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Publicación Acceso abierto Análisis del impacto del IVA sobre la canasta familiar de los hogares de la ciudad de Ciénaga de Oro, Colombia(2022-03-25) Dager Serpa, Álvaro Javier; Anaya Narváez, Alfredo R.The objective of this work is to analyze the impact of the Value Added Tax - VAT on the family basket of households and/or families in the city of Ciénaga de Oro, Colombia. This will be done based on the corresponding bibliographic review and supported with the information obtained through the application of a household survey in that city. The results reveal low labor income of the households in Ciénaga de Oro, which leads to restrictions in consumption deepened by the VAT burden. In addition to the above, a low educational level of the heads of households was observed, and 41.3% of them were unaware of the topic of consumption taxes, and within the group that indicates that they are aware of this topic, 84.3% perceive the negative impact of VAT on consumption, which is why this population considers that it negatively affects their welfare and quality of life and therefore agree that this tax should be eliminated through a tax reform. It is therefore concluded that training programs on this issue should be carried out, as well as an in-depth review of the impact of VAT on the family basket of strata 1 and 2 and the expansion of higher education coverage in order to enable higher labor income in low-income households.Publicación Acceso abierto Ingresos y pobreza de los hogares de estrato bajos en la ciudad de Montería(2020-12-18) Julio Verona, Esteban David; Anaya Narváez, Alfredo R.The study of family income and monetary poverty are closely related because the former is the basis for measuring the latter. This paper shows the economic reality of individuals and households in strata 0 [subnormal], 1 and 2 in the city of Montería. Its aim is to describe the economic situation of households in the lower strata of the city of Montería through income and poverty, and to conduct analyses on the socioeconomic characteristics of both the households and the head of household that can help explain the behavior of these two variables; To this end, a survey was designed and applied in 2018 of the DANE quality of life type to 379 households in the lower strata of the city of Montería. The results obtained reveal that the highest poverty rates are found in the lower strata and that this is accompanied by lower income from greater labor informality and lower educational levels; therefore, government intervention is necessary through effective policies that directly address the causes of this situation.Publicación Acceso abierto Perspectivas socioeconómicas de Montería: presupuesto y financiación de los hogares(Fondo Editorial - Universidad de Córdoba, 2022-10-15) Anaya Narváez, Alfredo R.El bienestar económico de los individuos y de las comunidades depende del acceso a bienes y servicios que les permitan, por una parte, satisfacer sus necesidades materiales y, por otro lado, disfrutar de una buena calidad de vida. En efecto, la teoría económica del bienestar, propuesta por la escuela neoclásica, se fundamenta en el propósito que tienen los diferentes agentes económicos de optimizar sus funciones objetivo; que para el caso de los consumidores [individuos, familias u hogares] se remite al deseo de maximizar su función de utilidad [o elección óptima] proveniente de las cantidades de bienes y servicios que consume, sujeto a su restricción presupuestal, es decir a sus ingresos o rentas monetarias.