of the degree, to put into practice the knowledge and faculties learned in a real working context. Besides, the intern has the purpose of improving or solving a problem found in that context. My internship was developed in a program offered by the University of Cordoba, called Bilingualism for peace at la Ribera high school in Monteria, Cordoba. I was working with pre-intermediate level students. In this level the vast majority of students had difficulties in expressing themselves verbally (speaking skill). To improve this, I decided to base my teaching method on various pedagogies (PBL, culturally responsive pedagogy, and intrinsic motivation). Throughout this process, I grew as a teacher, and as a person; I realized how difficult and challenging is this job but, it is also rewarding to see students’ progress and how they got more interested in a subject.Publicación Acceso abierto Lived experiences of anxiety while participating in an english communication class: a phenomenological study(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-11) Machado Pineda, Nikolas Rafael; Monterroza Medina, Aura Cristina; Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo; Herazo Rivera, José David; García Montes, Paula AndreaThis study aimed to describe the lived experiences of two fourth-semester students struggling with FLA during speaking activities in a communication IV class. This study applies Giorgi's five-step method for conducting phenomenological analysis. Data collection methods included in-depth interviews and the use of a researcher’s diary. The analysis revealed four prominent themes from the data: The Outwardness of a speaking experience, Perceptions of the unknown of anxiety, The presence of a teacher as a figure of support, and Awareness of a latent experience. The results indicated that some university students of the English program are affected by FLA, specifically, during the development of speaking activities. Showing the different manifestations, causations, statements, reflections, and emotions of the participants that portrayed the phenomenon in essence. The research underscores the significance of awareness and sympathy for students struggling with FLA that affects their development and performance of a foreign language.Publicación Acceso abierto Promoting social justice with intermediate students at bilingualism for peace program(Universidad de Córdoba, 2024-07-08) Martinez Pizarro Susana; García Montes, Paula Andrea; Nieto Caballero, Jaime ArturoThe following report shows my internship experience in the Bilingualism for Peace program belonging to the Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia in which 23 students between the ages of 11 and 15 who are in intermediate level participate. The goal of this internship is to introduce students to social justice issues such as gender equality and the rights of LGBTIQ+ communities through the second language. To carry out this process, the following question is asked: How can I include anti-racists topics in my EFL class? The development of the classes is done with a focus on critical pedagogy, anti-racist pedagogy and Problem based learning that allow to create a pleasant environment, where the student feels comfortable expressing their ideas. The results show significant development in critical thinking and respect of students toward other people.Publicación Acceso abierto Simposio Internacional de Investigación Educativa y Pedagógica(Universidad de Córdoba, 2021, 2021-05) Caldera Quintero, María Julia; Pérez Siyag, Yina Paola; Castro De Rodríguez, Edy Luz; Pico Aycardi, Mercedes del Carmen; Sierra Llorente, Lenis Judith; Robles González, Juana Raquel; Ruiz Araujo, Dayro Antonio; Mercado Herazo, Andrés; Morales Escobar, Ibeth; Peinado Méndez, Arnaldo; Jerez Rodríguez, Sonia; Pérez Aguilar, Adriana Cristina; Jesús Salcedo, Orlenda Altagracia de; Serrata Taveras, Martha Oritiana; Cabrera Félix, Ceferina; Valero Peña, Anny Leidys; Avilez Aguas, Francisco Antonio; Arroyo Ensuncho, Diana Cristina; Becerra Posada, Tatiana; Oviedo Acosta, Antonio; Pérez Salcedo, Maryuris Vanessa; Hoyos Carvajal, Maura Paola; Martínez Garcés, María Fernanda; Segura Bermúdez, Ludwig Isabel; Toro García, Zaily Patricia del; Villar Ortega, Dina; López Conde, Nataly; Blanquicet Arrieta, Diana Sofía; Barrera Sierra, José Pantaleón; Vergara Ibarra, Brianda Isabel; Vergara Vergara, Yisenia Lucía; Álvarez Cantero, Liana; Sánchez Sánchez, José Antonio; Manjarrez Villalba, Osvaldo Enrique; Albán Villarreal, Miriam; Díaz Valentierra, Maria Dorila; Baquero Escobar, María Andrea; Doria Correa, Rudy; Benjumea Loaiza, Cetty Carlos; Vélez Vélez, Jesús Andrés; Elis Cogollo, Emilio; Balaguera Ortiz, Ezequías; Peñaranda Bastidas, Jesús Alberto; Fragozo Soto, José Tomas; Redondo Marin, Miladys Paola; Martínez Mendoza, Cinthya Inés; Mejía Rodríguez, Dilia Elena; Múnera Cavadías, Liris; Arrieta Pérez, Ledys Alcira; Taborda Caro, María Alejandra; Ojeda Pertuz, Decired; Gómez Díaz, Neisa Del Carmen; Montes Miranda, Alexander Javier; Parra Martínez, Elaine Patricia; Espriella Arenas, Fernando de la; Gómez Gutiérrez, Rosa Beatriz; Guerra Muñoz, Martha; Rodríguez Núñez, Yamira; Canchila Salcedo, Olga Lucia; Pacheco Lora, Martha Cecilia; Bernal Martínez, Mirna Patricia; Figueroa Molina, Roberto Enrique; Cuadrado Galán, Melba Rosa; Mallarino Miranda, Nadia; Martínez Morad, Katia; Sagre Hernández, Clara Inés; Rodríguez Garrido, Esteban; Herazo Rivera, José David; García Montes, Paula Andrea; Guerra Meza, Pedro; Iriarte Pupo, Alberto Jesús; Ortega Pérez, Yessica Dallana; Estrada Soto, Lizeth Paola; Bustamante de Hoyos, Dairo de Jesus; Fúnez Chávez, Paulo Emilio; Herrán Cardoso, Luis Antonio; Guayara Ramírez, Mauren Andrés; Vergara Rodríguez, Jimmy Alexander; Moura da Silva, Gabriella; Campos Ferreira, Nilce Vieira; Rosa Rosa, Leida de la; Santuario Rada, Elia Marina; Peinado Ballestero, Jorge Carlos; Saavedra Bautista, Claudia Esperanza; Matallana Rodríguez, Dijibath Valentina; Medina Jaime, Karen Dayana; Verbel González, Gina Violeta; Portorreal García, Sandy Reynaldo; Osiris Sosa, Atlas; Gilberto López, Rudy; Rojas Pinzón, Nataly Ginnette; Campos Ferreira, Nilce Vieira; Rosales Yepes, Amalfi Alejandra; Montes Miranda, Alexander; Figueroa Gutiérrez, Vladimir; Alemán Romero, Arnovis; Villarreal Contreras, Rainer; Salas Álvarez, Daniel José; Vergara Pérez, Belkis; Santos, Junior Cézar Lopes dos; Campos Ferreira, Nilce Vieira; Ovalle Ramírez, Claudia Patricia; Méndez Losada, María Fernanda; Sierra Pineda, Isabel Alicia; Castañeda-Peña, Harold; Méndez, Pilar; Guerrero, Carmen Helena; González Zapa, María Victoria; Román Pérez, Becky; Barboza Rodríguez, Juan Alberto; Castro Gordillo, Walter Fernando; Castellanos Ramos, Carolina; Acosta Pérez, José Luis; Barboza Rodríguez, Juan Alberto; Acosta García, María Andrea; Chima Arroyo, Daniel David; Ramos Buelvas, Keila Paola; Villadiego Alvarez, Atahualpa; Mercado Aguado, Claudia; Thorné Torné, Roberto; Pérez Cerro, Daniel Antonio; González Monroy, Luis Alfredo; Sánchez Fontalvo, Iván Manuel; Pérez Caicedo, Aura Marcela; Hoz Suárez, Delia de la; Peña Almeida, Róbinson Rafael; Peñata Doria, Leidy Sofía; Díaz Better, Heider Ramiro; Eusse López, Cleiber; Llerena García, Ernesto; Caro Piñares, Manuel; Escobar Guerra, Liliana María; Hernández Arteaga, Isabel; Uribe Londoño, Henry David; Badel Gómez, Milton Fabian; Daza Morales, Nathaly Sofía; Ariza Jiménez, Evis Danith; Kerguelén Soto, Jesús Fernando; Llorente Vergara, Luisa Fernanda; Pacheco Lora, Luis Carlos; Rosa López, Juan Gabriel de la; Andrade Guerra, Camilo Andrés; Guerra Muñoz, Martha Esther; Madera Santos, Silvia Susana; Ruíz Martínez, Nasly María; Viloria Miranda, Ángel Segundo; Gordillo, Heidy Esperanza; Vargas Arteaga, Jacob; Cuarto Simposio Internacional de Investigación Educativa y Pedagógica;El 4º. Simposio Internacional de Investigación Educativa y Pedagógica de la Red SUE Caribe, es un encuentro que reúne periódicamente a académicos nacionales y extranjeros de reconocida presencia y trayectoria, a estudiantes de maestría y doctorado y a maestros investigadores, que se concentran durante las jornadas agendadas del evento. Se constituye así un escenario propicio para la socialización de resultados de investigación, la reflexión y el debate alrededor de asuntos actuales en educación, pedagogía, psicología del aprendizaje, sobre las didácticas emergentes tecnología aplicada a la gestión de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje y en relación con el desarrollo humano y social.Publicación Acceso abierto Using genre based approach for the reading mangas to improve reading comprehension skills in the online efl class. genre based pedagogy(2020-11-24) Maldonado Fernández, Diego Felipe; Pérez Fuentes, Samuel Enrique; García Montes, Paula AndreaTeachers are requested to develop students' reading comprehension ability, so they can understand, debate and propose ideas based on texts they read in class. However, in some of our school contexts and during our observations we could recognize that students tend to perceive texts as long and boring, Moreover, activities students engage in are mostly to search for literal information and vocabulary answers in texts. This research focused on addressing students’ needs concerning reading by using genre-based pedagogy and mangas as texts in an EFL context. This study also sought to describe the possible affordances that might be observed on 8thh graders´ after being taught with GBP and mangas, as well as exploring how it provoked some changes in students´ negative feelings towards reading in the EFL class. Results from the study showed that knowledge of genre and interaction with its components helped students understand the story in the Manga, read a new manga by their own and answer genre questions about it. The study also showed how some of the students felt comfortable when reading after being taught with GBP.